David Gobel

David Gobel

David Gobel (born 1952, Baltimore, Maryland) is an American author, CEO, entrepreneur, inventor, and futurist.



David Gobel is Chief Executive Officer of the Methuselah Foundation. Working with Dr. Aubrey de Grey, he founded the original non-profit in 2000 which became the Methuselah Foundation, in an effort to reverse or preempt the damage of aging. Gobel legally established the charity and seed funded the Methuselah Mouse Prize. Currently, there are eight world-class teams competing for the Methuselah Mouse Prize.

Gobel and Dr. Aubrey de Grey established research programs focused on advanced human bioremedial biology at Rice University and Arizona State University bioremediation labs. This is the world's first use of environmental remediation techniques to be directed at reversing "pollution" in human cells. They also established Mitochondrial Research initiative at Cambridge University UK aimed at improving the error correction and repair capabilities of these fundamental energy producing organelles in humans. Additionally, Gobel co-founded the Super Centenarian Research Foundation which is focused on the scientific study of the 65 individuals in the world known to be 110 years or older, and the Institute for Biomedical Gerontology.

Gobel conceived many breakthrough technologies and went on to found or co-found private and venture capital backed companies and non-profits built for the purpose of delivering those same technologies. Examples are Knowledge Adventure, one of the earliest and most successful educational multimedia software developers to date; Worlds Inc., the inventor of shared virtual worlds over the Internet; Starbright Foundation's Starbright World, which was designed to allow hospital bound children to "go out and play" in a rich virtual world where they can communicate with friends and family.

Gobel produced and directed eight successful multimedia titles including: 3D Body Adventure, Buzz Aldrin's Space Adventure, Science Adventure, America Adventure, Bug Adventure and "The Discoverers" by Daniel J. Boorstin. He also lent his voice in some of the KA games.


  • Using Quattro: Authored 648 pages, including advanced topics such as macro and script development
  • Using Lotus Magellan: 278 pages
  • Using Lotus Hal: 363 pages
  • Using OS/2: 702 pages
  • Using Lotus 123: Chief Technical Editor, 866 pages


  • Inc Magazine Fastest Growing Company award winner
  • PC Magazine Technical Excellence Award winner (Lotus Magellan)


Chicago Sun-Times Build a better, longer-living mouse, and world will pay you thousands, By Andrew Herrmann, October 6, 2003

The Christian Science Monitor, “'Grand challenges' spur grand results ; Private groups are offering big cash prizes to anyone who can solve a range of daunting problems.” By Gregory M. Lamb, January 12, 2006

The Sunday Times, Science gets serious about elixir of life 31 August 2003, By Jonathan Leake

Forbes 159(14): 348-355. The geeks have inherited the earth. By Zina Moukheiber and Ben Pappas, July 7, 1997

Reuters News Cyber "play" to be used as therapy for hospital kids. By Barbara Grady, 7 November 1995

The Sunday Telegraph Longevity Who wants to live forever? wonders John Preston, and why? and how? By John Preston, 21 January 2007

The Philadelphia Inquirer House vs. mouse; The latest ideas in humanely showing our disease-ridden fall visitors the door. By Sandy Bauers, 6 November 2006

Newsweek, The Net 50. (50 People Who Matter Most on the Internet), 25 December 1995

Interactivity, THE PHILOSOPHY OF POSSIBILITY, 1 December 1996

the longevity meme, “An Interview With Dave Gobel” November 26, 2007


Rejuvenation Research. July 1, 2004, 7(2): 154-159. doi:10.1089/1549168041553035

Metaverse Roadmap

Online Magazine “An Interview with Dave Gobel”

Fight Aging “An Interview With Dave Gobel of the Methuselah Foundation” July 29, 2008

The Speculist, Nov 25, 2007

FuturePundit, “Aubrey de Grey Google Tech Talk On Defeat Of Aging” December 24, 2008

Pimm - Partial immortalization “The marketing problem of life extension technologies” Jul 2008

Accelerating Future Database

On Target, October 23, 2008

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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