

Cormyr is a fictional country in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting published first by TSR, Inc. and subsequently by Wizards of the Coast for the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy Role Playing Game. Cormyr is on the fictional continent of Faerûn, and serves as a geographical backdrop for several fantasy novels set in the Forgotten Realms.


Cormyr in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting

Cormyr first appeared in 1987 in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting boxed set[1] published by TSR. The Campaign setting briefly outlines the nation with three pages of content.

The 1990 hardcover Forgotten Realms Adventures[2] added detail to three major cities within the boundaries of the country. Also released in 1990, The Forgotten Realms Atlas[3] further describes Cormyr.

The 1993 Players Guide to the Forgotten Realms[4] further expands on areas within the setting. Also released in 1993 was the second edition of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting boxed set[5] which contained more detailed information on Cormyr than did the original boxed set.

The 1994 accessory Cormyr[6] provided significantly enhanced details about the geography, history, society, royalty, commoners and military of the region. An additional Forgotten Realms supplement published in 1994, Elminster's Ecologies[7] details geography as well as flora and fauna in and around Cormyr.

In 2001 the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting[8] was reedited by Wizards of the Coast. The third edition added details and advanced the fictional time line of Cormyr by several years.

Cormyr in Forgotten Realms novels

Cormyr has featured prominently in several Forgotten Realms novels:

  • The Empires trilogy
    • Horselords - David Cook 1990
    • Dragonwall - Troy Denning 1990
    • Crusade - James Lowder 1991
  • The Cormyr Saga
    • Cormyr - Ed Greenwood & Jeff Grubb 1996
    • Beyond the High Road - Troy Denning 1999
    • Death of the Dragon - Ed Greenwood & Troy Denning 2000
  • Murder in Cormyr - Chet Williamson 1998
  • The Knights of Myth Drannor
    • Swords of Eveningstar - Ed Greenwood 2006
    • Swords of Dragonfire - Ed Greenwood 2007
    • The Sword Never Sleeps - Ed Greenwood 2008


  1. ^ Jeff Grubb, Ed Greenwood and Karen S. Martin: Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (Cyclopedia of the Realms), TSR, Inc.,1987
  2. ^ Jeff Grubb and Ed Greenwood:Forgotten Realms Adventures, TSR Inc.,1990
  3. ^ Karen Wynn Fonstad: The Forgotten Realms Atlas TSR Inc., 1990
  4. ^ Player's Guide to the Forgotten Realms Campaign, TSR, 1993
  5. ^ Ed Greenwood, Julia Martin, Jeff Grubb: Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 2nd edition (revised), TSR Inc., 1993
  6. ^ Eric Haddock et al.: Cormyr (sourcebook), TSR Inc., 1994
  7. ^ James Butler, Elizabeth T. Danforth, Jean Rabe: Elminster's Ecologies, TSR Inc., 1994
  8. ^ Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo: Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition, Wizards of the Coast, 2001

External links



Specific prestige classes

  • Purple Dragon Knight (image)

Regional feats

Cormyr Forgotten Realms Accessories available for free



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