- Corferias
Corferias Location Bogotá, Colombia Type Conference centre/Arena Genre(s) Exhibitions, Conferences, Proms, Sports Arena, Concerts Built 1954 Expanded 2009, 2011 Owner Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá Website Corferias.com Corferias is a convention center located in the city of Bogotá Colombia in the barrio Quintaparedes. It's a venue of local, national and international events. Although it was originally created only as a fair space it has also served as an important place for social activities including voting and it's used by companies and individuals for cultural events.[1]
Corferias was founded on June 8, 1954 by decree 1772 as mixed capital investment between the Colombian Ministry of Foment and the Association of Medium and Small Companies (ACOPI).[2]
On October 29, 1954 it opened its doors with the creation of the first international exposition fair that would be later called International Fair of Bogotá. In 1955 Corferias became a public limited company when ACOPI sold some of its shares to the Institute of Industrial Foment (IFI).[3]
In 1971 the Association of Fairs of America was founded with the goal of regulating the fair-related activities in South America. Initially the association was conformed by the cities of Bogotá, Lima, Santiago de Chile, and El Salvador. Corferias assumed the presidence of said association. From 1974 to 1988 the events were increased to seven per year.[4]
In 1989 the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá acquired the 100% of Corferias' shares and Hernando Restrepo Londono would become its new director.
As of 2010 Corferias counts with 17 exposition pavilions. It includes a roof-covered area of 44,430 m2 (478,200 sq ft) and 15,000 m2 (160,000 sq ft) of open spaces. Since 2002 a room called Gran Salon is being used. It counts with a covered space of 6,000 m2 (65,000 sq ft) that allows events with an audience of 6,000 people sitting and 13,000 standing up. A new pavilion is in the process of being built that will allow an even bigger audience of 10,500 people seated and 21,000 standing. It is also the city's most attended voting place during election season.[5]
Notable events
Corferias has served as host of many cultural events throughout its history, among them they are notable:[6]
Cultural events
- International book fair of Bogotá[7][8]
- Handcrafts Fair Expoartesanias.[9]
- Iberoamerican Theatre festival[10]
- Colonies fair[11]
- International Fair of Bogotá[12]
- Gastronomy fair[13]
International events
- Campus Party[14][15]
- Latin American fair of entertainment[16]
- Andean Fair of Tabletop Games
- International Fair of the Environment[17]
- International Art Fair of Bogotá[18]
- International Agro Expo.
National events
- Voting posts for the National Elections Council
- Launch of the 2011 U-20 FIFA World cup
Music events
Date Event Attendance Type Note May 25, 2005 Ricky Martin TBA Private concert [19][20] January 29, 2009 Elton John 2,500 Concert [21] January 24, 2009 Los Premios MTV Latinoamérica 2009 TBA Music Awards [22] May 6, 2010 Sting 2,400 Concert [23][24] March 2, 2011 Paramore 3,500 Concert Brand New Eyes World Tour[25][26] March 25, 2011 Andrea Bocelli TBA Concert [27] March 26, 2011 Diego El Cigala TBA Concert August 18, 2011 Juan Luis Guerra TBA Concert A Son de Guerra Tour August 19, 2011 Alejandro Fernández 7,000 Concert Sold-out show Corporate events
- Home fair
- Fantasy and Leisure Salon
- Salon of Fashion
- Leather Show
- Fair of young entrepreneurs
- International fair of Health
- Wines Expo
- Brides Expo
- International Automovil Expo
See also
- ^ http://www.bogota.gov.co/mad/info_sitio.php?id_sitio=26342
- ^ http://www.corferias.com/index.cfm?doc=historia&ids=1
- ^ http://inciarco5.tripod.com/servicios_organizaciones.htm
- ^ http://www.afida.org/index.cfm?pag=contenido&id=1
- ^ http://www.eltiempo.com/archivo/documento/MAM-4132289
- ^ http://www.bogota-dc.com/eventos/ferias/corferias.html
- ^ http://servicios.corferias.com/calendario/
- ^ http://www.revistaarcadia.com/libros/articulo/el-comic-no-chiste/23271
- ^ http://www.javeriana.edu.co/biblos/tesis/comunicacion/tesis365.pdf
- ^ http://www.terra.com.co/festival_teatro/articulo/html/ftt461.htm
- ^ http://www.elespectador.com/entretenimiento/arteygente/articulo-213008-feria-de-colonias-abre-sus-puertas-corferias
- ^ http://feriasycongresosdelmundo.com/index.php/feria-internacional-de-bogota-2010-corferias-abriria-puertas-para-firma-de-tlc-entre-colombia-e-india/
- ^ http://bogota.vive.in/porlaciudad/bogota/eventos_por_la_ciudad/octubre2010/EVENTO-WEB-FICHA_EVENTO_VIVEIN-8053740.html
- ^ http://www.portalferias.com/ferias-colombia-corferias-centro-internacional-de-negocios-y-exposiciones/p8;r55/
- ^ http://www.planb.com.co/bogota/eventos-bogota/evento/campus-party-en-corferias/4074
- ^ http://www.barriosdebogota.com/feria-latinoamericana-del-entretenimiento-en-bogota/
- ^ http://www.ambienteplay.com/desarrollo-sostenible/proyectos/corferias-tendra-un-humedal-durante-la-feria-internacional-del-medio-ambiente
- ^ http://www.eltiempo.com/entretenimiento/arte/ARTICULO-WEB-NEW_NOTA_INTERIOR-8158240.html
- ^ http://www.caracol.com.co/nota.aspx?id=224140
- ^ http://www.eltiempo.com/archivo/documento/MAM-1836959
- ^ http://bogota.vive.in/musica/bogota/articulos_musica/septiembre2008/ARTICULO-WEB-NOTA_INTERIOR_VIVEIN-4575997.html
- ^ tp://www.elespectador.com/entretenimiento/agenda/musica/articulo166252-bogota-le-cumplio-los-mtv
- ^ http://www.radiosantafe.com/2010/05/07/sting-hizo-vibrar-a-bogota/
- ^ http://www.colombiaespasion.com/es/sala-de-prensa/73-contenido-prinicipal/907-sting-le-canta-a-bogota-por-cartagena-
- ^ http://www.eltiempo.com/entretenimiento/musica/ARTICULO-WEB-NEW_NOTA_INTERIOR-8455980.html
- ^ http://www.elespectador.com/entretenimiento/agenda/goce/video-254507-paramore-de-concierto-colombia
- ^ http://www.canalrcnmsn.com/content/andrea_bocelli_desbordó_en_bogotá_su_talento_y_su_capacidad_para_inspirar
Categories:- Indoor arenas in Colombia
- Convention centers
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