
Origin Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Genres Indie pop, Indie folk
Years active 2007 - present
Labels Discmedi
Arnau Vallvé
Martí Maymó
Roger Padilla
Guillem Gisbert

Manel is an indie pop band from Barcelona who sing in Catalan. They released their first album in 2008. They describe their musical style as a synthesis of pop and folk music.[1][2][3] Critics have linked their style to that of other Catalan-speaking musicians such as Pau Riba, Jaume Sisa, and Antònia Font.[2][4][5]



Guillem Gisbert.
Martí Maymó.

The members of Manel met while attending Costa i Llobera school in Barcelona.[1] They first came to public attention as finalists in the 2007 Sona9 music competition, in which they were awarded the Premi Joventut. With the prize money they were able to cover the production costs of their debut album,[1][6] Els millors professors europeus (The Best European Professors), whose title alludes to a lyric of the song Pla quinquennal. The album, recorded at Estudis Nòmada 57 between June and October 2007 and produced by Discmedi, was released the following year to critical acclaim.[3][4][5][7][8][9] The Catalan magazine Enderrock pronounced it the best pop-rock album of the year.[10] In its issue of January 2009, Rockdelux described it as the third best Spanish album of the previous year, while the magazine MondoSonoro rated it the seventh-best.[11]

The video for Dona estrangera, directed by Sergi Pérez Mañas, was awarded the prize for best video at the 2008 Cinemad festival.[12]

Apart from the songs featured on Els millors professors europeus, the group's repertoire includes cover versions of No t'enyoro by Els Pets,[13] La Tortura by Shakira, and Common People by Pulp.[14]

Their second album, from which two songs (Aniversari and Boomerang) were released in February 2011, went on sale on 15 March 2011 titled 10 milles per veure una bona armadura. In ten days, it became the best-selling album in Spain.[15]

Roger Padilla.
Arnau Vallvé.


  • Arnau Vallvé: vocals, percussion.
  • Martí Maymó: vocals, bass, double bass, clarinet, recorder.
  • Roger Padilla: vocals, guitar, banjo, melodica, mandolin, ukulele.
  • Guillem Gisbert: lead vocals, ukulele.


  • 10 milles per veure una bona armadura (2011)
  1. Benvolgut, 4:15.
  2. La cançó del soldadet, 3:57.
  3. El gran salt, 3:21.
  4. Boomerang, 5:07.
  5. La bola de cristall, 4:11.
  6. Aniversari, 4:29.
  7. Flor groga, 3:57.
  8. Criticarem les noves modes de pentinats, 6:06.
  9. El Miquel i l'Olga tornen, 3:39.
  10. Deixa-la, Toni, deixa-la, 6:22.
  • Els millors professors europeus (2008)
  1. "En la que el Bernat se't troba", 4:19.
  2. "Avís per a navegants", 2:46.
  3. "Ai, Dolors", 3:19.
  4. "Pla quinquennal", 2:58.
  5. "Roma", 3:45.
  6. "Captatio benevolentiae", 4:19.
  7. "Nit freda per ser abril", 4:21.
  8. "Al mar!", 3:28.
  9. "Els guapos són els raros", 3:38.
  10. "Dona estrangera", 3:59.
  11. "Ceràmiques Guzmán", 3:23.
  12. "Corrandes de la parella estable", 7:15.

See also


  1. ^ a b c Diario El País, ed (16-11-2008). "Manel presenta credenciales". Retrieved 2009-02-24. 
  2. ^ a b, ed (10-12-2008). "Manel i els millors professors europeus" (in catalán). Retrieved 2009-02-23. 
  3. ^ a b Diario El Mundo, ed (12-12-2008). "El 'pop-folk' de barretina" (in catalán). Retrieved 2009-03-16. 
  4. ^ a b Mandarina Magazine, ed (15-12-2008). "Manel — Els millors professors europeus". Retrieved 2009-02-24. 
  5. ^ a b "Manel: ‘Els millors professors europeus’" (in catalán). Retrieved 15 de junio de 2009. 
  6. ^, ed (22-11-2007). "Ells sí que es diuen Manel!" (in catalán). Retrieved 2009-02-23. 
  7. ^ El Periódico, ed (09-01-2009). "Manel o la fugaz ilusión de un mundo en orden". Retrieved 2009-02-24. 
  8. ^ Joan S. Luna (14-11-2008). "Disco de Manel, Els millors professors europeus". In MondoSonoro. Retrieved 2009-03-15. 
  9. ^ González, Abel (23 de marzo de 2009). "El boom del pop en catalán". Retrieved 15 de junio de 2009. 
  10. ^ Revista Enderrock, ed (31-12-2008). "Les cançons tel·lúriques de Roger Mas, millor disc de l'any segons la crítica" (in catalán). Retrieved 2009-02-24. 
  11. ^ Revista MondoSonoro, ed. "Resumen discos 2008". Retrieved 2009-02-24. 
  12. ^ Cinemad 08. XIV Festival de cine independiente y de culto, ed. "Palmarés". Retrieved 2009-02-24. 
  13. ^ "Manel — No t'enyoro". 17-01-2009. Retrieved 2009-10-15. 
  14. ^ "Fenómeno musical en catalán". 30 de septiembre de 2009. Retrieved 30 de septiembre de 2009. 
  15. ^ "Manel fa història convertint-se en el primer grup català que es situa en el número 1 de vendes de l'Estat". 

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