Dadan Island

Dadan Island

Dadan Island (simplified Chinese: 大胆岛; traditional Chinese: 大膽島) is located approximately 12,000 m (7.5 mi) to the Southwest of Lesser Kinmen and approximately 4,400 m (14,400 ft) from Xiamen. The Republic of China (Taiwan) controls over the island and administered by the Kinmen County. After 1949 Dadan Island usually becomes the battlefront of several Taiwan Strait Conflicts between the PLA and the ROC Armed Forces.


The total surface area of Dadan Island is 0.97 km2 (0.37 sq mi). The northern and southern part of the island is more elevated than the central area which contains a strip of sandy beach. The highest elevation on the island is 92 m (302 ft).


Slogan wall which proclaims Three Principles of the People unites China.
  • Dadan's Southern and Eastern lighthouses were constructed at the same time. However, due to the 823 Artillery barrage by the PLA, all that is left are their respective foundations.
  • There are two temples located on Dadan island. One in the north and one in the south.
  • Three Principles of the People Unite China slogan wall is located on the North of the island.

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