De Steiger

De Steiger

The surname de Steiger (or de Steiguer, von Steiger, von Steiguer) denotes a Bernese noble family of the Ancien Régime of Switzerland.



The origin of the family dates back to Johannes Steiger (1523 - 1577), a tailor in Bern, Switzerland. They would become known as the "black" Steigers, not to be confused with the "white" Steigers, because their coat of arms depicted a black ibex. Because of French influence in the Bernese patriciate, the name is also spelled de Steiguer. The predicate "von" is used in the German presentation of the family name. [1][2]

Swiss Government

Johannes's sons would serve on the Bernese councils, paving the way for future generations to serve in the government.[3] By 1796, they held 22 seats on various councils throughout Bern. Over time they contributed three avoyers, five treasurers, and three bannerets to Bern, and numerous bailiffs, counselors, and officers.[3][4]

A notable "black" de Steiger was Niklaus Friedrich von Steiger, the Schultheiss of Bern,and leader of the Bernese senate during French invasion in 1798. [5][6][7] Another was Sigmund Emanuel Von Steiger (1666-1725), member of the Great Council of Bern, and married to Countess Dorothia von Graffenried.[8]

Swiss Nobility

In 1714, King Frederick William I of Prussia gave the hereditary title of Baron and a coat of arms to the "black" de Steigers, including Christoph[6], eight de Steiger males, and their descendants. [9] They would have baronies in Montricher and Monnaz, in Vaud, and numerous estates in Bern.[10][11] Their coat of arms still appears today on the walls of the Château de Chillon. Niklaus is buried in a cathedral in Bern.[12]


  1. ^ Historisch-Biographisches, VI, p. 522
  2. ^ Family History ¶ 9, 10
  3. ^ a b Historisch-Biographisches, volume VI, p. 522
  4. ^ Family History ¶ 10
  5. ^ History of Invasion, p. 115
  6. ^ a b Swiss Cantons
  7. ^ Rulers, Index
  8. ^ de Steiger pictures
  9. ^ Steiger Family Patent
  10. ^ Almanach, p. 547
  11. ^ Nobilities of Europe, p. 98
  12. ^ de Steiger pictures


Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Volume VI. Neuenburg. 1921-1934.

"Steiger Family Patent of Nobility." Frederick William I of Prussia.

Almanach Geologique Suisse, Volume II.

Ruvigny, Melville H. "The Nobilities of Europe". Adamant Media Corporation. 2000. ISBN 1-4021-8561-8, 9781402185618

Hintze, Rhett. Family History of de Steiguer (Steiger) Family: From Johann Rudolf back 500 years. Unknown. 14 dec 2008

Hintze, Rhett. de Steiger Pictures. Unknown. 14 dec 2008

Schemmel, B. "Cantons A-F: Switzerland." 1995-1998. dec 14 2008.

Schemmel, B. "Index of Rulers: St-Sz" 1995-1998. dec 14 2008.

"The history of the invasion of Switzerland by the French, and the destruction of the democratical republics of Schwitz, Uri and Unterwalden." University of Toronto. Unknown. 14 dec 2008

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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