Malino Conference

Malino Conference
This article is part of the
History of Indonesia series
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See also:
Timeline of Indonesian History
Early kingdoms
Kutai (4th century)
Tarumanagara (358669)
Kalingga (6th7th century)
Srivijaya (7th13th centuries)
Sailendra (8th9th centuries)
Sunda Kingdom (6691579)
Medang Kingdom (7521045)
Kediri (10451221)
Singhasari (12221292)
Majapahit (12931500)
The rise of Muslim states
Spread of Islam (12001600)
Sultanate of Ternate (1257present)
Malacca Sultanate (14001511)
Sultanate of Demak (14751548)
Aceh Sultanate (14961903)
Sultanate of Banten (15261813)
Mataram Sultanate (1500s1700s)
European colonization
The Portuguese (15121850)
Dutch East India Co. (16021800)
Dutch East Indies (18001942)
The emergence of Indonesia
National awakening (19081942)
Japanese occupation (194245)
National revolution (194550)
Independent Indonesia
Liberal democracy (195057)
Guided Democracy (195765)
Start of the New Order (196566)
The New Order (196698)
Reformasi era (1998present)
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The Dutch organised a conference in the Sulawesi town of Malino in July 1946 as part of their attempt to arrange a federal solution for Indonesia. From the end of World War II, Indonesian Republicans had been trying to secure Indonesian Independence from the Dutch colonial control.

COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM De conferentie met 39 vertegenwoordigers van Borneo en de Grote Oost en Nederland onder leiding van Van Mook voor de vorming van een federaal Indonesië in Malino op Celebes TMnr 10000220.jpg

The Dutch invited thirty-nine Indonesian representatives of the local rulers (rajas), Christians, and several other ethnic groups of Kalimantan and East Indonesia who supported the idea of some form of continuing Dutch connection. However, the Dutch had not anticipated the level of support amongst the Indonesians for genuine autonomy. The conference resulted in plans for a state in Kalimantan and another for East Indonesia.


  • Ricklefs, M.C. (1993). A History of Modern Indonesia Since c1300. San Francisco: Stanford University Press. p224. 

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