List of Forgotten Realms novels

List of Forgotten Realms novels

The List of Forgotten Realms novels is a listing of the many works of fantasy fiction that are based in the role-playing game setting of the Forgotten Realms.

They are published by Wizards of the Coast (WotC), with some originally published by TSR before it was incorporated into WotC.

Abolethic Sovereignty

By Bruce R. Cordell

* "Plague of Spells", by Bruce R. Cordell (paperback, due December 2008, ISBN 9780786949656)


By various

* "Realms of Valor", edited by James Lowder (paperback, February 1993, ISBN 9781560765578)
* "Realms of Infamy", edited by James Lowder (paperback, December 1994, ISBN 9781560769118)
* "Realms of Magic", edited by Brian M. Thomsen and J. Robert King (paperback, December 1995, ISBN 9780786903030)
* "Realms of the Underdark", edited by J. Robert King (paperback, April 1996, ISBN 9780786904877)
* "Realms of the Arcane", edited by Brian M. Thomsen (paperback, November 1997, ISBN 9780786906475)
* "Realms of Mystery", edited by Philip Athans (paperback, June 1998, ISBN 9780786911714)
* "Realms of the Deep", edited by Philip Athans (paperback, March 2000, ISBN 9780786915682) (this anthology is part of the "Threat from the Sea" series, listed below)
* "The Halls of Stormweather", edited by Philip Athans (paperback, July 2000, ISBN 9780786915606; paperback re-issue, February 2007, ISBN 9780786942442) (this anthology is part of the "Sembia" series, listed below)
* "Realms of Shadow", edited by Lizz Baldwin (paperback, April 2002, ISBN 9780786927166) (this anthology is part of the "Return of the Archwizards" series, listed below)
* "The Best of the Realms", edited by R. A. Salvatore (paperback, November 2003, ISBN 9780786930241)
** "Rite of Blood", by Elaine Cunningham
** "Elminster at the Magefair", by Ed Greenwood
** "Darksword", by Troy Denning
** "Blood Sport", by Christie Golden
** "Six of Swords", by William W. Connors
** "The Rose Window", by Monte Cook
** "The First Moonwell", by Douglas Niles
** "The Greatest Hero Who Ever Died", by J. Robert King
** "Tertius and the Artifact", by Jeff Grubb
** "Red Ambition", by Jean Rabe
** "The Common Spell", by Kate Novak-Grubb
** "Assassin's Shadow", by Jess Lebow
** "And the Dark Tide Rises", by Keith Francis Strohm
** "Empty Joys", by R. A. Salvatore
* "Realms of the Dragons", edited by Philip Athans (paperback, October 2004, ISBN 9780786933945) (this anthology is part of the "Year of Rogue Dragons" series, listed below)
* "Realms of the Dragons II", edited by Philip Athans (paperback, May 2005, ISBN 9780786938087) (this anthology is part of the "Year of Rogue Dragons" series, listed below)
* "The Best of the Realms II: The Stories of Ed Greenwood", by Ed Greenwood (paperback, July 2005, ISBN 9780786937608)
** "Not the Most Successful of Feasts"
** "Dark Talons Forbear Thee"
** "The Whispering Crown"
** "So High a Price"
** "One Comes, Unheralded, to Zirta"
** "A Dance in Storm's Garden"
** "A Slow Day in Skullport"
** "Bloodbound"
** "How Wisdom Came to the Maimed Wizard"
** "The Eye of the Dragon"
** "Nothing But Trouble"
** "The Grinning Ghost of Taverton Hall"
** "The Place Where Guards Snore at Their Posts"
** "Living Forever"
** "The Long Road Home"
* "Realms of the Elves", edited by Philip Athans (paperback, February 2006, ISBN 9780786939800) (this anthology is part of the "Last Mythal" series, listed below)
* "The Best of the Realms III: The Stories of Elaine Cunningham", by Elaine Cunningham (paperback, May 2007, ISBN 9780786942886)
** "The Knights of Samular"
** "The Bargain"
** "Elminster's Jest"
** "The More Things Change"
** "The Direct Approach"
** "Secrets of Blood, Spirits of the Sea"
** "The Great Hunt"
** "Speaking with the Dead"
** "Stolen Dreams"
** "Fire is Fire"
** "Possessions"
** "A Little Knowledge"
** "Games of Chance"
** "Tribute"
** "Answered Prayers"
* "The Best of the Realms IV" (due 2007), by R.A. Salvatore
* "Realms of War" (paperback, January 2008, ISBN 9780786949342; this anthology is part of the Twilight War series, listed below)
* "Realms of the Dead" (due 2010) (this anthology is part of the "Haunted Lands series, listed below)

The Avatar Series

By Scott Ciencin (originally using the house name "Richard Awlinson"), Troy Denning, (originally using the house name "Richard Awlinson") and James Lowder
* "Shadowdale", by Scott Ciencin (paperback, April 1989, under the name "Richard Awlinson", ISBN 9780880387309; paperback re-issue, May 2003, ISBN 9780786931057)
* "Tantras", by Scott Ciencin (paperback, June 1989, under the name "Richard Awlinson"; ISBN 9780880387484; paperback re-issue, June 2003, ISBN 9780786931088)
* "Waterdeep", by Troy Denning (paperback, August 1989, under the name "Richard Awlinson"; ISBN 9780880387590; paperback re-issue, July 2003, ISBN 9780786931118)
* "Prince of Lies", by James Lowder (paperback, August 1993, ISBN 9781560766261; paperback re-issue, September 2003, ISBN 9780786931149)
* "Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad", by Troy Denning (paperback, ISBN 9780786907243; paperback re-issue, November 2003, ISBN 9780786931170)

The Baldur's Gate Series

Based on the "Baldur's Gate" computer game series.
* "Baldur's Gate", by Philip Athans (paperback, July 1999, ISBN 9780786915255)
* "Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn", by Philip Athans (paperback, September 2000, ISBN 9780786915699)
* "Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal", by Drew Karpyshyn (paperback, September 2001, ISBN 9780786919857)

Blades of Moonsea

By Richard Baker

* "The Swordmage" (hardcover, May 2008, ISBN 9780786947881; paperback reissue December 2008, ISBN 9780786950225)
* "Corsair" (hardcover, March 2009, ISBN 9780786951154)
* "Avenger" (Release date and format not announced)

The Citadels

By Ed Gentry, Jess Lebow, James P. Davis and Mark Sehestedt

* "Neversfall", by Ed Gentry (paperback, November 2007, ISBN 9780786947829)
* "Obsidian Ridge", by Jess Lebow (paperback, April 2008, ISBN 9780786947850)
* "The Shield of Weeping Ghosts", by James P. Davis (paperback, May 2008, ISBN 9780786948772)
* "Sentinelspire", by Mark Sehestedt (paperback, July 2008, ISBN 9780786949373)

The Cities

By Richard Baker, Drew Karpyshyn, Mel Odom, Ed Greenwood, and Elaine Cunningham

* "The City of Ravens", by Richard Baker (paperback, December 2000, ISBN 9780786914012)
* "Temple Hill", by Drew Karpyshyn (paperback, September 2001, ISBN 9780786918713)
* "The Jewel of Turmish", by Mel Odom (paperback, February 2002, ISBN 9780786926985)
* "The City of Splendors: A Waterdeep Novel", by Ed Greenwood and Elaine Cunningham (hardcover, August 2005, ISBN 9780786937660; paperback, May 2006, ISBN 9780786940042)

The Cleric Quintet

By R. A. Salvatore

* "Canticle" (paperback, October 1991, ISBN 9781560761198; paperback re-issue, February 2000, ISBN 9780786916047)
* "In Sylvan Shadows" (paperback, April 1992, ISBN 9781560763215; paperback re-issue, March 2000, ISBN 9780786916054)
* "Night Masks" (paperback, August 1992, ISBN 9781560763284; paperback re-issue, May 2000, ISBN 9780786916061)
* "The Fallen Fortress" (paperback, June 1993, ISBN 9781560764199; paperback re-issue, July 2000, ISBN 9780786916078)
* "The Chaos Curse" (paperback, June 1994, ISBN 9781560768609; paperback re-issue, July 2000, ISBN 9780786916085)

The Cleric Quintet was later reprinted in:
* "The Cleric Quintet Collector's Edition" (hardcover, January 1999, ISBN 9780786913138; paperback, January 2002, ISBN 9780786926909)

The Cormyr Saga

By Ed Greenwood, Jeff Grubb, and Troy Denning

* "Cormyr: A Novel", by Ed Greenwood and Jeff Grubb (hardcover, July 1996, ISBN 9780786905034; paperback, April 1998, ISBN 9780786907106)
* "Beyond the High Road", by Troy Denning (paperback, December 1999, ISBN 9780786914364)
* "Death of the Dragon", by Ed Greenwood and Troy Denning (hardcover, August 2000, ISBN 9780786916375; paperback, May 2001, ISBN 9780786918638)

Counselors & Kings

By Elaine Cunningham

* "The Magehound" (paperback, April 2000, ISBN 9780786915613)
* "The Floodgate" (paperback, April 2001, ISBN 9780786918188)
* "The Wizardwar" (paperback, March 2002, ISBN 9780786927043)

The Dark Elf Trilogy

By R. A. Salvatore (featuring Drizzt Do'Urden)
* "Homeland" (paperback, August 1990, ISBN 9780880389051)
* "Exile" (paperback, December 1990, ISBN 9780880389204)
* "Sojourn" (paperback, May 1991, ISBN 9781560760474)

The Dark Elf Trilogy was later reprinted in several different formats:
* "The Dark Elf Trilogy Collector's Edition" (hardcover, July 1998, ISBN 9780786911769; paperback, February 2000, ISBN 9780786915880)
* "The Dark Elf Trilogy Gift Set" (three paperbacks in boxed slipcase, September 2001, ISBN 9780786926831)
* and as volumes 1-3 in The Legend of Drizzt

Double Diamond Triangle Saga

By J. Robert King, James Ward & David Wise, Ed Greenwood, Roger E. Moore, Dave Gross, David Cook & Peter Archer, and Richard Baker

* "The Abduction", by J. Robert King (paperback, February 1998, ISBN 9780786908646)
* "The Paladins", by James M. Ward and David Wise (paperback, February 1998, ISBN 9780786908653)
* "The Mercenaries", by Ed Greenwood (paperback, February 1998, ISBN 9780786908660)
* "Errand of Mercy", by Roger E. Moore (paperback, February 1998, ISBN 9780786908677)
* "An Opportunity for Profit", by Dave Gross (paperback, March 1998, ISBN 9780786908684)
* "Conspiracy", by J. Robert King (paperback, April 1998, ISBN 9780786908691)
* "Uneasy Alliances", by David Cook with Peter Archer (paperback, May 1998, ISBN 9780786908707)
* "Easy Betrayals", by Richard Baker (paperback, June 1998, ISBN 9780786908714)
* "The Diamond", by J. Robert King and Ed Greenwood (paperback, July 1998, ISBN 9780786908721)

The Druidhome Trilogy

By Douglas Niles

* "Prophet of Moonshae" (paperback, February 1992, ISBN 9781560763192)
* "The Coral Kingdom" (paperback, September 1992, ISBN 9781560763321)
* "The Druid Queen" (paperback, February 1993, ISBN 9781560765684)

The Dungeons

By Erik Scott de Bie, Jaleigh Johnson, Bruce R. Cordell and Rosemary Jones

* "Depths of Madness", by Erik Scott de Bie (paperback, March 2007, ISBN 9780786943142)
* "The Howling Delve", by Jaleigh Johnson (paperback, July 2007, ISBN 9780786942787)
* "Stardeep", by Bruce R. Cordell (paperback, October 2007, ISBN 9780786943388)
* "Crypt of the Moaning Diamond", by Rosemary Jones (paperback, November 2007, ISBN 9780786947140)

The Elminster Series

By Ed Greenwood (featuring Elminster)
* "Elminster - The Making of a Mage" (hardcover, December 1994, ISBN 9781560769361; paperback, December 1995, ISBN 9780786902033)
* "Elminster in Myth Drannor" (hardcover, November 1997, ISBN 9780786906611; paperback, December 1998, ISBN 9780786911905)
* "The Temptation of Elminster" (hardcover, December 1998, ISBN 9780786911899; paperback, November 1999, ISBN 9780786914272)
* "Elminster in Hell" (hardcover, August 2001, ISBN 9780786918751; paperback, May 2002, ISBN 9780786927463)
* "Elminster's Daughter" (hardcover, May 2004, ISBN 9780786931996; paperback, June 2005, ISBN 9780786937684)

The first three volumes in this series were reprinted, with extensive new commentary by Ed Greenwood in:
* "The Annotated Elminster" (hardcover, November 2007, ISBN 9780786947997)

The Empires Trilogy

By David Cook, Troy Denning and James Lowder

* "Horselords", by David Cook (paperback, May 1990, ISBN 9780880389044)
* "Dragonwall", by Troy Denning (paperback, August 1990, ISBN 9780880389198)
* "Crusade", by James Lowder (paperback, January 1991, ISBN 9780880389082)

The Empyrean Odyssey

By Thomas M. Reid

* "The Gossamer Plain" (paperback, May 2007, ISBN 9780786940240)
* "The Fractured Sky" (due November 2008)
* "The Crystal Mountain" (due mid 2009)

The Erevis Cale Trilogy

By Paul S. Kemp

* "Twilight Falling" (paperback, July 2003, ISBN 9780786929986)
* "Dawn of Night" (paperback, June 2004, ISBN 9780786932252)
* "Midnight's Mask" (paperback, November 2005, ISBN 9780786936434)

The Fighters

By Jess Lebow, Erik Scott de Bie, Murray J. D. Leeder and Keith Francis Strohm

* "Master of Chains", by Jess Lebow (paperback, September 2005, ISBN 9780786938001)
* "Ghostwalker", by Erik Scott de Bie (paperback, December 2005, ISBN 9780786939626)
* "Son of Thunder", by Murray J. D. Leeder (paperback, January 2006, ISBN 9780786939602)
* "Bladesinger", by Keith Francis Strohm (paperback, April 2006, ISBN 9780786938353)

The Finder's Stone Trilogy

By Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb

* "Azure Bonds", by Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb (paperback, October 1988, ISBN 9780880386128)
* "The Wyvern's Spur", by Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb (paperback, March 1990, ISBN 9780880389020)
* "Song of the Saurials", by Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb (paperback, March 1991, ISBN 9781560760603)

The Harpers

By Troy Denning, Elaine Cunningham, Jean Rabe, Scott Ciencin, James Lowder, Mark Anthony, David Cook, Charles Alexander Moffat, Ed Greenwood, and Kate Novak & Jeff Grubb.

* "The Parched Sea", by Troy Denning (paperback, July 1991, ISBN 9781560760672)
* "Elfshadow", by Elaine Cunningham (paperback, October 1991, ISBN 9781560761174; later re-issued as "Songs & Swords" 1)
* "Red Magic", by Jean Rabe (paperback, December 1991, ISBN 9781560761181)
* "The Night Parade", by Scott Ciencin (paperback, June 1992, ISBN 9781560763239)
* "The Ring of Winter", by James Lowder (paperback, November 1992, ISBN 9781560763307)
* "Crypt of the Shadowking", by Mark Anthony (paperback, March 1993, ISBN 9781560765943)
* "Soldiers of Ice", by David Cook (paperback, November 1993, ISBN 9781560766414)
* "Elfsong", by Elaine Cunningham (paperback, January 1994, ISBN 9781560766797; later re-issued as "Songs & Swords" 2)
* "Crown of Fire", by Ed Greenwood (paperback, April 1994, ISBN 9781560768395; later re-issued as "Shandril's Saga" 2)
* "Masquerades", by Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb (paperback, July 1995, ISBN 9780786901524)
* "Curse of the Shadowmage", by Mark Anthony (paperback, November 1995, ISBN 9780786901913)
* "The Veiled Dragon", by Troy Denning (paperback, April 1996, ISBN 9780786904822)
* "Silver Shadows", by Elaine Cunningham (paperback, June 1996, ISBN 9780786904983; later re-issued as "Songs & Swords" 3)
* "Stormlight", by Ed Greenwood (paperback, October 1996, ISBN 9780786905201)
* "Finder's Bane", by Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb (paperback, July 1997, ISBN 9780786906581; this book is also the first novel in the "Lost Gods" series)
* "Thornhold", by Elaine Cunningham (paperback, August 1998, ISBN 9780786911776; later re-issued as "Songs & Swords" 4)
* "Rise of the Blade", by Charles Alexander Moffat (1998) was never published because the Harpers series was canceled.

The Haunted Lands

By Richard Lee Byers

* "Unclean" (paperback, April 2007, ISBN 9780786942589)
* "Undead" (paperback, April 2008, ISBN 9780786942589)
* "Unholy" (due March 2009)
* "Realms of the Dead" (due early 2010) (this book is also listed under the Anthologies section, above)

House of Serpents

By Lisa Smedman

* "Venom's Taste" (paperback, March 2004, ISBN 9780786931668)
* "Viper's Kiss" (paperback, March 2005, ISBN 9780786936168)
* "Vanity's Brood" (paperback, March 2006, ISBN 9780786939824)

The Hunter's Blade Trilogy

By R. A. Salvatore (featuring Drizzt Do'Urden)

* "The Thousand Orcs" (hardcover, October 2002, ISBN 9780786928040; paperback, July 2003, ISBN 9780786929801)
* "The Lone Drow" (hardcover, October 2003, ISBN 9780786930128; paperback, June 2004, ISBN 9780786932283)
* "The Two Swords" (hardcover, October 2004, ISBN 9780786933600; paperback, September 2005, ISBN 9780786937905)

The Hunter's Blade Trilogy was later reprinted in several different formats:

* "The Hunter's Blades Collector's Edition" (hardcover, January 2007, ISBN 9780786943159)
* "The Hunter's Blades Trilogy Gift Set" (three paperbacks in boxed slipcase, August 2007, ISBN 9780786947270)

The Icewind Dale Trilogy

By R. A. Salvatore (featuring Drizzt Do'Urden)

* "The Crystal Shard" (paperback, January 1988, ISBN 9780880385350)
* "Streams of Silver" (paperback, January 1989, ISBN 9780880386722)
* "The Halfling's Gem" (paperback, January 1990, ISBN 9780880389013)

"The Crystal Shard" was the second Forgotten Realms novel ever published, and the first by R. A. Salvatore.

The Icewind Dale Trilogy was later reprinted in several different formats:

* "The Icewind Dale Trilogy Collector's Edition" (hardcover, January 2000, ISBN 9780786915576; paperback, February 2001, ISBN 9780786918119)
* "The Icewind Dale Trilogy Gift Set" (three paperbacks in boxed slipcase, September 2002, ISBN 9780786927203)
* and as volumes 4-6 in The Legend of Drizzt

The Knights of Myth Drannor

By Ed Greenwood

* "Swords of Eveningstar" (hardcover, August 2006, ISBN 9780786940226; paperback, June 2007, ISBN 9780786942725)
* "Swords of Dragonfire" (hardcover, August 2007, ISBN 9780786943395; paperback, April 2008, ISBN 9780786948628)
* "The Sword never sleeps" (hardcover, due November 2008, ISBN 9780786949144)

The Lady Penitent

By Lisa Smedman

* "Sacrifice of the Widow" (paperback, February 2007, ISBN 9780786942503)
* "Storm of the Dead" (paperback, August 2007, ISBN 9780786947010)
* "Ascendancy of the Last" (due June 2008, ISBN 9780786948642)

The Last Mythal

This series contains a trilogy of novels written by Richard Baker, as well as an anthology of short stories written by various authors.

* "Forsaken House", by Richard Baker (paperback, August 2004, ISBN 9780786932603)
* "Farthest Reach", by Richard Baker (paperback, July 2005, ISBN 9780786937561)
* "Realms of the Elves", edited by Philip Athans (paperback, February 2006, ISBN 9780786939800) (this book is also listed under the Anthologies section, above)
* "Final Gate", by Richard Baker (paperback, June 2006, ISBN 9780786940028)

The three volume trilogy by Richard Baker was later reprinted in:
* "The Last Mythal Gift Set" (three paperbacks in boxed slipcase, September 2007, ISBN 9780786947126)

The Legend of Drizzt

By R. A. Salvatore (featuring Drizzt Do'Urden)

This series consists of re-issues of novels (with new cover art) that had previously been published under different series titles. In this series, they are numbered not in the order of their original publication, but rather in their chronological order in Drizzt's life. The first six novels in this series had never previously been released in a hardcover edition.

* Book I: "Homeland" ("The Dark Elf Trilogy" #1; hardcover, March 2004, ISBN 9780786931231; paperback, December 2005, ISBN 9780786939534)
* Book II: "Exile" ("The Dark Elf Trilogy" #2; hardcover, June 2004, ISBN 9780786931262; paperback, March 2006, ISBN 9780786939831)
* Book III: "Sojourn" ("The Dark Elf Trilogy" #3; hardcover, December 2004, ISBN 9780786930814; paperback, June 2006, ISBN 9780786940073)
* Book IV: "The Crystal Shard" ("The Icewind Dale Trilogy" #1; hardcover, March 2005, ISBN 9780786936137; paperback, January 2007, ISBN 9780786942466)
* Book V: "Streams of Silver" ("The Icewind Dale Trilogy" #2; hardcover, July 2005, ISBN 9780786937622; paperback, May 2007, ISBN 9780786942657)
* Book VI: "The Halfling's Gem" ("The Icewind Dale Trilogy" #3; hardcover, November 2005, ISBN 9780786938254; paperback, due August 2007, ISBN 9780786942893)
* Book VII: "The Legacy" ("Legacy of the Drow" #1; hardcover, April 2006, ISBN 9780786939848)(paperback April 2008)
* Book VIII: "Starless Night" ("Legacy of the Drow" #2; hardcover, July 2006, ISBN 9780786940233)
* Book IX: "Siege of Darkness" ("Legacy of the Drow" #3; hardcover, November 2006, ISBN 9780786940219)
* Book X: "Passage to Dawn" ("Legacy of the Drow" #4; hardcover, March 2007, ISBN 9780786942572)
* Book XI: "The Silent Blade" ("Paths of Darkness" #1; hardcover, June 2007, ISBN 9780786943364)
* Book XII: "The Spine of the World" ("Paths of Darkness" #2; hardcover, due November 2007, ISBN 9780786943418)
* Book XIII: "The Sea of Swords" ("Paths of Darkness" #3) (Hardcover March 2008)
* Book XIV: "The Thousand Orcs" ("The Hunter's Blade Trilogy" #1)
* Book XV: "The Lone Drow" ("The Hunter's Blade Trilogy" #2)
* Book XVI: "The Two Swords" ("The Hunter's Blade Trilogy" #3)

Portions of the entire series have been reprinted in boxed sets:
* "The Legend of Drizzt Boxed Set, Books I-III" (containing "Homeland", "Exile", and "Sojourn") (three paperbacks in boxed slipcase, due September 2007, ISBN 9780786947775)
* "The Legend of Drizzt Boxed Set, Books IV-VI" (containing "The Crystal Shard", "Streams of Silver", and "The Halfling's Gem") (three paperbacks in boxed slipcase, due September 2007, ISBN 9780786947782)

Legacy of the Drow

By R. A. Salvatore (featuring Drizzt Do'Urden)

* "The Legacy" (hardcover, September 1992, ISBN 9781560765295; paperback, October 1993, ISBN 9781560766407; hardcover re-issue, January 1996, ISBN 9780517166260)
* "Starless Night" (hardcover, August 1993, ISBN 9781560766537; paperback, August 1994, ISBN 9781560768807; hardcover re-issue, February 1996, ISBN 9780517166284)
* "Siege of Darkness" (hardcover, August 1994, ISBN 9781560768883; paperback, August 1995, ISBN 9780786901647)
* "Passage to Dawn" (hardcover, August 1996, ISBN 9780786904891; hardcover, September 1996, ISBN 9780786908349; paperback, August 1997, ISBN 9780786907502)

"The Legacy" was the very first Forgotten Realms novel published in hardcover.

Legacy of the Drow was later reprinted in several different formats:

* "Legacy of the Drow Collector's Edition" (hardcover, January 2001, ISBN 9780786918003; paperback, January 2003, ISBN 9780786929085)
* "Legacy of the Drow Gift Set" (four paperbacks in boxed slipcase, September 2003, ISBN 9780786930012)
* and as volumes 7-10 in The Legend of Drizzt

Lost Empires

By Mel Odom, Troy Denning, Clayton Emery, and Lynn Abbey

* "The Lost Library of Cormanthyr", by Mel Odom (paperback, March 1998, ISBN 9780786907359)
* "Faces of Deception", by Troy Denning (paperback, November 1998, ISBN 9780786911837)
* "Star of Cursrah", by Clayton Emery (paperback, February 1999, ISBN 9780786913220)
* "The Nether Scroll", by Lynn Abbey (paperback, September 2000, ISBN 9780786915668)

The Lost Gods

By Kate Novak, Jeff Grubb, and Douglas Niles

This series is a cross-over between the Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance settings.

* "Finder's Bane", by Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb (paperback, July 1997, ISBN 9780786906581; this book is also the 15th novel in the "Harpers" series)
* "Fistandantilus Reborn", by Douglas Niles (paperback, July 1997, ISBN 9780786907083; this book is the also 2nd novel in the Dragonlance "Lost Legends" series)
* "Tymora's Luck", by Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb (paperback, December 1997, ISBN 9780786907267)

The Maztica Trilogy

By Douglas Niles
* "Ironhelm" (paperback, April 1990, ISBN 9780880389037)
* "Viperhand" (paperback, October 1990, ISBN 9780880389075)
* "Feathered Dragon" (paperback, April 1991, ISBN 9781560760450)

The Moonshae Trilogy

By Douglas Niles

* "Darkwalker on Moonshae" (paperback, May 1987, ISBN 9780880384513; paperback re-issue, October 2004, ISBN 9780786935604)
* "Black Wizards" (paperback, April 1988, ISBN 9780880385633; paperback re-issue, November 2004, ISBN 9780786935635)
* "Darkwell" (paperback, February 1989, ISBN 9780880387170; paperback re-issue, December 2004, ISBN 9780786935666)

"Darkwalker on Moonshae" was the very first Forgotten Realms novel ever published.


By Chet Williamson, Richard Meyers, and John Maddox Roberts

* "Murder in Cormyr", by Chet Williamson (hardcover, March 1996, ISBN 9780786904860; paperback, July 1998, ISBN 9780786911738)
* "Murder in Halruaa", by Richard Meyers (hardcover, October 1996, ISBN 9780786905218)
* "Murder in Tarsis" (FR tie-in Dragonlance novel; 1999)

Netheril Trilogy

By Clayton Emery

* "Sword Play" (paperback, May 1996, ISBN 9780786904921)
* "Dangerous Games" (paperback, November 1996, ISBN 9780786905249)
* "Mortal Consequences" (paperback, January 1998, ISBN 9780786906833)

The Nobles

By David Cook, Victor Milan, Mark Anthony, Brian Thomson, Paul Kidd, and Lynn Abbey

* "King Pinch", by David Cook (paperback, May 1995, ISBN 9780786901272)
* "War in Tethyr", by Victor Milan (paperback, October 1995, ISBN 9780786901845)
* "Escape from Undermountain", by Mark Anthony (paperback, February 1996, ISBN 9780786904778)
* "The Mage in the Iron Mask", by Brian Thomsen (paperback, August 1996, ISBN 9780786905065)
* "The Council of Blades", by Paul Kidd (paperback, November 1997, ISBN 9780786905317)
* "The Simbul's Gift",by Lynn Abbey (paperback, November 1997, ISBN 9780786907632)

Paths of Darkness

By R. A. Salvatore (featuring Drizzt Do'Urden)

* "The Silent Blade" (hardcover, October 1998, ISBN 9780786911806; paperback, June 1999, ISBN 9780786913886)
* "The Spine of the World" (hardcover, September 1999, ISBN 9780786914180; paperback, July 2000, ISBN 9780786914043)
* "Servant of the Shard" (hardcover, October 2000, ISBN 9780786916573; paperback, July 2001, ISBN 9780786918782; later re-issued as the first volume in the "Sellswords" series)
* "Sea of Swords" (hardcover, October 2001, ISBN 9780786918980; paperback, August 2002, ISBN 9780786927722)

Paths of Darkness was later reprinted in several different formats:

* "Paths of Darkness Collector's Edition" (hardcover, February 2004, ISBN 9780786931552; paperback, August 2005, ISBN 9780786939954)
* "Paths of Darkness Gift Set" (four paperbacks in boxed slipcase, August 2004, ISBN 9780786933495)
* and as volumes 11-?? in The Legend of Drizzt

Pools Trilogy

By James M. Ward, Jane Cooper Hong, and Anne K. Brown

* "Pool of Radiance", by James M. Ward and Jane Cooper Hong (paperback, December 1989, ISBN 9780880387354)
* "Pools of Darkness", by James M. Ward and Anne K. Brown (paperback, February 1992, ISBN 9781560763185)
* "Pool of Twilight", by James M. Ward and Anne K. Brown (paperback, October 1993, ISBN 9781560765820)

The Priests

By Bruce R. Cordell, Dave Gross & Don Bassingthwaite, Kameron M. Franklin (winner of the WotC Open Call), and Richard Lee Byers
* "Lady of Poison", by Bruce R. Cordell (paperback, July 2004, ISBN 9780786931613)
* "Mistress of the Night", by Dave Gross and Don Bassingthwaite (paperback, December 2004, ISBN 9780786933464)
* "Maiden of Pain", by Kameron M. Franklin (paperback, June 2005, ISBN 9780786937646) (subject of the 2003 novel Open Call)
* "Queen of the Depths", by Richard Lee Byers (paperback, September 2005, ISBN 9780786937370)

Return of the Archwizards

This series contains a trilogy of novels written by Troy Denning, as well as an anthology of short stories written by various authors.

* "The Summoning", by Troy Denning (paperback, March 2001, ISBN 9780786918010)
* "The Siege", by Troy Denning (paperback, December 2001, ISBN 9780786919055)
* "Realms of Shadow", edited by Lizz Baldwin (paperback, April 2002, ISBN 9780786927166) (this book is also listed under the Anthologies section, above)
** "Trial by Ordeal", by Lisa Smedman
** "Assassin's Shadow", by Jess Lebow
** "Too Long in the Dark", by Paul S. Kemp
** "Darksword", by Troy Denning
** "Liar's Game", by Jessica Beaven
** "That Curious Sword", by R. A. Salvatore
** "A Little Knowledge", by Elaine Cunningham
** "Astride the Wind", by Philip Athans
** "The Fallen Lands", by Murray J. D. Leeder
** "When Shadows Come Seeking a Throne", by Ed Greenwood
** "King Shadow", by Richard Lee Byers
** "The Shifting Sands", by Peter Archer
* "The Sorcerer", by Troy Denning (paperback, November 2002, ISBN 9780786927951)

The Rogues

By Edward Bolme, Richard Lee Byers, Voronica Whitney-Robinson, and Don Bassingthwaite

* "The Alabaster Staff", by Edward Bolme (paperback, July 2003, ISBN 9780786929627)
* "The Black Bouquet", by Richard Lee Byers (paperback, September 2003, ISBN 9780786930425)
* "The Crimson Gold", by Voronica Whitney-Robinson (paperback, December 2003, ISBN 9780786931200)
* "The Yellow Silk", by Don Bassingthwaite (paperback, February 2004, ISBN 9780786931521)

The Scions of Arrabar Trilogy

By Thomas M. Reid

* "The Sapphire Crescent" (paperback, November 2003, ISBN 9780786930272)
* "The Ruby Guardian" (paperback, November 2004, ISBN 9780786933822)
* "The Emerald Sceptre" (paperback, August 2005, ISBN 9780786937547)

The Sellswords

By R.A. Salvatore (featuring Artemis Entreri)

* "Servant of the Shard" (previously issued in October 2000 as "Paths of Darkness" 3; paperback, June 2005, ISBN 9780786939503)
* "Promise of the Witch-King" (hardcover, October 2005, ISBN 9780786938230; paperback, September 2006, ISBN 9780786940738)
* "Road of the Patriarch" (hardcover, October 2006, ISBN 9780786940752; unabridged audio CD, October 2006, ISBN 9781423316404; abridged audio CD, October 2006, ISBN 9781423316466; unabridged audio mp3 on CD, October 2006, ISBN 9781423316428; paperback, July 2007, ISBN 9780786942770)


By Ed Greenwood, Clayton Emery, Paul S. Kemp, Richard Lee Byers, Dave Gross, Lisa Smedman, and Voronica Whitney-Robinson.

* "The Halls of Stormweather" (paperback, July 2000, ISBN 9780786915606; paperback re-issue, February 2007, ISBN 9780786942442) (this book is also listed under the Anthologies section, above)
** The Patriarch: "The Burning Chalice", by Ed Greenwood
** The Matriarch: "Song of Chaos", by Richard Lee Byers
** The Heir: "Night School", by Clayton Emery
** The Daughter: "The Price", by Voronica Whitney-Robinson
** The Youngest Son: "Thirty Days", by Dave Gross
** The Butler: "Resurrection", by Paul S. Kemp
** The Maid: "Skin Deep", by Lisa Smedman
* "Shadow's Witness", by Paul S. Kemp (paperback, November 2000, ISBN 9780786916771; paperback re-issue, April 2007, ISBN 9780786942596)
* "The Shattered Mask", by Richard Lee Byers (paperback, June 2001, ISBN 9780786918621; paperback re-issue, July 2007, ISBN 9780786942664)
* "Black Wolf", by Dave Gross (paperback, November 2001, ISBN 9780786919017; paperback re-issue, due August 2007, ISBN 9780786942831)
* "Heirs of Prophecy", by Lisa Smedman (paperback, June 2002, ISBN 9780786927371; paperback re-issue, due September 2007, ISBN 9780786942909)
* "Sands of the Soul", by Voronica Whitney-Robinson (paperback, November 2002, ISBN 9780786928132; paperback re-issue, due October 2007, ISBN 9780786943371)
* "Lord of Stormweather", by Dave Gross (paperback, March 2003, ISBN 9780786929320)

The Shadow of the Avatar Trilogy

By Ed Greenwood (featuring Elminster)

* "Shadows of Doom" (paperback, March 1995, ISBN 9780786903009)
* "Cloak of Shadows" (paperback, June 1995, ISBN 9780786903016)
* "All Shadows Fled" (paperback, October 1995, ISBN 9780786903023)

handril's Saga

By Ed Greenwood

* "Spellfire" (paperback, August 1988, ISBN 9780880385879; expanded edition, trade paperback, April 2002, ISBN 9780786918744; expanded edition, paperback, February 2005, ISBN 9780786935994)
* "Crown of Fire" (previously released as "The Harpers" 9 in April 1994; trade paperback, June 2002, ISBN 9780786927494; paperback, March 2005, ISBN 9780786936199)
* "Hand of Fire" (trade paperback, September 2002, ISBN 9780786927609; paperback, April 2005, ISBN 9780786936465)

tarlight & Shadows

By Elaine Cunningham

* "Daughter of the Drow" (hardcover, August 1995, ISBN 9780786901654; paperback, September 1996, ISBN 9780786905140; paperback re-issue, February 2003, ISBN 9780786929290)
* "Tangled Webs" (hardcover, April 1996, ISBN 9780786905164; paperback, May 1998, ISBN 9780786906987; paperback re-issue, March 2003, ISBN 9780786929597)
* "Windwalker" (hardcover, April 2003, ISBN 9780786929689; paperback, April 2004, ISBN 9780786931842)

The Starlight & Shadows trilogy was later reprinted in:
* "Starlight & Shadows Gift Set" (three paperbacks in boxed slipcase, August 2005, ISBN 9780786938162)

ongs & Swords

By Elaine Cunningham

The first four volumes in this series were re-issues of novels previously released as part of the "Harpers" series.

* "Elfshadow" (previously released as "The Harpers" 2 in October 1991; paperback, April 2000, ISBN 9780786916603)
* "Elfsong" (previously released as "The Harpers" 8 in January 1994; paperback, April 2000, ISBN 9780786916610)
* "Silver Shadows" (previously released as "The Harpers" 13 in June 1996; paperback, January 2001, ISBN 9780786917990)
* "Thornhold" (previously released as "The Harpers" 16 in August 1998; paperback, February 2001, ISBN 9780786918089)
* "The Dream Spheres" (paperback, May 1999, ISBN 9780786913428)

The Threat from the Sea

This series contains a trilogy of novels written by Mel Odom, as well as an anthology of short stories written by various authors.
* "Rising Tide", by Mel Odom, (paperback, January 1999, ISBN 9780786913121)
* "Under Fallen Stars", by Mel Odom, (paperback, October 1999, ISBN 9780786913787)
* "Realms of the Deep", edited by Philip Athans (paperback, March 2000, ISBN 9780786915682) (this book is also listed under the Anthologies section, above)
* "The Sea Devil's Eye", by Mel Odom, (paperback, May 2000, ISBN 9780786916382)


By R.A. Salvatore

* "The Orc King" (hardcover, due September 2007, ISBN 9780786943401)
* "The Pirate King" (due October 2008)
* "The Ghost King" (due October 2009)

The Twilight Giants

By Troy Denning

* "The Ogre's Pact" (paperback, September 1994, ISBN 9781560768913; paperback re-issue, May 2005, ISBN 9780786937318)
* "The Giant Among Us" (paperback, February 1995, ISBN 9780786900985; paperback re-issue, July 2005, ISBN 9780786937585)
* "The Titan of Twilight" (paperback, September 1995, ISBN 9780786901722; paperback re-issue, October 2005, ISBN 9780786937981)

The Twilight War

This series contains a trilogy of novels written by Paul S. Kemp, as well as an anthology of short stories written by various authors.

* "Shadowbred" (paperback, November 2006, ISBN 9780786940776)
* "Shadowstorm" (paperback, August 2007, ISBN 9780786943043)
* "Shadowrealm" (paperback, December 2008, ISBN 9780786948635)
* "Realms of War" (paperback, January 2008, ISBN 9780786949342) (this book is also listed under the Anthologies section, above)

War of the Spider Queen

By Richard Lee Byers, Thomas M. Reid, Richard Baker, Lisa Smedman, Philip Athans, and Paul S. Kemp. Supervising editor, R. A. Salvatore.
* "Dissolution", by Richard Lee Byers (hardcover, July 2002, ISBN 9780786927142; paperback, August 2003, ISBN 9780786929443)
* "Insurrection", by Thomas M. Reid (hardcover, December 2002, ISBN 9780786927869; paperback, December 2003, ISBN 9780786930333)
* "Condemnation", by Richard Baker (hardcover, May 2003, ISBN 9780786928248; paperback, May 2004, ISBN 9780786932023)
* "Extinction", by Lisa Smedman (hardcover, January 2004, ISBN 9780786929894; paperback, February 2005, ISBN 9780786935963)
* "Annihilation", by Philip Athans (hardcover, July 2004, ISBN 9780786932375; paperback, August 2005, ISBN 9780786937523)
* "Resurrection", by Paul S. Kemp (hardcover, April 2005, ISBN 9780786936403; paperback, February 2006, ISBN 9780786939817)

War of the Spider Queen was later reprinted in:
* "War of the Spider Queen Gift Set, Part I" (books 1-3) (three paperbacks in boxed slipcase, September 2006, ISBN 9780786941865)
* "War of the Spider Queen Gift Set, Part II" (books 4-6) (three paperbacks in boxed slipcase, September 2006, ISBN 9780786943074)

The Watercourse Trilogy

By Philip Athans

* "Whisper of Waves" (paperback, November 2005, ISBN 9780786938377)
* "Lies of Light" (paperback, September 2006, ISBN 9780786940196)
* "Scream of Stone" (paperback, June 2007, ISBN 9780786942718)

Ed Greenwood presents Waterdeep

By Steven E. Schend, Jaleigh Johnson, Erik Scott de Bie and Rosemary Jones

* "Blackstaff Tower", by Steven E. Schend (paperback, due September 2008, ISBN 9780786949137)
* "Mistshore", by Jaleigh Johnson (paperback, due December 2008, ISBN 9780786949663)
* "Downshadow", by Erik Scott de Bie (paperback, due April 2009, ISBN 9780786951284)
* "City of the Dead", by Rosemary Jones (paperback, due June 2009)

The Wilds

By Jenna Helland

* "The Fanged Crown", by Jenna Helland (paperback, January 2009, ISBN 9780786950935)
* "The Restless Shore", by James P. Davis (paperback, May 2009, ISBN 9780786951314)

The Wizards

By Steven E. Schend, James P. Davis, Bruce R. Cordell and Mark Sehestedt

* "Blackstaff", by Steven E. Schend (paperback, July 2006, ISBN 9780786940165)
* "Bloodwalk", by James P. Davis (paperback, July 2006, ISBN 9780786940189)
* "Darkvision", by Bruce R. Cordell (paperback, September 2006, ISBN 9780786940172)
* "Frostfell", by Mark Sehestedt (paperback, December 2006, ISBN 9780786942459)

The Year of Rogue Dragons

This series contains a trilogy of novels written by Richard Lee Byers, as well as two anthologies of short stories written by various authors.

* "The Rage", by Richard Lee Byers (paperback, April 2004, ISBN 9780786931873)
* "Realms of the Dragons", edited by Philip Athans (paperback, October 2004, ISBN 9780786933945) (this book is also listed under the Anthologies section, above)
** "Soulbound", by Paul S. Kemp
** "First Flight", by Edward Bolme
** "Gorlist's Dragon", by Elaine Cunningham
** "The Keeper of Secrets", by Ed Greenwood
** "The Topaz Dragon", by Jess Lebow
** "Wickless in the Nether", by R. A. Salvatore
** "Serpestrillvith", by Richard Baker
** "Waylaid", by Thomas M. Reid
** "Standard Delving Procedure", by Lisa Smedman
** "An Icy Heart", by Voronica Whitney-Robinson
** "Penitential Rites", by Keith Francis Strohm
** "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth", by Dave Gross
** "Beer with a Fat Dragon", by Don Bassingthwaite
** "The Prisoner of Hulburg", by Richard Lee Byers
* "The Rite", by Richard Lee Byers (paperback, January 2005, ISBN 9780786935819)
* "Realms of the Dragons II", edited by Philip Athans (paperback, May 2005, ISBN 9780786938087) (this book is also listed under the Anthologies section, above)
** "Faerie Ire", by Erin Tettensor
** "The Woman Who Drew Dragons", by Rosemary Jones
** "The Hunting Game", by Erik Scott de Bie
** "The Road Home", by Harley Stroh
** "How Burlmarr Saved the Unseen Protector", by Kameron M. Franklin
** "A Tall Tale", by J.L. Collins
** "The Book Dragon", by Jim Pitrat
** "Freedom's Promise", by Ed Gentry
** "Possessions", by James P. Davis
** "Queen of the Mountain", by Jaleigh Johnson
** "The Strength of the Jester", by Murray J.D. Leeder
* "The Ruin", by Richard Lee Byers (paperback, May 2006, ISBN 9780786940035)

Other titles

* "Once Around the Realms", by Brian Thomsen (paperback, April 1995, ISBN 9780786901197)
* "Evermeet: Island of Elves", by Elaine Cunningham (hardcover, April 1998, ISBN 9780786907137; paperback, March 1999, ISBN 9780786913541)
* "The Shadow Stone", by Richard Baker (paperback, September 1998, ISBN 9780786911868)
* "The Glass Prison", by Monte Cook (paperback, April 1999, ISBN 9780786913435)
* "Silverfall: Stories of the Seven Sisters", by Ed Greenwood (paperback, August 1999; ISBN 9780786913657; paperback re-issue, January 2005, ISBN 9780786935727)
* "Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor", by Carrie A. Bebris (paperback, November 2000; ISBN 9780786913879; based on the computer game)

Notable characters

The following individuals figure prominently in the lore of Faerûn, particularly in Forgotten Realms novels and RPG.

*Artemis Entreri
* Arilyn Moonblade
*Bruenor Battlehammer
*Cadderly Bonaduce
*Danilo Thann
*Drizzt Do'Urden
*Elminster Aumar
* Gareth Dragonsbane
*Jarlaxle Baenre
*Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun
* Taegan Nightwind

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