Donald Eric Capps

Donald Eric Capps
Donald Eric Capps
Born January 30, 1939 (1939-01-30) (age 72)
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Occupation Professor-emeritus of Pastoral Theology
Language English
Nationality American
Citizenship American
Spouse(s) Karen Virginia Docken
Children John Michael Capps

Donald Eric Capps (born January 30, 1939) is an American theologian and former William Harte Felmeth Professor of Pastoral Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary.



Donald Eric Capps was born in Omaha, Nebraska. After studying at Lewis & Clark College (B.A. 1960) and Yale Divinity School (B.D. 1963, S.T.M. 1965) and University of Chicago (M.A. 1966), he earned his Ph.D. also at the University of Chicago in 1970. His dissertation explored a psycho-historical analysis of the personality of the English theologian John Henry Cardinal Newman, and particularly his vocational struggles.

Capps' academic career started as Instructor at the Department of Religious Studies at the Oregon State University during the Spring/Summer of 1969. He then became Instructor and Assistant Professor at the Divinity School of the University of Chicago between 1969 and 1974. Later, he was appointed Associate Professor at the Department of Religious Studies of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, North Carolina where he lectured between 1974 and 1976. Between 1976 and 1981 he was Associate Professor and then Professor at the Graduate Seminary of Phillips University.

In 1981 he joined the faculty of Princeton Theological Seminary, where he was appointed the William Harte Felmeth Professor of Pastoral Theology. In May 2009 he retired with the status of Professor emeritus[1] but remains lecturing as adjunct.[2] In 1989 Uppsala University, Sweden awarded him a degree of Doctor honoris causa in Theology for his contributions to the field of Psychology of Religion.[3]

Other honors include the William F. Bier Award for contribution to Psychology of Religion, granted in 1995 by the Division 36 of the American Psychological Association; the Helen Flanders Dunbar Centennial Award, granted in 2002 by the Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in New York; and the Joseph A. Sittler Award for Theological Leadership, granted in 2003 by Trinity Lutheran Seminary.

He was the book review editor for the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion between 1980 and 1983 and editor for the same journal between 1983 and 1988. Furthermore, between 1990 and 1992 he was the president of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.

He is an ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America since 1972.

Selected bibliography

Capps is a very prolific author, who wrote, co-authored, edited and co-edited dozens of books and journal issues and published more than one hundred chapters, articles, and reviews in books and journals. Below is a complete list of books, edited books and journal issues, a selection of book chapters and journal articles, and a selection of secondary resources.[4]


  • Agents of Hope: A Pastoral Psychology. Minneapolis; Eugene: Augsburg Fortress; Wipf & Stock. 1995; 2001. ISBN 1579108113. 
  • Biblical Approaches to Pastoral Counseling. Philadelphia; Eugene: Westminster; Wipf & Stock. 1981; 2003. ISBN 0664243886. 
    • (in Indonesian) [Penggunaan Alkitab dalam konseling pastoral]. Yogyakarta: Penebit Kanisius. 1999. ISBN 9796721503. 
  • The Child's Song: The Religious Abuse of Children. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox. 1995. ISBN 066425554X. 
  • Deadly Sins and Saving Virtues. Minneapolis; Eugene: Fortress; Wipf & Stock. 1987; 2001. ISBN 080061948X. 
    • (in Korean) [대죄와 구원의 ]. trans. 김진영 옮김. 서울: 한국장로교출판사. 2008. ISBN 9788939803879. 
  • The Decades of Life: A Guide to Human Development. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox. 2008. ISBN 9780664232412. 
  • The Depleted Self: Sin in a Narcissistic Age. Minneapolis: Fortress. 1992. ISBN 0800625870. 
    • (in Korean) [고갈된 자아의 치유]. trans. 김진영 옮김. 서울: 한국장로교출판사. 2001. ISBN 8939803752. 
  • Fragile Connections: Memoirs of Mental Illness for Pastoral Care Professionals. St. Louis: Chalice. 2005. ISBN 0827223315. 
  • Giving Counsel: A Minister's Guidebook. St. Louis: Chalice. 2001. ISBN 08272124X. 
  • Jesus: A Psychological Biography. St. Louis; Eugene: Chalice; Wipf & Stock. 2000; 2010. ISBN 0827217137. 
  • Jesus: The Village Psychiatrist. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox. 2008. ISBN 9780664232405. 
  • Laughter Ever After...Ministry of Good Humor. St. Louis: Chalice. 2008. ISBN 9780827221413. 
  • Life Cycle Theory and Pastoral Care. Minneapolis; Eugene: Fortress; Wipf & Stock. 1983; 2002. ISBN 1592440835. 
  • Living in Limbo: Life in the Midst of Uncertainty. with Nathan Carlin. Eugene: Wipf & Stock. 2010. ISBN 9781608995226. 
  • Living Stories: Pastoral Counseling in Congregational Context. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress. 1998. ISBN 0800630734. 
    • (in Chinese) [鮮活故事: 教會裏的牧養輔導]. trans. 李金好. 香港 (Hong Kong): 基道出版社. 2005. ISBN 9789624573039.  New Preface
  • Losers, Loners, and Rebels: The Spiritual Struggles of Boys. with Robert C. Dykstra, and Allan Hugh Cole, Jr.. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox. 2007. ISBN 9780664229610. 
  • Men, Religion, and Melancholia: James, Otto, Jung, Erikson. New Haven: Yale University. 1997. ISBN 0300069715. 
  • Men and Their Religion: Honor, Hope, and Humor. Harrisburg: Trinity International. 2002. ISBN 1563383837. 
  • Pastoral Care: A Thematic Approach. Philadelphia; Eugene: Westminster; Wipf & Stock. 1979; 2003. ISBN 0664242227. 
  • Pastoral Care and Hermeneutics. Philadelphia: Fortress. 1984. ISBN 0800617320. 
  • The Pastoral Care Case: Learning About Care in Congregations. with Gene Fowler. St. Louis; Eugene: Chalice; Wipf & Stock. 2001; 2010. ISBN 082722964X. 
  • Pastoral Counseling and Preaching: A Quest for an Integrated Ministry. Philadelphia; Eugene: Westminster; Wipf & Stock. 1980; 2003. ISBN 1592442978. 
  • The Poet's Gift: Toward the Renewal of Pastoral Care. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox. 1993. ISBN 0664254039. 
  • Reframing: A New Method in Pastoral Care. Minneapolis: Fortress. 1990. ISBN 0800624130. 
    • (in Chinese) [易構: 牧養關顧的新方法]. trans. 譚偉光. 香港 (Hong Kong): 基道出版社. 2005. ISBN 9789624572964.  New Preface
  • Social Phobia: Alleviating Anxiety in an Age of Self-promotion. St. Louis; Eugene: Chalice; Wipf & Stock. 1999; 2010. ISBN 0827234406. 
  • Striking Out: The Religious Journey of Teenage Boys. Eugene: Cascade. 2011. ISBN 9781610973007. 
  • A Time to Laugh: The Religion of Humor. New York: Continuum. 2005. ISBN 0826416411. 
  • Understanding Psychosis: Issues and Challenges for Sufferers, Families, and Friends. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. 2010. ISBN 9781442205925. 
  • Young Clergy: A Biographical-Developmental Study. New York: Haworth. 2005. ISBN 0789026708. 
  • You've Got to Be Kidding!: How Jokes Can Help You Think. with John M. Capps. Hoboken: John Wiley-Blackwell. 2009. ISBN 9781405196642. 

Edited books and journal issues

  • The Biographical Process: Essays in the History and Psychology of Religion. with Frank E. Reynolds. The Hague: Mouton. 1977. ISBN 9027975221. 
  • Clinical Handbook of Pastoral Counseling. with R. J. Wicks, R. D. Parsons. Mahweh: Paulist Press. 1985. ISBN 0809126877. 
  • Encounter with Erikson: Historical Interpretation and Religious Biography. with Walter H. Capps, M. Gerald Bradford. Santa Barbara: Scholars. 1977. ISBN 0891300907. 
  • The Endangered Self (Monograph). 2. with Richard K. Fenn. Princeton: Princeton Theological Seminary. 1992. ISBN 1882380010. 
  • Freud and Freudians on Religion: A Reader. New Haven: Yale University. 2001. ISBN 0300082010. 
  • The Hunger of the Heart: Reflections on the Confessions of Augustine (Monograph). 8. with James E. Dittes. West Lafayette: Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (Purdue University). 1990. ISBN 0932566073. 
  • Individualism Reconsidered: Readings Bearing on the Endangered Self in Modern Society (Monograph). 1. with Richard K. Fenn. Princeton: Princeton Theological Seminary. 1992. ISBN 1882380002. 
  • James and Dewey on Belief and Experience. with John M. Capps. Chicago: University of Illinois. 2005. ISBN 0252072065. 
  • On Losing the Soul: Essays in the Social Psychology of Religion. with Richard K. Fenn. Albany: SUNY. 1995. ISBN 0791424944. 
  • Psychology of Religion: A Guide to Information Sources. with Lewis Rambo, Paul Ransohoff. Detroit: Gale Research. 1976. ISBN 0810313561. 
  • Re-calling Ministry. by James E. Dittes. St. Louis: Chalice. 1999. ISBN 0827232179. 
  • Religion, Society, and Psychoanalysis: Readings in Contemporary Theory. with Janet Liebman Jacobs. Boulder: Westview. 1997. ISBN 0813326486. 
  • The Religious Personality. with Walter H. Capps. Belmont: Wadsworth. 1970. 
  • "Special Issue: Papers presented at the first annual conference of the Group for New Directions in Pastoral Theology". Pastoral Psychology (New York: Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences) 59 (6): 657842. 2010. ISSN 00312789. Retrieved 18 September 2011.  With Robert C. Dykstra
  • "Special Issue: Papers presented at the second annual conference of the Group for New Directions in Pastoral Theology". Pastoral Psychology (New York: Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences) 60 (3): 309489. 2011. ISSN 00312789. Retrieved 18 September 2011.  With Robert C. Dykstra
  • "Special Issue: Tribute to James E. Dittes". Pastoral Psychology (New York: Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences) 52 (1-2): 3189. 2003. ISSN 00312789. Retrieved 18 September 2011.  With Robert C. Dykstra
  • The Struggle for Life: A Companion to William James' The Varieties of Religious Experience (Monograph). 9. with Janet L. Jacobs. West Lafayette: The Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (Purdue University). 1995. ISBN 1882380029. 

Selected book chapters and journal articles

Secondary resources

  • Dreyer, Yolanda (2005). "Reflections on Donald Capps' Hermeneutical Model of Pastoral Care". Hervormde teologiese studies (Pretoria: NHW-Pers) 61 (Part 1/2): 109130. ISSN 02599422. 
  • Dykstra, Robert; Cole Jr., Allan Hugh, eds (2009). "Special Issue: Tribute to Donald Capps". Pastoral Psychology (New York: Springer) 58 (5, 6): 443693. ISSN 00312789. Retrieved 19 August 2010. 
  • Ellens, J. Harold, ed (2002). "Special Issue: Jesus: A Psychological Biography". Pastoral Psychology (New York: Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences) 50 (6): 387480. ISSN 00312789. Retrieved 19 August 2010. 
  • Linhares, Bruno J. (2010, 2011). "Dr. Donald E. Capps: Uma breve introdução à sua teologia pastoral. Partes 1 de 2, 2 de 2 [Dr. Donald E. Capps: A Brief Introduction to His Pastoral Theology. Parts 1 of 2, 2 of 2]" (in Portuguese). Reflexus (Vitória: Faculdade Unida de Vitória) 4, 5 (IV, V): 3764, 2763. ISSN 19820828. 
  • Nørager, Troels, ed (1990) (in Danish). Forandrigens mulighed: Essays om sjælesorg og praktisk teologi [Change is a Possibility: Essays on Pastoral and Practical Theology]. Frederiksberg: ANIS. ISBN 8774571028.  Selection, introduction and translation of previously published book chapters and articles by the editor. Afterword by Donald Capps.


  1. ^ "Professors Emeriti". Princeton Theological Seminary. Retrieved 14 June 2010. 
  2. ^ "Adjunct Faculty". Princeton Theological Seminary. Retrieved 14 June 2010. 
  3. ^ "Teologie hedersdoktorer" (in Swedish). Uppsala Universitet. Retrieved 28 September 2011. 
  4. ^ Dykstra, Robert; Cole Jr., Robert, eds (2009). "Books and Articles by Donald Capps". Pastoral Psychology (New York: Springer) 58 (5, 6): 681693. ISSN 00312789. Retrieved 19 August 2010.  Compiled by Robert C. Dykstra and Allan Hugh Cole, Jr. with updates

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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