Coprosma robusta

Coprosma robusta
Coprosma robusta
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Gentianales
Family: Rubiaceae
Subfamily: Rubioideae
Tribe: Anthospermeae
Genus: Coprosma
Species: C. robusta
Binomial name
Coprosma robusta

Karamu is the Māori name given to the tree Coprosma robusta and Coprosma lucida, two of the 45 Coprosma species found in New Zealand.

Coprosmas are identified by the domatia (tiny holes at the junction of the veins on the underside of the leaf), their stipules, small flowers and colourful berries (Dawson, J. and Lucas, R., 2000).

Coprosma robusta is found in lowland forest or shrub throughout New Zealand and almost to the south of the South Island. It has dark green leaves approximately 5-13cm long and 3-4 cm wide. The tree itself is either a shrub or small tree that can grow up to 6m tall. The stipules have a single, shiny black gland at the tips. When berries are present, they are orange, 8-9mm long and can take up to a year to ripen (Dawson, J. and Lucas, R., 2000).


Dawson, J. & Lucas, R. Nature Guide to the New Zealand Forest. p96-98. Random House New Zealand, Glenfield, Auckland.