Dorothy Holtslander

Dorothy Holtslander

Dr. Dorothy B. Holtslander is known for her news reporting on KHOZ-FM radio in Northwest Arkansas/ Southern Missouri.

She is a community leader and activist for senior citizens and children. She was the first Care Manager for the Nursing Home Diversion Grant Program for the Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Arkansas.[citation needed] She is a published author and poet. (PublishAmerica...60 Day Devotional 2007.. Heart Path 2011)[citation needed] Dr. Holtslander has traveled throughout the United States speaking on the importance of church and civic groups volunteering to help the less fortunate. She is the founder of Right Choice, a counseling service for women who have had or are considering abortions. Dr. Holtslander counsels women on abortion alternatives and post abortion trauma on the web site[clarification needed] She has received numerous awards and accolades for her work in the pro-life movement[citation needed], and is listed in the Who's Who in America 2007, 2008, and 2009, for her contribution to contemporary society.


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