Maydl's hernia

Maydl's hernia

A Maydl's hernia (Hernia-in-W) is rare type of hernia and may be lethal if unrecognized. The hernial sac contains two loops of bowel with another loop of bowel being intra-abdominal. A loop of bowel in the form of 'W lies in the hernial sac and the centre portion of the 'W loop may become strangulated and lies within the abdominal cavity, either alone or in combination with bowel in the hernial sac.[1] It is more often seen in men, and predominantly on the right side. Maydl's hernia should be suspected in patients with large incarcerated herniae and in patients with evidence of intra-abdominal strangulation or peritonitis. Postural or manual reduction of the hernia is contra-indicated as it may result in non-viable bowel being missed.[2]


  1. ^ Publishers, Jaypee Brothers, Medical; Sriram Bhat M (2007-01-01). Srb's Manual of Surgery by Bhat. Jaypee Brothers Publishers. ISBN 9788180618475. 
  2. ^ Ganesaratnam, M. (1985-09-01). "Maydl's hernia: report of a series of seven cases and review of the literature". British Journal of Surgery 72 (9): 737–738. doi:10.1002/bjs.1800720922. ISSN 1365-2168. 

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