Markus Casey

Markus Casey

Markus Casey, Irish Archaeologist, 1957-2008.

Casey was born in Dublin and educated in Galway. He graduated with an Honors Degree in Archaeology and Classical Civilization. His work in aerial photography demonstrated how such study should be undertaken in the modern era, as his research demonstrated that dozens of Irish ring forts and other sites - many previously unknown - were not included on the Ordnance Survey Maps of Ireland, which still regarded as crucial for any Irish archaeologist.

He was killed in plane crash at Kilmovee, County Mayo, in 2008, survived by "his twelve year old son, Tim, his mother Erika, his brother and sisters, and his good friend Eithne.

Select bibliography

  • The coastal Promontory Forts of Ireland, thesis, September 1999
  • Excavationat the Promontory Fort at Doonamo, Aughernacallaigh, Co. Mayo, Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society, Volume 51, 1999, pp6576.
  • Aerial Reconnaissance, in Archaeology Ireland, volume 17, 2003, pp3033.
  • Review of Eagles Over Ireland:Athenry and Flying Fortress 1943 by Paul Browne, pp24445, Journal of G.A.& H.S., 2004.
  • Markus Casey, M.A. (19572008), obituary by Etienne Rynne, Journal of the G.A. &. H.S., Volume 60, 2008, pp230232