Jean Fritz

Jean Fritz

Jean Guttery Fritz, born November 16, 1915, is an American children's author and biographer.


Jean Guttery was born to American missionaries in Hankow, China, where she lived for the next thirteen years and, to ease the loneliness of being an only child, kept a journal. She came to the United States and in 1937 graduated from Wheaton College. In 1941 she married Michael Fritz. She has two children, David and Andrea. She currently lives in Dobbs Ferry, New York..


Fritz's writing career started with the publication of several short stories in Humpty Dumpty magazine in the early 1950s. In 1954, her first book, "Bunny Hopwell's First Spring" was published, followed in 1955 by "121 Pudding Street", a work that is said to draw from the lives and characters of her children. ["The Continuum Encyclopedia of Children's Literature", Bernice E. Cullinan, Diane G. Person, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2005, ISBN 0826417787] She often wrote Westerns or stories of old America because her father would tell her stories of American heroes as she was growing up. Eventually she published her autobiography, "Homesick, My Own Story" in 1982 and won the Newbery Honor citation the following year. Her hard work for children earned her the 1986 Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal. []


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