Magnitogorsk State University

Magnitogorsk State University
Magnitogorsk State University
Магнитогорский государственный университет

Logo of the Magnitogorsk State University
Motto Классическое образование - гарант вашего будущего!
Established 1932
Type Public
Rector Vladimir Semenov
Students 18,000
Location Magnitogorsk, Russia Russia
Campus urban

Magnitogorsk State University (MaSU) (Russian: Магнитого́рский госуда́рственный университе́т, МаГУ, Magnitogórskiy gosudárstvennyy universitét) — Classical University. Founded on 1 October 1932.



Nowadays, MaSU is rapidly acquiring features of a true classical university. In the last 10 years Magnitogorsk University has made a quantum leap forward and become a powerful centre of training teachers in the South Ural region.

Today the University comprises 14 departments and 59 chairs where more than 700 teachers work. There are more than 60% of Candidates and Doctors of sciences. Well-developed material technical base of the University provides advancing knowledge, education, learning, and research as it includes a lot of auditoriums, computer and language laboratories, specialized laboratories equipped in accordance with modern requirements, the Publishing Complex, the Sports Centre and comfortable student hostels. Nearly 2 dozen computer laboratories are united in a common computer network and connected to the Internet, web-server (, that offers the information about the University.

In fact today MaSU presents a university complex comprising the University itself, the Lycee, the Department of refresher training and professional retraining, the South Ural Centre for monitoring the education system and the Institution of Pedagogy.


  • 14 departments
  • 59 chairs
  • 55 areas and specialities of higher professional education, 21 of them - Baccalaureate
  • 27 programmes for supplementary education required in the region

University buildings

8 buildings, 4 hostels, a Sports Centre

The main University building, the Painting building, the Department of Technology building, the Department of Psychology building, the Institution of Pedagogy building, the South Ural Centre for monitoring the education system building, the Lycee of MaSU building, the Sports Centre building.


  • 18000 students of full-time and part-time courses
  • over 700 students get supplementary education which allows them to adapt to market conditions
  • over 1000 learners of Refresher courses and professional retraining
  • 90% of the university graduates stay in the region. Since 2003 the number of graduates has increased from 1700 to 2634 people (more than 1,5 time). There was established a Centre for employment of graduates.

Educational programmes

Programmes for higher professional education:

  • Specialization
  • Undergraduate courses
  • Postgraduate courses
  • Preparatory courses

Programmes for supplementary education:

  • Professional retraining for executives and specialists in accordance with the profile of basic educational programmes
  • Refresher training for executives and specialists in accordance with the profile of basic educational programmes
  • Undergraduate courses

There has been developed a system of getting a second higher education at University

Teaching staff

Training process is provided by 664 teachers:

  • 67 Doctors of sciences
  • 425 Candidates of sciences
  • 24 members of the Union of Artists of Russia
  • 13 members of the Union of Designers
  • 21 elected teachers of the public academies


  • Postgraduate studies and doctoral studies in 16 specialities (170 learners)
  • 3 Dissertation councils (from 40 to 90 learners get the degree of Candidate or Doctor of sciences every year)
  • Fundamental and applied scientific researches in 21 scientific fields


Department of Physics-mathematics

Specialization (5 years)
080116.65Mathematical methods in economics
010501.65Applied mathematics and computer science
50201.65Mathematics with an additional courses "Computer Science"
050203.65Physics with an additional courses "Computer Science"
Baccalaureate (4 years)
010500.62Applied mathematics and computer science
050200.62Physics-mathematics education (profile - physics)
  • Chair of algebra and geometry
  • Chair of mathematical analysis
  • Chair of applied mathematics and computer facilities
  • Chair of physics and its teaching methods
  • Chair of mathematical methods in economics

Computer science Department

Specialization (5 years)
080801.65Applied computer science in economics
050202.65Computer science
Baccalaureate (4 years)
080700.62Business and computer science
  • Chair of computer science
  • Chair of information system
  • Chair of information technologies
  • Chair of applied computer science.

Department of Philology

Specialization (5 years)
050301.65Russian language and literature
031401.65Cultural science
Baccalaureate (4 years)
  • Chair of general linguistics and language history
  • Chair of Russian language
  • Chair of journalism and speech communication
  • Chair of Russian classical literature
  • Chair of Russian literature of 20 century of the name of professor Zamansky
  • Chair of the newest Russian literature
  • Chair of cultural science and foreign literature

Department of Theoretical and Applied Interpretation

Specialization (5 years)
031201.65Theory and methods of teaching of foreign languages and cultures
031202.65Theoretical and applied interpretation (English, German, French languages)
  • Chair of theoretical and applied interpretation
  • Chair of English language
  • Chair of German language
  • Chair of French language

Historical Department

Specialization (5 years)
Baccalaureate (4 years)
050400.62Socio-economic education
  • Chair of Ancient and the Middle Ages history
  • Chair of new and the newest history
  • Chair of history of Russia

Department of Preschool Education

Specialization (5 years)
050703.65Preschool pedagogy and psychology
Baccalaureate (4 years)
  • Chair of preschool pedagogy and psychology
  • Chair of physical education of preschool children
  • Chair of management of education

Department of Social Work

Specialization (5 years)
040101.65Social work
Baccalaureate (4 years)
040100.62Social work
  • Chair of theory and teaching methods of social work
  • Chair of social pedagogy

Department of Psychology

Specialization (5 years)
  • Chair of general psychology
  • Chair of social psychology
  • Chair of developmental psychology and physiology

Department of Technology

Specialization (5 years)
261001.65Materials and design
260902.65Design Clothing
050502.65Technology and business
Baccalaureate (4 years)
050500.62Technological education
  • Chair of general technical disciplines
  • Chair of theory and teaching methods of professional education
  • Chair of advertising and art design
  • Chair of decorative applied technologies

Economics and Management Department

Specialization (5 years)
080507.65Management of enterprise
Baccalaureate (4 years)
050400.62Socio-economic education
  • Chair of business and economics
  • Chair of management

Department of Pedagogy and Teaching Methods of Primary Education

Specialization (5 years)
050708.65Pedagogy and teaching methods of primary education
050715.65Speech therapy
100103.65Socio-cultural service and tourism
032001.65Documentation and documental maintenance of management
Baccalaureate (4 years)
  • Chair of speech therapy and teaching methods of improving work
  • Chair of Russian language, literature and their teaching methods
  • Chair of mathematics, natural-science disciplines and their teaching methods
  • Chair of pedagogy and psychology of primary education

Department of the Fine Arts and Design

Specialization (5 years)
050602.65Fine arts
070801.65Decorative-applied arts
070603.65Interior design
  • Chair of painting
  • Chair of descriptive geometry and graphics
  • Chair of drawing
  • Chair of theory of art education
  • Chair of design
  • Chair of art metal and ceramics
  • Chair of suit design and art textiles

The Department of Refresher Training and Professional Retraining

The main directions: refresher training and professional retraining of the specialists, organized in different forms: refresher training courses (short courses, from 72 to 100 hours; advanced courses, from 100 to 250 hours); problem seminars, business training, professional retraining of the executives and specialists (more than 500 hours) in accordance with the profile of the University, a second higher education.

The Department of the Individual Specialization

The Department provides practical oriented specialization in psychological and pedagogical, scientific and economic directions. Annually students enrol for 18 courses (from 240 to 560 hours). Updating of courses occurs on the basis of marketing of requirements of a labour market and individual inquiries of students

The structure of the department:
  • Psychological and Pedagogical Faculty
  • Art and Creative Faculty
  • Preparatory Courses
  • Analytical and Vocational Centre
  • The Centre for Employments of the Graduates

International Cooperation

TEMPUS: 144853-TEMPUS-2008-FR-JPHES "Develop a framework of qualifications for the system of higher education in the Ural region"

Seventh Framework (FP7) for European Commission:
  • Health
  • Environment
  • Socio-economic science and humanities

PIC (Participant Identification code) for the legal entity MaSU: 997334795

Cooperation with Universities

  • First University of Rennes
  • Centre of archaeological researches (Gerona France)
  • Toronto University (Canada)
  • French archaeological school in Athens
  • University of Mass (Italy)
  • Bucharest University (Romania)
  • Central European University (Budapest, Hungary)
  • Arkansas Central University (USA)
  • National Museum of Denmark
  • German service of academic changes (DAAD)
  • "Computer Associates" company (USA)
  • Goethe-Institute (Munich, Germany)
  • University of Hanover (Germany)

Student life


At students' disposal there is a Sports Centre, where experienced coaches manage different sections including volleyball, basketball, skiing, judo, table tennis, weightlifting and etc.

Amateur art, the Club of smart and cheerful students

MaSU offers their students an excellent Student Palace with a well-equipped stage and a big auditorium for 700 seats. A ceremony of Student Innogura-tion, award ceremonies, meetings of postgraduates and New Year festivals take place here. Every year students celebrate International student's Day and compete in singing, dancing and playing musical instruments during a traditional "Student spring" festival.

Health, welfare

Students enjoy a warm and friendly atmosphere and feel calm and confident. There are traditional meetings of the rector and students every semester. Students from other towns are provided with comfortable rooms in student hostels at a lowest price. There is a branch of a student clinic for the teaching staff and students to consult experienced doctors and receive an effective medical treatment (physiotherapy, dental treatment, and etc.). There are annual preventive inspections of the collective. The university provides the patients with free medicine and medical care.


The Publishing Complex of MaSU is more than 20 years old. It was formed to have its own basis for qualified editing of scientific, educational and methodical literature. The Publishing Complex staff aim to provide competent and qualified preparation of teachers' writing for publication, observe State standards and modern requirements to registration of editing literature. The Publishing Complex consists of the publishing department, printing house and some other facilities.


The library started in 1932 together with MaSU. It houses a universal collection of books and journals specific to different scientific fields and holds over 460,000 books. The Fund of rare books attracts special attention, as one of its most ancient books dates from 1596. University research works are kept here in the Research fund. Library facilities also include the Acquisition department, the Bibliographic department and 3 reading rooms for 400 places for readers. All books and journals may be searched through the electronic catalogue. There may be requested the information about the books the library has been holding since 1995. Since March 2006, there has been functioning an electronic reading room, so that the readers may get the necessary information through the Internet. You may also enjoy the interlibrary service for borrowing books from the 4 largest libraries of Russia (Russian State Library, Russian Peoples' Library, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg region libraries).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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