Mian Sarfraz Kalhoro (Khudayar Khan)

Mian Sarfraz Kalhoro (Khudayar Khan)

Mian Sarfraz Kalhoro (Khudayar Khan) (urdu) ميان سرفراز محمد خان کلھوڑو نواب المعروف خدايارخان  : was the famous king of the Kalhora Dynasty that ruled Sindh from 1701 to 1783.

The Rule of Mián Muhammad Sarafráz Khán

Muhammad Sarafráz Khán confirmed by the new king with the title of “Khudáyár Khán.” The next day after Mián Ghulám Sháh’s death his son Mián Muhammad Sarafráz Khán was placed on the throne of Sind with the unanimous consent of the nobility of the Fakírs, or followers of the late Mián. Taimúr Sháh, the new king, hastened to send a robe of honour with his sanad confirming the new ruler with the title of “Khudáyár Khán” in addition to his father’s title. The Derahs were also attached to him. Mián Muhammad Sarafráz Khan therefore prepared to go in that direction and started about the close of Zulhajj of the same year 1186 A.H. (1772 A.D.) He had to spend some months in settling the affairs of the Derhas, and on the 12th of Rabíussání, 1187 A.H. (1773 A.D.) he returned to Haidarábád.


This article includes content derived from "History of Sind - translated from Persian books" by Mirza Kalichbeg Fredunbeg (1853-1929), published in Karachi in 1902 and now in the public domain.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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