

Americana refers to artifacts of the culture of the United States, the history and folklore resultant from its westward expansion.Oxford English Dictionary, draft revision 2008-06] Examples of this culture include baseball, apple pie, Superman, the diner, wagon trains, jazz, the music of Stephen Foster, George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue", the music of Aaron Copland (notably his "Fanfare for the Common Man"), and rockabilly; and American art, such as that of Frederic Remington, Grant Wood, and Norman Rockwell, all based on American folk art and fictional characters such as Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, The Muppets and The Simpsons.


In music, Americana is a loose subset of American folk music, that is perhaps best defined as "classic American music"—ranging in style from roots-based bluegrass to alternative country, gospel, blues, zydeco, and other native forms. One of the main reasons Americana is used to describe such a wide variety of musical genres is because of the diverse range of cultural influences which is called American. For example, traditional Bluegrass instrumentation consists of the banjo which originated on the African continent, guitars from Europe, fiddling styles which have their roots in traditional Irish and other Gaelic fiddling techniques, and yodeling from alpine regions of europe.

Americana radio

Americana is a format in commercial, non-commercial, terrestrial, satellite and internet radio. The Americana Music Association (AMA) has created a chart which documents Americana radio, with approximately 75 Americana radio stations and programs.

Americana in literature

Eric Flint's novel "1632" was an experiment in the power of ideas wrapped up in Americana [cite book |last= Flint|first= Eric|authorlink= |coauthors= |editor= Eric Flint|others= |title=Grantville Gazette II |origdate= |origyear= |origmonth= |url= |format=hardcover |accessdate= |accessyear= |accessmonth= |edition=1st, Hardcover |series= 1632|date= |year= 2006|month= March|publisher= Baen books|location= afterword |isbn= 978-0-4165-2051-1|oclc= |doi= |id= |pages=324 |chapter= afterword |chapterurl= |quote= pp316: "...which has to do with the way I see this entire story in the first placeand did from the beginning. "1632" was written as much as an American novel as a science fiction or alternate history novel. More precisely, as a novel that fits within that loosely defined literary category known as Americana. In particular, it was written from a desire on my part to make a relatively ordinary small American town the collective protagonist of the story. And then, as the story unfolded, to keep the focus as much as possible on what you might call the level of the common man and womanunderstanding that, as the story unfolded, more and more seventeenth-century Europeans would become an integral part of that collective protagonist." (hyper links added herein)] wherein he explores the effect of transporting a mass of people through timein the case of this series, the small fictional town of Grantville, West Virginia from the United States in the year 2000 to central Germany in the year 1631. The best selling series of novels and anthologies asks the "what-if question": "What might history have been like had a typical American town influenced European thought from the time of the earliest days of Christian on Christian religious conflict (The Thirty Years' War) and Imperialism/Colonialism." In other words, with this premise, Flint decided to hold both the Industrial revolution and the American revolution (political and social) #expr:1776-1632 years early from a new location in central Germany; the result is mostly very American and the social, religious, and political sub-conflicts and conflicts to European thinking and practices are very informative as to what makes Americans American in thought, words, and deeds, and in contrast, a nifty benefit, presents a thoughtful in depth picture of European thought and attitudes of that crucial time.

Visual art

In the visual fine arts, Americana usually indicates a concern with the ordinary aspects of historic American culture: carnivals, popular amusements such as side-shows, vernacular typography and signage, old horror movies in the "haunted house" genre, the old West, and the backwoods cultures. It has increasingly veered off into a dark Gothic approach to Americana that was first visualised by U.S. writers such as Edgar Allan Poe and Ray Bradbury.

Americana movies

* "Hootenanny Hoot" (1963) - featuring Johnny Cash, Judy Henske, The Brothers Four, etc.

See also

*American Studies
**American Studies in Britain
*Americana/Lesourdesville Lake Amusement Park
*Kiwiana (New Zealand)
*Scouting in popular culture


External links

* [ Americana Music Association] (Nashville)
* [ Americana UK] - world's biggest alt-country website
* [ The Danans] - UK based Americana band
* [ Americana Roots] - Americana Music News & Resources
* [ Americana Radio Promotion] Independent Radio Promotion for the Americana radio format
* [] - Description of "Hootenanny Hoot"
* [ Americana Artist J. K. Coltrain] (Nashville)
* [ Jaimie Muehlhausen] - Americana indie musician
* [ Americana Songwriter James Power] (New York)
* [] - Americana, Bluegrass, &
* [ Outlaw Punk Cowboy Show] Allternative Country Podcast
* [ Roots of Rock] - website listing new, old artists recording Americana

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