- Antoine Claudet
Antoine François Jean Claudet (
August 12 ,1797 -December 27 ,1867 ), was a French photographer andartist who produceddaguerreotype s. He was born inLyon , was active inGreat Britain and died inLondon . He was a student ofLouis Daguerre .Having acquired a share in L. J. M. Daguerre's invention, he was one of the first to practice
daguerreotype portraiture inEngland , and he improved the sensitizing process by usingchlorine (instead ofbromine ) in addition toiodine , thus gaining greater rapidity of action. He also invented the red (safe) dark-room light, and it was he who suggested the idea of using a series of photographs to create the illusion of movement. The idea of using painted backdrops is also attributed to him.From 1841 to 1851 he operated a studio on the roof of the Adelaide Gallery (now the Nuffield Centre), behind St. Martin's in the Fields church,
London . He opened subsequent studios at the Colosseum in Regent's Park (1847-1851) and at 107 Regent Street (1851-1867).In 1848 he produced the
photographometer , an instrument designed to measure the intensity of photogenic rays; and in 1849 he brought out the focimeter, for securing a perfect focus in photographic portraiture. He was elected a fellow of theRoyal Society in 1853, and in 1858 he produced thestereomonoscope , in reply to a challenge from Sir David Brewster. In 1851 he moved his business to 107 Regent Street, where he established what he called a "Temple to Photography."Claudet received many honours, among which was the appointment, in 1853, as "Photographer-in-ordinary" to Queen Victoria, and the award, ten years later, of an honor from
Napoleon III of France . Sadly, less than a month after his death, his "Temple to photography" was burnt down, and most of his most valuable photographic treasures were lost.He died in London.
* [http://authorities.loc.gov/webvoy.htm Anglo-American Name Authority File, s.v. "Claudet, A.", LC Control Number nr 88000067, cited 10 February 2006]
* [http://www.getty.edu/vow/ULANFullDisplay?find=Claudet%2C+Antoine&role=&nation=&prev_page=1&subjectid=500024177 Union List of Artists Names, s.v. "Claudet, Antoine", cited 10 February 2006]
* [http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/C/ClaudetA/claudet.htm A brief biography of Antoine Claudet]
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