Diego Prusky

Diego Prusky
Diego Prusky
Born July 19, 1972 (1972-07-19) (age 39)
UruguayUruguay, Montevideo
Occupation Business entrepreneur, Director of InStyle! Digital Marketing
Years active 1998–present

Diego Prusky (born in Montevideo, 1972) is President and Founder of InStyle! Digital Marketing, a digital agency specialized in music, entertainment and transcultural markets in the US and Latin America.



In 1998 he became Project Manager for SRGC, travelling back and forth between Uruguay and the US. In 2002 he left SRGC and settled in Missouri, where he became a partner at InStyle Software. In 2003 he founded InStyle Digital Marketingi. In less than a decade, Prusky built the company’s portfolio of clients to include EMI, Universal Music, MTV, VH1, MySpace, Univision, Salt River Project, Bromley Communications, Warner Music, and GeneXus among others. InStyle DM’s work has been recognized with several awards like the 2006 Arroba de Oro (Golden @) and the “Web 2.0 Applications Integration Award” in 2008.[1] As one of the experts in the field, Diego Prusky has been interviewed by specialized media[2][3] invited to give over a dozen conferences and workshops like Resonate Colombia 2009,[4] Billboard Latin 2010,[5] Amplifica Chile 2010,[6] GeneXus Mexico2011,[7] Uruguayan Music Cluster 2011,[8] BMI 2011,[9] Midem 2010[10][11][12] and GeneXusUruguay 2011 among others.

Personal life

A native of Uruguay, Prusky graduated with honors both in Science and Chemical Engineering from Universidad de la República. He currently lives in Saint Louis, is married and has two children.


InStyle DM’s work has been recognized with several awards like the 2006 Arroba de Oro (Golden @) and the “Web 2.0 Applications Integration Award” in 2008.[13]




  1. ^ "Arroba de Oro.". http://www2.gxtechnical.com/portal/hgxpp001.aspx?15,7,3,O,S,0,PAG;CONC;3;14;D;8859;1;PAG;MNU;E;25;1;3;4;MNU;,3106;26;1;;/%20%20/;/%20%20/;M;1. 
  2. ^ "Webpc – Tendencias marketing digital (II): Diego Prusky". http://webpc.com.uy/web/tendencias-web/tendencias-marketing-digital-ii-diego-prusky. 
  3. ^ "Poder 360º – Digital Music Where are Latino sales?". http://www.poder360.com/article_detail.php?id_article=5822. 
  4. ^ "Resonate Colombia 2010.". http://resonanciacolombia.org/2010/resonate-colombia-2010/. 
  5. ^ "Billboard.biz - BETTER KNOW A PANELIST: Diego Prusky, President, In-Style Digital Marketing.". http://www.billboard.biz/bbbiz/content_display/genre/news/e3i7db724a2489ff4cce61d4dccc1b3a713. 
  6. ^ "Amplifiva Chile – Amplifica.2 Invitados". http://amplificachile.cl/invitados/. 
  7. ^ "VIII Encuentro Genexus México.". http://mx.genexus.com/encuentro-2011/programa. 
  8. ^ "Cluster de Música del Uruguay - Taller Instyle sobre marketing digital.". http://clustermusicauy.wordpress.com/2011/08/03/taller-instyle-sobre-marketing-digital/. 
  9. ^ "BMI Presents…Digital Marketing Workshop @ Gibson: Beverly Hills.". http://www.bmi.com/events/entry/551062. 
  10. ^ "MIDEM+: Business Consulting with Experts & Speakers.". http://v1.midem.showsite.rxnova.com/en/midem-plus/Consulting/. 
  11. ^ "InStyle Digital Marketing To Exhibit at Midem 2010.". http://www.instyledm.com/portal/hgxpp001.aspx?130,10,97,O,E,0,PAG;CONC;78;17;D;1684202;1;PAG;,. 
  12. ^ "InStyle Digital Marketing's President is featured among Midem+ Top 40 experts to exhibit at the conference.". http://www.slcec.com/12-16-09-instyle-digital-marketings-president-is-featured-among-midem-top-40-experts-to-exhibit-at-the-conference.html. 
  13. ^ "Arroba de Oro.". http://www2.gxtechnical.com/portal/hgxpp001.aspx?15,7,3,O,S,0,PAG;CONC;3;14;D;8859;1;PAG;MNU;E;25;1;3;4;MNU;,3106;26;1;;/%20%20/;/%20%20/;M;1. 

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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