
Grape (Vitis)
Color of berry skin Blanc
Species Vitis vinifera
Also called see list of synonyms
Origin Greece

Malagousia or Malagouzia (Greek Μαλαγουζιά) is a white Greek wine grape that was virtually extinct until Domaine Carras in the late 20th century began to cultivate this ancient variety for varietal wine production. The grape is highly aromatic and has the potential to produce soft, elegant wines.[1]


Malagousia is also known under the synonyms Malagouzia, Malagoyzia, Malaouzia, Malaoyzia, Melaouzia, and Melaoyzia.[2]


  1. ^ J. Robinson Jancis Robinson's Wine Course Third Edition pg 113 Abbeville Press 2003 ISBN 0-7892-0883-0
  2. ^ Malagouzia, Vitis International Variety Catalogue, accessed 2010-12-03

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