Coping strategies — The German Freudian psychoanalyst Karen Horney defined four so called coping strategies to define interpersonal relations, one describing psychologically healthy individuals, the others describing neurotic states.Coping strategiesMoving WithThese … Wikipedia
Боль: стратегии совладания (pain: coping strategies) — Начиная с раннего возраста, практически каждый из нас сталкивался с переживанием непродолжительной, сравнительно умеренной Б., вызванной порезами, укусами насекомых, незначительными ожогами, ушибами, болезнью зубов, расстройством желудка и… … Психологическая энциклопедия
Coping (psychology) — Coping has been defined in psychological terms by Susan Folkman and Richard Lazarus as constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing [1] or exceeding the… … Wikipedia
Coping skill — A coping skill is a behavioral tool which may be used by individuals to offset or overcome adversity, disadvantage, or disability without correcting or eliminating the underlying condition. DefinedVirtually all living beings routinely utilize… … Wikipedia
Coping — Stress Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tension et Stress (homonymie). Le stress ou tension nerveuse est le syndrome général d adaptation. Il s agit d un anglicisme : ce mot signifie contrainte en anglais. Le stress fait partie des troubles … Wikipédia en Français
CSQ — Coping Strategies Questionnaire … Medical dictionary
CSQ — • Coping Strategies Questionnaire … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
Hearing Voices Movement — is a philosophical trend in how people who hear voices are viewed. It was begun by Marius Romme, a professor of Social psychiatry at the University of Limburg in Maastricht, the Netherlands and Sandra Escher, a science journalist, who began this… … Wikipedia
Копинг — Эту статью следует викифицировать. Пожалуйста, оформите её согласно правилам оформления статей. Копинг, копинговые стратегии (англ. coping, coping strategy) … Википедия
Burnout (psychology) — Burn out Classification and external resources ICD 10 Z73.0 Burnout is a psychological term for the experience of long term exhaustion and diminished interest. Research indicates general practitioners have the highest proportion of burnout cases; … Wikipedia