

Custódia is a city in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The population in 2009, according with IBGE was 33.874 inhabitants and the total area is 1404.1 km².



  • State - Pernambuco
  • Region - Sertão Pernambucano
  • Boundaries - Iguaraci and Carnaíba (N); Floresta and Ibimirim (S); Sertânia (E); Betânia and Flores (W).
  • Area - 1404.1 km²
  • Elevation - 542 m
  • Hidrography - Pajeú and Moxotó rivers
  • Vegetation - Caatinga hiperxerófila
  • Clima - semi arid - (Sertão) hot
  • Annual average temperature - 24.0 c
  • Distance to Recife - 334.4 km


The main economic activities in Custódia are based in food & beverage industry, commerce and agribusiness, especially creation of goats, sheeps, cattle, pigs, horses, chickens; and plantations of onions, beans and tomatoes.

Economic Indicators

Population [1] GDP x(1000 R$).[2] GDP pc (R$) PE
33.874 116.006 3.608 0.19 %

Economy by Sector 2006

Primary sector Secondary sector Service sector
10.61 % 16.58 % 72.81 %

Health Indicators


HDI (2000) Hospitals (2007) Hospitals beds (2007) Childrens Mortality every 1000 (2005)
0.653 1 38 18.4


Coordinates: 8°05′15″S 37°38′35″W / 8.0875°S 37.64306°W / -8.0875; -37.64306

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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