Wam|pa|no|ag — «WOM puh NOH ag», noun. a member of an Indian tribe of southeastern Massachusetts at the time of the Pilgrims … Useful english dictionary
wam — cat·a·wam·pous·ly; cat·ty·wam·pus; WAM; wam·ben·ger; wam·bli·ness; wam·bly; wam·pa·no·ag; wam·pish; wam·pum; wam·pum·peag; wam·pus; wig·wam; cat·a·wam·pus; wam·ble; wam·pee; cat·a·wam·pous; wam·bling·ly; wam·mus; wam·pi; … English syllables
WAM — Die Abkürzung WAM bedeutet: Walter Andreas Müller, ein häufig verwendetes Kürzel des Schweizer Schauspielers WAM – Die Medienakademie Warren’s Abstract Machine, eine virtuelle Maschine für die Programmiersprache Prolog Werkzeug Automat Material,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
WAM — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
WAM — weighted average maturity (WAM) The average of the time remaining until the contractual maturity date for the loans in an MBS pool weighted by the size of each loan. Expressed in months. American Banker Glossary … Financial and business terms
Wam Kat — (born in the mid 1950s) is a Dutch political activist and author who now lives in Germany and serves in the city government of Belzig.BiographyWam was told by a doctor when he was 18 that he had a year to live and made a conscious choice to live… … Wikipedia
WAM-фетиш — WAM (wet and messy мокрый и грязный) фетишизм форма сексуального фетишизма, при которой человек получает удовольствие от ощущений, вызванных наличием различных субстанций на коже или одежде. В качестве материала обычно используются… … Википедия
wam|ble — «WOM uhl, WAM », verb, bled, bling, noun. Dialect. –v.i. 1. a) to feel nausea. b) (of the stomach or its contents) to be felt to roll about (in nausea). 2. to move unsteadily; stagger; totter; … Useful english dictionary
wam|bly — «WOM lee, WAM », adjective. Dialect. 1. affected with nausea. 2. causing nausea. 3. shaky; tottering; unsteady … Useful english dictionary
wam|mus — «WOM uhs», noun. = wamus. (Cf. ↑wamus) … Useful english dictionary