Margot Tomes

Margot Tomes

Margot Ladd Tomes (10 August 1917[1] - 25 June 1991[2]) was an artist and children's book illustrator. In 1977 Jack and the Wonder Beans, which she illustrated was cited by The New York Times as one of the best Children's books of the year; a feat she repeated in 1984 with If There Were Dreams to Sell.


Life and career

She was born in Park Hill, Yonkers, New York City cousin of painter Guy Pène du Bois and illustrator William Pène du Bois. She grew up in rural Nassau County. Before illustrating books she designed wallpaper and fabric. In 1959 she illustrated her first book The Breaking Point by Daphne du Maurier before specialising in children's books from 1963; illustrating over 60 during her career.[3] They included books by Jean Fritz (Homesick:My Own Story winning a Newbery Honor), Judith St. George and Aileen Fisher.



  • Fifth Book of Junior Authors & Illustrators, vol. 36, pp. 186-190.
  • Illustrators of Children's Books: 1957-1966, p. 182.
  • Something About the Author, vol. 36, pp. 186-190.

External links

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