- Die Gartenlaube
Die Gartenlaube Illustrirtes Familienblatt Abbreviated title (ISO) Die Gartenlaube Discipline Interdisciplinary Language English Publication details Publisher Ernst Keil (Germany: Leipzig, later Berlin) Publication history 1853-1937, 1938-1944 Frequency Weekly Die Gartenlaube Illustrirtes Familienblatt (later as "Illustriertes Familienblatt" and from 1938, as "Die neue Gartenlaube"), was a forerunner of modern magazines, and the first major success of the German weekly. The name means "The Garden Arbor (or Gazebo) Family Journal" but the magazine is known worldwide as "Die Gartenlaube". It was released in 1853, and by 1876 the publisher Ernst Keil had reached a circulation of 382,000 copies. One of the founders was Ferdinand Stolle. Since Die Gartenlaube was both in the common family reading, and was in numerous lending libraries and cafes as delivery was available, the estimate of the actual readership amounts to two to five million.
The format of the magazine was as 52 weekly issues, of 16-20 pages each, with some illustrations. The text, printed in a Fraktur (alt Deutsch) font, was typeset with hand-drawn illustrations and, later, with some photographs.
Die Gartenlaube provides a comprehensive and historical analysis for many fields and is an essential source for German cultural history, for example regarding the serial novels published in the magazine. The magazine was well known in the German-speaking world: famous waltz composer Johann Strauss II even published a waltz in the magazine, during 1895, dedicated to the readers, with English title "Gartenlaube Waltz".
Die Gartenlaube has gone through its first 50 years in three phases:
The early volumes up to unification in 1871 close to the tradition of the moral weeklies: entertainment and education are the two fixed points, between which a wide range of interests were conveyed. In the years of reaction they are profiled in this sense and appeared since the early 1860s, a radical liberal position by the publisher Ernst Keil, open and committed to the creation of a national unity government. The consolidation of the bourgeois values of conduct was carried out by its contrast with the decline of aristocratic norms. Die Gartenlaube was mentioned at this time for their neutral to positive view of Jews, the occasional Jewish family life as example to follow.
In the years following the founding of the German Reich, Die Gartenlaube was increasingly seen as a defender of Prussian policy. Their dedicated and highly polemical interest in the culture war (which by the proclaimed by Pope Pius IX "Dogma of Infallibility" was initiated in 1870), the defense of the liberal world view was generally supported, with the arguments of the National Liberal Party in particular.
The issues after 1880, except in the format of the two previous phases, changed dramatically as to scope and content. After Keil's death in 1878, Die Gartenlaube, developed under the guidance of new publisher and editor-owner Adolf Kröner, became increasingly conservative into an entertainment page. Political or religious topics were taboo after this repositioning, as well as divorce and suicide. Instead of a popular encyclopedia, "Die Gartenlaube" developed around the turn of the century as an entertainment page. Parallel to this substantive change had been formally in the same period of development carried out by a magazine with various illustrations for magazines, with additional text portions.
In 1904, the title of the newspaper publisher of right-wing nationalist August Scherl incorporated and finally came in 1916 by Alfred Hugenberg's media empire, one of the pioneers of Adolf Hitler's. The largest part of his press group were later adopted by Nazi publishers, where the periodical (with title altered since 1938 as "Die neue Gartenlaube" - the "New Garden Arbor") was continued until 1944.
Die Gartenlaube provides a comprehensive and historical analysis for many fields and is an essential source for German cultural history, for example regarding the serial novels published in the magazine.
List of major authors
- Christian Wilhelm Allers (1857–1915), illustrator
- Alfred Edmund Brehm (1829–1884), zoologist and writer (Brehms Tierleben)
- Elisabeth Bürstenbinder (1838–1918), writer
- Rudolf Cronau (1855–1939), journalist and painter
- Otto Dammer (1839–1916), chemist and writer
- Rudolf Doehn (1821–1894), politician and writer
- Fedor Flinzer (1832–1911), writer and illustrator
- Theodor Fontane (1819–1898), writer
- Ludwig Ganghofer (1855–1920), writer
- Carl Grote (1839-1907), illustrator
- Karl Gutzkow (1811-1878), writer
- Jakob Christoph Heer (1859–1925), Swiss writer and editor
- Wilhelmine Heimburg (1848–1912), writer
- Georg Hiltl (1826–1878), actor and writer
- Georg Hirth (1841-1916), journalist, later publisher in Munich
- Friedrich Hofmann (1813–1888), permanent employee, 1883-1886 Editor in Chief
Cathedral of Limburg: a typical full-page drawing, copied from earlier artwork, in 1863.- Carl Karlweis (1850-1901), columnist
- Kaspar Kögler (1838-1923), illustrator, poet
- Herbert König (1820–1876), illustrator
- Eugenie Marlitt (1825–1887), writer
- Charlotte Niese (1854–1935), Holsteinische poet
- August Peters (1817–1864), writer
- Max Ring (1817–1901), doctor and writer
- Anna Ritter (1865–1921), poet
- Friedrich Emil Rittershaus (1834–1897), poet
- August Scherl (1849–1921), publisher
- Carl Ludwig Schleich (1859–1922), doctor
- Eduard Schmidt-Weißenfels (1833–1893), politician and writer
- Levin Schücking (1814–1883), writer
- Berthold Sigismund (1819–1864), doctor, professor, politician and writer
- Ludwig Storch (1803–1881), writer
- Moritz Wiggers (1816–1894), politician and judge
The following are footnotes.[1]
- ^ This article was translated from German Wikipedia, on 2010-11-10.
- Kirsten Belgum: Popularizing the nation. Audience, representation, and the production of identity in "Die Gartenlaube" 1853–1900. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Neb. 22 November 2011, ISBN 0-8032-1283-6.
- Heidemarie Gruppe: „Volk“ zwischen Politik und Idylle in der „Gartenlaube“ 1853-1914. Lang, Frankfurt/M. 1976 (Europäische Hochschulschriften/19; Vol. 11), ISBN 3-261-01939-5
- Fayçal Hamouda (Hrsg.) (Ed.): Der Verleger Ernst Keil und seine Gartenlaube. Edition Marlitt, Leipzig 22 November 2011, ISBN 3-938824-03-4.
- Undine Janeck: Zwischen Gartenlaube und Karl May. Deutsche Amerikarezeption in den Jahren 1871–1913. Shaker Verlag, Aachen 22 November 2011, ISBN 3-8322-1494-1.
- Marcus Koch: "Nationale Identität im Prozess nationalstaatlicher Orientierung, dargestellt am Beispiel Deutschlands durch die Analyse der Familienzeitschrift "Die Gartenlaube" von 1853–1890". Lang, Frankfurt/M. 2003 (Europäische Hochschulschriften/22; Vol. 389), ISBN 3-631-51423-9.
- Heide Radeck: "Zur Geschichte von Roman und Erzählung in der „Gartenlaube“ 1853 bis 1914. Heroismus und Idylle als Instrument nationaler Ideologie". Universität Erlangen, 22 November 2011 (Dissertation).
- Anne-Susanne Rischke: "Die Lyrik in der „Gartenlaube“ 1853–1903. Untersuchungen zu Thematik, Form und Funktion". Lang, Frankfurt/M. 1982 (Europäische Hochschulschriften/1; Vol. 516), ISBN 3-8204-6258-9.
- Hermann Zang: Die "Gartenlaube" als politisches Organ. Belletristik, Bilderwerk und literarische Kritik im Dienste der liberalen Politik 1860–1880. Roßteuscher, Coburg 22 November 2011.
- Matthias Leupold: Künstlerische Bildfolge zum Ideologiegehalt des vielgelesenen Blattes "Leupolds Gartenlaube–Liebhaberaufnahmen in Erinnerung an ein deutsches Familienblatt 1994" in "Die Vergangenheit hat erst begonnen", Schaden Verlag Köln, 2004, ISBN 3-932187-28-8.
- Estermann, Alfred. 1995. Inhaltsanalytische Bibliographien deutscher Kulturzeitschriften des 19. Jahrhunderts. Vol. 3, "Die Gartenlaube (1853-1880 [-1944])". München: Saur.
- Klüter Heinz (Hg.). 1963. Facsimile-Querschnitt durch die Gartenlaube. Bern u.a.: Scherz.
- Rosenstrauch, Hazel E. 1976. „Zum Beispiel Die Gartenlaube“ ("For example, Die Gartenlaube"). In: Trivialliteratur. Rucktäschel und Zimmermann (Hg.). München: Fink, pp. 169-189.
- "Sächsische Keilschrift", article about Die Gartenlaube in Der Spiegel, issue 16 / 1963, 17 April 1963, p.67.
External links
- Microfiche-Edition (Kommerzielle Seite des Verlags)
- Leupolds Gartenlaube - Liebhaberaufnahmen
Categories:- German magazines
- Publications established in 1853
- Publications disestablished in 1944
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.