Geographical index of Toril

Geographical index of Toril

This article is about the fictional fantasy setting of Forgotten Realms.

Places can be listed twice: once in political regions and once in geographical regions.



Faerûn is a fictional continent in the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting world of Forgotten Realms.

Geopolitical areas of Faerûn
Northwest Faerûn North Faerûn Northeast Faerûn
  • High Forest
  • The Savage Frontier
  • Silver Marches
  • Sword Coast
  • Ten Towns
  • Waterdeep
  • Empire of Shadows
  • The Dalelands
  • The Moonsea
  • The Ride
  • Reghed
  • Thar
  • The Tortured Land
  • The Vast
  • Cold Lands
    • Damara
    • Narfell
    • Sossal
    • Vaasa
  • Great Dale
  • Impiltur
  • Pelvuria
    • Alpuk
    • Angalpuk
    • Nakvalicach
    • Novularond
  • Rashemen
  • Taan
West Faerûn Interior Faerûn East Faerûn
  • Lands of Intrigues
    • Amn
    • Calimshan
    • Erlkazar
    • Tethyr
  • Western Heartlands
  • Chondath
  • Cormyr
  • Sembia
  • Vilhon Reach
    • Hlondeth
    • Sespech
    • Turmish
  • Ashanath
  • Aglarond
  • Altumbel
  • Old Kingdoms
    • Chessenta
    • Unther
    • Mulhorand
      • Murghôm
      • Semphar
  • Thay
  • Thesk
    • Telflamm
Chultan peninsula The Shining South
Southwest Faerûn South Faerûn Southeast Faerûn
  • Chult
  • Samarach
  • Tashalar
  • Thindol
  • Border Kingdoms
  • Great Rift
  • Halruaa
  • Lapaliiya
  • Shaar
  • Luiren
  • Dambrath
  • Rethild
  • The Shining Lands
    • Durpar
    • Estagund
    • Var the Golden
  • Veldorn
  • The Utter East
    • Free Cities of Parsanic
    • Ulgarth
Other locations
Underdark Island Kingdoms of Faerûn Lost Empires of Faerûn
Deep Shanatar (Iltkazar), Menzoberranzan Evermeet, Moonshae Isles, Nelanther Isles, Lantan, Nimbral, Tharsult, Prespur Aryselmalyr, Aryvandaar (Vyshaantar), Athalantar, Bhaerynden, Caesinmalsvir, Cormanthyr, Darastriverthicha, Darchar, Dhalnada, Eaerlann, Eastern Shaar, Eiellûr, Grunfesting, Guge, Helligheim, Hlaungadath, Illefarn, Ilythiir, Imaskar, Isstosseffifil, Jhaamdath, Keltormir, Mhairshaulk, Miyeritar, Nedeheim, Netheril, Nikerymath, Okoth, Orishaar, Ostoria, Phaerlin, Raumathar, Rangfjell, Rringlor Noroth, Selmalyr, Serôs, Shantel Othreier, Sharlarion, Synnoria, Syòrpiir, Telantiwar, Tharkrixghontix, Thearnytaar

Northwest Faerûn

The northwestern part of Faerûn is a region of wilderness, difficult winter weather, orc hordes, and barbarian tribes. It is a mostly untamed region that lies between the large Anauroch desert in the east and the expansive Sea of Swords to the west. This area is one of the most popular regions for role-playing campaigns set in Faerûn, and has been the setting for a number of popular computer role-playing games.

  • High Forest (Forgotten Realms)A vast, densely forested region just to the west of the Anauroch desert. These woodlands are home to elves, centaurs, satyrs, wild creatures, and many mysteries. At its southern heart are the towering Star Mounts, from which flows the Unicorn Run to the south to join the River Delimber.
  • Icewind DaleA wild, cold region to the north and west of the Spine of the World mountains, it is sparsely populated and home to hardy people, barbarian tribes, and dangerous wilds. It is the home of the communities known as the Ten Towns. To the west is a sea of ice filled with floating icebergs, known as the Sea of Moving Ice.
  • Savage FrontierA general expression used for the parts of this region not generally covered by other names, it stretches from the edge of the High Moor in the south to the Spine of the World mountain range far to the north. It includes the River Dessarin and its tributaries; several hilly regions and wooded areas, and cold, wind-swept plains. The main trade route through this area is called the Long Road, and it joins several small communities with Waterdeep in the south. To the northeast are the Evermoors, a wide, marshy region home to many trolls. Further north is the site of the Mithral Hall.
  • Silver MarchesThis area was formed from a defensive alliance of humans, elves, and dwarves in the mountainous area to the north of the High Forest. At its center is the city of Silverymoon, a place of learning and magic. It also includes the cities of Sundabar, Everlund, and Citadel Adbar. The rugged wilds to the north are home to threatening hordes of orcs. Somewhere in the underdark beneath this region is the evil Drow city of Menzoberranzan.
  • Sword CoastThe wild coast north of Waterdeep contains the cities of Luskan and Neverwinter, as well as the dangerous Mere of Dead Men, small mountainous ranges, and the enchanted Neverwinter Woods. The Trade Way road runs along the length of the coast from Luskan to far south of Waterdeep. This barely tamed region is protected by a federation of the northern cities and towns known as the Lord's Alliance.
  • WaterdeepThis port is the largest city on the coast, with a population of over a million. It is a bustling metropolis with a vibrant economy and many notable sights and characters. Chief among the features are Castle Waterdeep on the mount at the western edge of the city, and the vast Undermountain dungeon located directly underneath.

North Faerûn

The northern part of the continent stretches from the wide Anauroch desert in the west to the eastern edge of the inland Moonsea, in the northern region of the continent. It is a region of contrasts, with the forested Dalelands, the wastes of Anauroch, the coastline of the Moonsea, and the bitterly cold steppes of The Ride.

  • Anauroch - This desert was once a rich, flourishing land that was home to the ancient Netheril Empire. During a war with the mysterious and powerful phaerimm, this region became magically drained of life and was transformed into a broad wasteland. This desert swallowed the human empires and states of this region, and is now only sparsely populated by desert tribes. Recently, however, it has witnessed the arrival of the Shades; the strangely transformed descendants of the original Netherese.
  • Dalelands - This is a forested region that lies to the southwest of the Moonsea. The western edge is defined by the mountains along the eastern edge of the Anauroch desert, and the east by the Dragon Reach of the Sea of Fallen Stars. In the deep, northern forest is Cormanthyr, an ancient homeland of the elvesnow mostly abandoned. The remainder is sub-divided into a number of sparsely populated dales; several small, independent states linked by the Dales Council.
  • Moonsea - This is actually a large lake that is connected to the Sea of Fallen Stars to the south by the River Lis. The shoreline is a wild, frontier area that is home to several city states that are dominated by despots. The most notable of these are Zhentil Keep at the western end, Mulmaster in the southeast, Melvaunt on the northern side and Hillsfar in the southwest. The region is rich in ruins, monsters, pirates, and harsh, cold terrains.
  • The Ride - This is a cold, northern plains region surrounded by rugged mountain ranges, located to the northwest of the Moonsea. Several tribes of fierce, mounted barbarians dwell on these steppes, preying upon any who trespass here. At the western edge is the Border Forest, forming a barrier between the plains and the Anauroch desert. Southeastward is the moors of Thar, along the north coast of the Moonsea. Further north beyond the mountains is the rugged, volcanic flows of the Tortured Lands.
  • The Vast - This is a region of land along the north coast of the Sea of Fallen Stars that follows the eastern shore of the Dragon Reach. It is a temperate land with farmlands, the rugged peaks of the Earthfast Mountains, and the forests along the eastern border with Impiltur. It is home to the large cities of Calaunt, Procampur, Tantras, and Ravens Bluff ("The Living City"). This land was once an Orcish kingdom, and the mountains remain infested by Orcs.

Northeast Faerûn

The northeastern part of the continent is a remote area that begins in the cold, forbidding lands along the great ice sheets and continues south toward the northeastern shores of the Sea of Fallen Stars. It is bordered on the west by the mountain-hemmed land of Vaasa and stretches east to the vast steppes of the Hordelands.

The lands of Damara and Vassa were described in a 1989 publication, FR9, The Bloodstone Lands.[1] This location formed the setting for the "H Series" of modules that used the Battlesystem rules to resolve battles.

  • DamaraThis is the remnant of a once-great nation, now a peaceful and tolerant land on the northern border of Vaasa. To the north is the Great Glacier, which provides fresh water for the rivers that run south through the land. To the west is the Galena Mountains, with Bloodstone Pass forming a trade route with Vaasa to the west. The capitol city is Heliogabalus, which lies in the middle of the nation at the confluence of a pair of rivers.
  • Great DaleThis coastal land is dominated by the large forests of Rawlingswood to the north and the Forest of Lethyr to the south. Between these two is a wide, wind-swept gap called The Great Dale. The Great Road runs along this gap, starting at the coast city of Uthmere along the Easting Reach of the Sea of Fallen Stars. This is the most populous area of this land, with only scattered settlements further east.
  • HordelandsThis vast region of barren steppes that stretch far to the east, reaching the distant land of Kara-Tur. It is populated by nomadic horse riders and expert bowmen. The region has no permanent settlements, but serves as a trade route between Faerûn and Kara-Tur. The climate ranges from frigid winters to unpleasantly hot summers, and the ground is unsuitable for permanent farming. It used to be the kingdom of Raumathar (winter capital: Winterkeep) and present-day Raumvari are believed to descent from the inhabitants of this kingdom. South to the Endless Wastes (alternative name for the Hordelands) is the kingdom of Semphar.
  • ImpilturThis peaceful coastal kingdom is a trading nation, importing finished goods from across the Sea of Fallen Stars and exporting raw materials acquired from the Cold Lands. It is bordered on the north by Damara, and along the west by the Earthspur Mountains of the region called The Vast. Impiltur is mostly separated from the Great Dale by the Easting Reach, a long bay of the sea. This nation includes the cities of Dilpur, Hlammach, and Lyrabar.
  • NarfellA land of dry, cold grasslands to the north of the Great Dale, it is bordered on the west by Damara and on the east by Rashemen. Most of the sparse population are hardy barbarian nomads, struggling to survive in this harsh region. The most notable feature is the large Icelace Lake. It is said that once a great nation rose here, but it was destroyed in a war with their enemies, the kingdom of Raumathar.
  • RashemenA cold, wild, northern land that is home to berserking warriors and powerful, revered witches. It is a place of spirits of nature, and a land mostly untamed. There are the cities of Mulptan, Mulsantir, and the capitol Immilmar, however, the later being the home of the Iron Lord who nominally rules this land. The land of Rashemen is bordered in the west and south by the long Lake Ashane and Lake Mulsanter, and in the east by the Endless Wastes of the Hordelands and part of the mountain range that encloses Thay.
  • TheskBetween the Great Dale in the north and the evil land of Thay in the south is the region known as Thesk. It lies at the western end of the trade route with Kara-Tur in the east, and lies along the eastern shores of the Sea of Fallen Stars. The southern part of this land is dominated by a pair of mountain ranges, the Thesk and the Dragonjaw. The capitol of Thesk is a port located along the southern shores of the Easting Reach.
  • VaasaThis is an isolated region that lies to the north of the eastern shores of the Moonsea. It is bordered along the north by the Great Glacier, and the remaining sides are bound by an unbroken ring of ore-rich mountains. The remainder is a sparsely populated region of moors, bogs, and tundra. This area is most notorious for the presence of Castle Perilous. The small city of Palischuk lies just to the east, and is populated by half-orcs.

West Faerûn

The western part of the continent includes the nations south of Waterdeep and north of the Shining Sea, that border along the Sea of Swords. It also includes the multitude of islands that lie to the west in the vast ocean called the Trackless Sea. The closely linked nations of Amn, Tethyr, and Calimshan have been collectively termed the "Lands of Intrigue" in the campaign setting publications. These works include the "Empires of the Sands", published in 1988.[2]

  • AmnA land of merchants that lies to the north of Tethyr along the Sword Coast, this region is a fertile plain between mountain ranges to the north and south. The northern border is formed by the Cloud Peaks and the Snakewood forest. To the south is the evil humanoid-infested mountain range called the Small Teeth. The capital city of Athkatla is a port along the coast. Much of the trade in the country is carried by a series of rivers. Athkatla and Amn formed the setting for the computer game Baldur's Gate II.
  • CalimshanThis is a nation with an ancient Arabic flavor, being formed from an empire of genies. It lies along the north coast of the Shining Sea, to the south of Tethyr. The dominant features are the Calim desert in the west, the Marching Mountains in the north, and monster-infested Forest of Mir to the east. The far eastern border is formed by the Alamir Mountains on the western edge of the Lake of Steam. The capital city is Calimport, a large port at the south edge of the Calim Desert.
  • EvereskaAt the northern edge of this region, along the western edge of the Anauroch desert, is this last major settlement of Elves upon the continent. It lies within a refuge of hills, far from the cities of man. This region lies along the north of the Western Heartlands.
  • LantanThis island nation lies far to the west of Calimshan, and to the northwest of the Jungles of Chult. It is a land of strange devices, wonderous machines, and many new forms of technology little seen on the mainland. The Lantan people use technology the way that other lands employ magic.
  • The MoonshaesThese cold, rocky isles form an archipelago to the west of the Sword Coast. There are several major islands and many hundreds of smaller islands in this group. The terrain forms a mixture of mountains, bogs, and woods. There are only a handful of towns, the largest being Caer Callidyrr on the island of Alaron and Caer Corwell on the Island of Gwynneth.
  • Nelanther IslandsThis is a general name for the multitude of islands scattered across the Trackless Sea to the west of Faerûn. Many of the inhabitable islands are home to pirates who prey upon coastal shipping.
  • NimbralThis is a remote, pleasant island that lies to the southwest of Lantan. It is notable for its powerful wizards and pegasus-mounted knights.
  • TethyrThis is a feudal monarchy bordered on the north by Amn and to the south by Calimshan. The northern half of the country is dominated by the Wealdath forest(or the "Forest of Tethir"), home to tribes of Elves and various fey. This is bordered on the south by the Starspire Mountain range. In the south is the River Ith plain with the capital city of Darromar.
  • Western HeartlandsTogether with Cormyr and Sembia to the east, this region forms the heart of the civilized lands of Faerûn. It is an extensive land that stretches from the Sword Coast in the west to Cormyr and the Dragon Coast in the east. On the southern border is the nation of Amn. This land is not a unified nation, but instead consists of a series of city-states that include Baldur's Gate, Evereska, Berdusk, Elturel, and Scornubel. The southern part of this region formed the setting for the original Baldur's Gate series of computer games.

Interior Faerûn

With the exception of the Shining Plains, the interior lands of the continent lie along the irregular coastline of the western Sea of Fallen Stars. In the north the Dragonmere arm of the sea extends far to the west, ending close to the Western Heartlands. To the south, the Vilhon Reach forms a second arm leading to the southwest.

  • ChondathOn the southern shore opposite Turmish is this once-powerful nation of city-states. The warlike people of this land are generally manipulative and inscrutable by nature, and distrust magic and its practitioners. The region is bordered to the south by the extensive Chondalwood, along the east by the region of Chessenta, and to the southwest by Sespech. Notable port cities are Arrabar, Reth, Hlath, and Iljak.
  • CormyrThis is a prosperous, civilized land that lies at the western end of the Sea of Fallen Stars, to the south of the Anauroch desert and the Dalelands. Along its eastern border is the merchant nation of Sembia, and to the west are the broad Western Heartlands. Cormyr is a unified monarchy with its capital at the port city of Suzail. The other notable cities in Cormyr are Marsember and Arabel. The prosperous core region of the nation is warded by the Storm Horns mountains to the west and the Thunder Peak mountains to the east.
  • Dragon CoastA region of city-states, pirates, thieves, and secret societies. It lies along the southern shore of the Dragonmere, to the north of the Shining Plains. To the west it borders upon the nation of Turmish. Much of this land is occupied by the long Gulthmere Forest. It is separated from Turmish by the Orsraun Mountains.
  • HlondethThis independent city-state at the end of the Vilhon Reach controls a region of mountainous territory to the southwest of Turmish. The city has long had an association with serpents, and is ruled by a family with mixed blood that is not quite human.
  • Pirate IslesThis is a rocky archipelago that is located in the middle of the widest stretch of the Sea of Fallen Stars, between Sembia to the west and Aglarond to the east. The largest of these islands, named Dragonisle, hosts natural harbors that are home for nests of Pirates. These raiders of the sea prey upon shipping, particularly from Sembia.
  • SembiaOn the north shore of the Sea of Fallen Stars is this prosperous and ambitious nation of merchants and traders. It is bordered along the west by Cormyr and to the north by the broad Dalelands. Much of the country is open farmland, with no mountains and few woodlands. The most significant feature is the River Arkhen which crosses the country from west to east. The capital is Ordulin, an inland city. Prominent cities include Daerlun, Selgaunt, Saerloon, and Ordulin.
  • SespechThis is a barony that has gained its independence from Chondath. It lies near the end of the Vilhon Reach, to the southwest of Chlondath. Sespech is a minor naval power with the port capital of Ormpetarr. Inland is the fertile Golden Plains region lying between two rivers.
  • TurmishThe peaceful land is located at the northern shore at the end of the Vilhon Reach. It is bordered by the Orsraun Mountains to the north and west, the Aphrunn Mountains to the south, and by the shore of the sea. This has kept this land isolated and prosperous. The plains region between the mountains is primarily rolling farmland with few cities. The largest city and capital of this land is the port of Alaghôn.
  • The Shining PlainsThis is an extensive region of grasslands to the south of the Dragon Coast. It is bordered to the south by the long Deepwash lake, and to the west by Amn and the Western Heartlands. The plains are home to intelligent, four-legged creatures including Centaurs, and includes three small cities populated by humans.

East Faerûn

The eastern part of the continent borders the eastern expanses of the Sea of Fallen Stars. Here the sea forms a long arm that travels to the east before turning south to become the Alamber Sea. The northern nations of this mysterious area are termed the "Unapproachable East" and the southern nations the "Old Empires" in campaign setting publications. Many of these nations allow slavery, and depend on slaves for much of their economy.

  • AglarondThis nation lies on a long peninsula that just westward into the Sea of Fallen Stars. Its landward border joins it to Thay, a powerful enemy that Aglarond constantly opposes. Much of the peninsula is occupied by the Yuirwood, a forest home to half-elves and old ruins. Along the eastern border is the Umber Marshes. The capital city is Velprintalar, home of a powerful sorceress known as the Simbul.
  • AltumbelA small, isolated kingdom on the western end of the peninsula it shares with Aglarond.
  • ChessentaA war-torn region of cities leagued against each other in a group of alliances, this area is a nation in name only. It is located along the southern coast of the inland sea, between Chondath to the west and their former rulers in the old empire of Unther. The major geographic features are the Akanmere lake in the west and the wide Chessenta bay along the coast. The nominal capital is the port city of Cimbar. It shares similarities with ancient Greece.
  • ChondalwoodThis is a long, forested region to the south of Chondath and Chessenta. It is a wild region, home to elves, sylvan creatures, strange walking plants, and savage druids. It lies just to the north of the vast region of the Shaar, being separated by the Firestrap mountains.
  • MulhorandAn ancient land and empire that lies at the eastern extreme of the inland sea far to the east toward the Hordelands. In times past this nation was ruled directly by their deities. In culture and climate this nation has some similarities to ancient Egypt. To the east are the Plains of Purple Dust and Murghôm. The capital is the ancient port city of Skuld.
  • MurghômThis is an inland nation of farmers and horsemen who dwell about the Brightstar Lake. They are located to the east of Mulhorand, and have gained partial independence from their old rulers in that land. It is separated from the vast Hordelands to the north and east by the Great Wild Wood.
  • ThayThis eastern nation is most noted for the evil, Red Wizards who rule the land, and their extensive use of slavery. Much of the land lies atop a large plateau, with a second plateau and the volcanic Thaymount mountains atop that. The southern border joins the Alamber Sea, an eastern arm of the Sea of Fallen Stars, as well as Mulhorand. To the north is Rashemen, and to the west Thesk and Aglarond. It is separated from the hordelands to the east by the Sunrise Mountains. The capital city is Eltabbar.
  • UntherAnother former empire, this land lies to the west of Mulhorand, on the west bank of the Alamber Sea. The southern part of this land was recently invaded and occupied by Mulhorand, while only a small nation at the north end retains their freedom. The capital of the unoccupied portion of Unther is the port city of Messemprar. The western border of Unther lies along Chessenta. It shares similarities with ancient Mesopotamian civilisations, such as Babylon and Sumer.

Southwest Faerûn

The southwestern part of the continent lies along the great Chultan peninsula that juts out toward the west. The waters to the north are named the Shining Sea, a body bounded by Calisham to the north and joined to the Lake of Steam through the Straits of Storm. To the south of the land is the Great Sea.

  • ChultThis region of dense jungles lies at the western edge of the continent, where the Shining Sea joins the oceans to the west. It is a tropical land filled with wild beasts, dinosaurs, swamps, and tribes of near-savages.
  • LapaliiyaAlong the eastern shores of the Shining Sea is this confederation of city-states ruled by hereditary leaders. The people are hard-working folk who take honor and proper behavior very seriously. Duels are common, as are feuds between families. Each of the cities in this land has a different patron deity, and the city-folk will worship that one deity above all others.
  • SamarachA secretive land at the eastern edge of the jungles of Chult about which little is known. They are relatively isolated from the other parts of the peninsula by a ring of mountains, and take pains to hide themselves with illusion and deception.
  • TashalarA coastal nation on the southern shore of the Shining Sea, this is a land of merchants, wealth, and craftsmen that dwell at the edge of the Black Jungle to the south. The capital city is the port of Tashluta. The nearby waters are protected by a strong fleet of ships. Infiltrating Tashalar's cities and living in the surrounding jungles are yuan-ti and other serpentfolk.
  • ThindolThis is a region of grasslands, hills, and a bay to the south that nearly divides the land in two. The plains are home to fleet-footed tribes of humans. Clans of dwarves dwell and labor in the mountains that border this area.

South Faerûn

The southern part of the continent lies to the south of the regions around the Sea of Fallen Stars, being somewhat isolated by the Lake of Steam in the west, and the vast length of the Shaar. It is bordered along the south by the Great Sea; to the west by the Chultan peninsula region, and in the east by Luiren.

  • Border KingdomsThis area is located along the southeastern shore of the Lake of Steam, and north of Lapaliiya and the Shaar. It is a land of unstable kingdoms that rise and fall all too frequently. Despite the turbulent politics and struggles for power, the hardly locals manage to survive and go about their lives although they could by no means be considered prosperous.
  • DambrathAlong the southern shores of the continent is this dire nation of enslaved humans commanded by half-elf descendants of the Drow. Its northern borders lie along the Forest of Amtar, beyond the Gnollwatch Mountains. Much of the shore lies along the Bay of Dancing Dolphins, which is enclosed by a peninsula and is open to the east. The capital city is Cathyr.
  • Great RiftIn the southern heart of the Shaar lies this great canyon with steep sides and a lake in its middle. This area is an ancient home of the Dwarves, and these diminutive humanoids still command its surroundings. The largest surface city is Eartheart, just to the south of the rift, although the larger city of Underhome lies in the underdark beside the rift.
  • HalruaaSurrounded by mountain ranges on three sides and the Great Sea along the south is this mysterious, quiet and wealthy nation of insular wizards, descending from Netherese refugees. The nation is divided into sections by three rivers that meet at Lake Halruaa in the center. The small capital city of Halarahh lies along the northern shore of this body of water.
  • Lake of SteamThis saltwater lake is joined to the Shining Sea to the south by the Strait of Storms. The lake gained its name due to underwater volcanism. There are a number of independent city-states along the north shore, all once part of Calimshan. These cities retain many characteristics of their former masters, and are rife with plots and intrigues.
  • The ShaarThis is a wide grassland that stretches from the Shining Sea in the west to the borders of Mulhrand and Veldorn in the east. It is home to nomadic tribes and various non-human races. The largest inhabited city is Shaarmid, which lies to the south of Sespech in the western part of the plains.

Southeast Faerûn

The southeastern part of the continent lies to the south and east of the grassy plains known as the Shaar, along the shores of the Great Sea opposite the land of Zakhara.

Beyond this region, and thus beyond Faerûn, lie, in the south the giant peninsula of Zakhara and in the east, the Five Kingdoms of the Utter East.

  • DurparThis is a merchant kingdom to the southeast of Veldorn, and is separated from Estagund by the Gurna Mountains. This nation follows the shores of the bay known as the Golden Water, with the capital port city of Vaelan near the western extreme.
  • EstagundThis nation lies to the east of Luiren, and is closely tied to Durpar and Var the Golden to the east. It is led by a militant class of nobility, but it is as much a merchant nation as Durpar. The capital city of Chavyondat is a port on a bay of the southern coast.
  • LuirenAn anomaly among the nations of Faerûn, this is the only land ruled by the halflings. It is located along the eastern border of Dambrath, and is separated from the Shaar by the Toadsquat Mountain range. Much of the breadth of the country south of the mountains is occupied by the Lluirwood forest. The plains of Luiren contain productive farmland, and the crops are traded with the Dwarves of the Great Rift to the northwest. The capital city of Beluir lies along the coast, in the Luirenstrand bay.
  • Var the GoldenThis is an agricultural nation that lies along the southern end of the Golden Water. It borders the nations of Estagund to the east and Durpar to the north, and is closely linked to both. The government politics are as rife with plots and intrigue as Calimshan.
  • VeldornThe is a region of plains at the eastern end of the Shaar. It is home to various non-human monstrous tribes who are allied in a loose confederation for self-defense. The eastern edge of this region is formed by the Giant's Belt Mountains, a range which separates the plains from the desert to the east. There are no cities or population centers of note.

Political Regions


  • Alpuk
  • Ashanath
  • Angalpuk
  • Cormyr
  • Dalelands
  • Evermeet
  • Great Dale
  • Impiltur
  • Lantan
  • Moonshae Isles
  • Najara the Serpent Kingdom
  • Nakvalicach
  • Novularond
  • Nimbral
  • Priapurl
  • Sembia
  • Seros
  • Shaareach
  • Tharsult
  • Threskel
  • Thesk

Chult Peninsula

  • Samarach
  • Tashalar
  • Thindol

The Cold Lands

  • Damara
  • Sossal
  • The Great Grey Lands of Thar
  • Vaasa
  • Icewind Dale
  • Narfell
  • Hartsvale

Dwarven Kingdoms

  • Ammarindar
  • Delzoun
  • Great Rift
  • Shanatar
    • Deep Shanatar
    • High Shanatar
    • Iltkazar
  • Siremun

The Empires of the Sand

  • Amn
  • Calimshan
  • Erlkazar
  • Tethyr

The Endless Wastes of the Hordelands

  • Khazari
  • Ra-Khati
  • Raurin
  • Plain of Horses
  • Semphar
  • Solon
  • Songfarla
  • Taan
  • Yaïmmunahar

The Utter East

  • Ulgarth
  • The Five Kingdoms
    • Doegan
    • Edenvale
    • Konigheim
    • Langadarma
    • The Free Cities of Parsanic


  • Ama Basin
  • Koryo
  • Kozakura
  • Malatra
  • Shou Lung
  • T'u Lung
  • Wa

The Old Empires

  • Chessenta
  • Mulhorand
    • Murghôm
    • Semphar
  • Unther

The Shining South

  • Border Kingdoms
  • Dambrath
  • Great Rift
  • Halruaa
  • Lapaliiya
  • Luiren
  • Veldorn
  • The Shining Lands
    • Durpar
    • Estagund
    • Var The Golden

The Unapproachable East

  • Aglarond
  • Altumbel
  • Rashemen
  • Thay

Vilhon Reach

  • Chondath
  • Sespech
  • Turmish

Defunct Countries and Cities

  • Aryvandaar
  • Athalantar
  • Coramshan
  • Cormanthyr
  • Eaerlann
  • Guge
  • Illefarn
  • Ilythiir
  • Imaskar
  • Jastaath
  • Jhaamdath
  • Jhothûn
  • Keltormir
  • Miyeritar
  • Narfell
  • Netheril
  • Raumathar
  • Shantel Othreier
  • Tsharoon
  • Xothaerin


Geographical Regions


Terrestrial Regions of Faerûn

  • The Frozenfar
  • Heartlands
    • Western Heartlands
  • High Moor
  • The North
    • Athalantar
    • Eaerlann
    • Illefarn
    • Luruar
  • The Ride
  • Rethild
  • Ruathym
  • Shaar
  • Eastern Shaar
  • Underdark
  • The Vast
  • Vilhon Reach

Bodies of water

Seas and oceans

  • Great Sea
  • Moonsea
  • Savage Frontier
  • Sea of Moving Ice
  • Sea of Swords
  • Sea of Fallen Stars
  • Shining Sea
  • Trackless Sea
  • Yal-Tengri, also known as Endless Ice Sea

Archipelagos, submerged kingdoms/cities and major islands


  • Anauroch
  • Raurin


  • Pelvuria, the Great Glacier
  • Reghed, the High Ice
  • Shigatse

Mountains Ranges

  • The Wam, the Spine of the World
  • Fuirgar
  • Wu Pi Te Shao, The World Pillar Mountains, also known asThe Roof of the World”, the largest mountain range in Toril
  • Yehimal and its extension, A-Ling Shan



  1. ^ Schick, Lawrence (1991). Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books. ISBN 0-87975-653-5. 
  2. ^ Schick, Lawrence (1991). Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books. ISBN 0-87975-653-5. 

External links

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