- Dating in the Dark
Dating in the Dark (Daten in het Donker) is a reality show created in the Netherlands where 3 single men and 3 single women move into a light-tight house getting to know each other and form bonds in total darkness.
International versions
Country Name Host Channel Year aired Australia[1]
Dating in the Dark Australia Laura Dundovic FOX8 November 30, 2010 Brazil[2]
Romance no Escuro Eliana SBT June 29, 2010 - January 2, 2011 Chile[3]
La Pieza Oscura José Miguel Viñuela Mega June 1, 2011 Finland[4]
Treffit pimeässä Susanna Laine Sub December 24, 2010 France[5]
L'amour est aveugle Arnaud Lemaire TF1 April 16, 2010 - May 21, 2010 Germany[6]
Dating im Dunkeln RTL November 21, 2010 Netherlands[7]
Daten In het Donker Renate Verbaan RTL 5 April 6, 2009 Norway[8]
Dating i mørket NRK3 January 12, 2010 Sweden[9]
Dating in the Dark kanal 5 March 2, 2010 Turkey[10]
Aşkın Gözü Kördür Kanal D June 4, 2009 United Kingdom[11]
Dating in the Dark Scott Mills (2009-2010)
Sarah Harding (2011-present)Sky Living September 9, 2009 United States[12]
Dating in the Dark Rossi Morreale ABC July 20, 2009 External links
- Dutch version official website
- Australian version official website
- Finnish version official website
- American version official website
- ^ http://www.facebook.com/DatingInTheDarkAustralia
- ^ http://www.sbt.com.br/eliana/romancenoescuro/
- ^ http://www.mega.cl/programas/la-pieza-oscura/
- ^ http://www.sub.fi/treffitpimeassa/
- ^ http://www.tf1.fr/l-amour-est-aveugle/
- ^ http://www.rtl.de/cms/unterhaltung/tv-programm/real_life/dating-im-dunkeln.html
- ^ http://www.rtl.nl/liefde/dateninhetdonker/home/
- ^ http://www.nrk.no/programmer/sider/dating_i_moerket/
- ^ http://kanal5.se/datinginthedark
- ^ http://tvrehberi.milliyet.com.tr/Askin_Gozu_Kordur/Yarisma/KANAL_D/252737/tv/index.htm
- ^ http://skyliving.sky.com/dating-in-the-dark/coming-soon-dating-in-the-dark
- ^ http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/report-abc-orders-new-dating-in-dark-reality-dating-series-8359.php
Categories:- Dating and relationship reality television series
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