Croatia–Egypt relations

CroatiaEgypt relations
Croatian-Egyptian relations
Map indicating locations of Croatia and Egypt



Croatian-Egyptian relations are foreign relations between Croatia and Egypt. Egypt recognized newly independent Croatia on April 16, 1992, and the two countries established diplomatic relations on October 1, 1992.[1] Croatia has an embassy in Cairo and an honorary consulate in Alexandria.[1] The Cairo Embassy also officially handles the countries of Bahrein, Ethiopia, Yemen, Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan and UAE; as well as the following in some matters: Djibouti, Eritrea and Iraq.[2] Egypt has an embassy in Zagreb.[3] Both countries are members of the Union for the Mediterranean.

SFR Yugoslavia maintained good relations with Egypt, especially through the Non-Aligned Movement. In the 1970s and 1980s numerous Croatian companies had Egypt and other Arab countries as a capital export market,[4] including INGRA,[5] and the Croatian authorities have been trying to re-create these opportunities with various investment-related activities.[4][6] Numerous Croatian officials made official visits to Egypt,[1] and most recently Hosni Mubarak was in Zagreb in October 2009[7] while Jadranka Kosor returned the visit in December 2010.[8] Croatian companies made some inroads in the Egyptian market, notably including an oil exploration concession for INA in 2002 that became significant in 2007.[9] In early 2011, many Croatian workers were evacuated from Egypt, including those by INA, as the 2011 Egyptian revolution started.[10] In July 2011, the Croatian Government complied with the decision of the Council of the European Union to freeze Egyptian assets in connection to Mubarak and 18 connected persons.[11]

See also


  1. ^ a b c "Bilateralni odnosi [Bilateral relations]" (in Croatian). Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in the Arabic Republic of Egypt. Retrieved 2011-08-31. 
  2. ^ "Diplomatske misije i konzularni uredi RH - Arapska Republika Egipat" (in Croatian). Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in the Arabic Republic of Egypt. Retrieved 2011-08-31. 
  3. ^ "Veleposlanstvo Arapske Republike Egipat u Republici Hrvatskoj" (in Croatian). Diplomatska predstavništva stranih zemalja i međunarodnih organizacija u RH. Croatian Information-Documentation Referral Agency. 2011-08-19. Retrieved 2011-08-31. 
  4. ^ a b "Egipat" (in Croatian). Hrvatska gospodarska diplomacija. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (Croatia). Retrieved 2011-08-31. 
  5. ^ Danijel Režek (2003-09-11). "Pola stoljeća Ingre [Half century of Ingra]" (in Croatian). Građevinar (Croatian association of civil engineers) 55 (11): 631639. ISSN 0350-2465. Retrieved 2011-08-31. 
  6. ^ "Gospodarski i politički odnosi RH i Egipta" (in Croatian). Retrieved 2011-08-31. 
  7. ^ "Hosni Mubarak u službenom posjetu Hrvatskoj" (in Croatian). 2009-10-16. Retrieved 2011-08-31. 
  8. ^ "Predsjednica Vlade Kosor s predsjednikom Arapske Republike Egipat Hosnijem Mubarakom" (in Croatian). Croatian Government. 2010-12-02. Retrieved 2011-08-31. 
  9. ^ Stanko Borić (2007-01-09). "Inino rekordno nalazište nafte u Egiptu" (in Croatian). Nacional #582. Retrieved 2011-08-31. 
  10. ^ "Počela evakuacija - Hrvati napuštaju Egipat, radnike povlači i Ina" (in Croatian). Novi list. HINA. 2011-01-31. Retrieved 2011-08-31. 
  11. ^ "Odluka o provođenju međunarodnih mjera ograničavanja utvrđenih Odlukom Vijeća Europske unije 2011/172/ZVSP u odnosu na Arapsku Republiku Egipat" (in Croatian). Narodne novine. 2011-07-13. Retrieved 2011-08-31. 

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