Conrad Wolfram

Conrad Wolfram
Conrad Wolfram

Conrad Wolfram in transmediale 10 talking about Wolfram Alpha.
Born June 10, 1970 (1970-06-10) (age 41)
Residence United Kingdom
Nationality British
Alma mater Cambridge University
Occupation Strategic and International Director, Wolfram Research

Conrad Wolfram (born 1970) is a British technologist and businessman known for his work in information technology and its application.



Conrad Wolfram founded Wolfram Research Europe Ltd.[1] in 1991 and remains its managing director.[2] In 1996 he additionally became Strategic and International Director[3] of Wolfram Research, Inc., making him also responsible for Wolfram Research Asia Ltd, and communications such as the website.

Wolfram Research was founded by his brother[4] Stephen Wolfram, the maker of Mathematica software and the Wolfram Alpha knowledge engine.[5]

Conrad Wolfram has led the effort to move the use of Mathematica from pure computation system to development and deployment engine,[6][7] instigating technology such as the Mathematica Player family and web Mathematica and by pushing greater automation within the system.[8] He has also lead the focus on interactive publishing technology with the stated aim of "making new applications as everyday as new documents"[9] claiming that "If a picture is worth a thousand words, an interactive document is worth a thousand pictures."[10] These technologies converged to form the Computable Document Format[11]

Wolfram was on the founding committee of the IMS conferences.

Math Education Reform

Wolfram has been a prominent proponent of the reform of math education by greater use of information technology.[12][13][14] and is the founder of The UK's Channel 4 news quotes him saying "There are a few cases where it is important to do calculations by hand, but these are small fractions of cases. The rest of the time you should assume that students should use a computer just like everyone does in the real world.".[15] In an interview with the Guardian he described the replacement of hand calculation by computer use as "democratising expertise".[16]

In 2009 he spoke about education reform at the TEDx Conference at the EU Parliament.[17][18] and again at TED Global 2010 where he argued that "Maths should be more practical and more conceptual, but less mechanical,"[19] and that "Calculating is the machinery of math — a means to an end."

He serves on the Computer science committee Advisory Board at Kings College London.[20]


Born in Oxford, England, in 1970, Wolfram was educated at Dragon School, Eton College, Pembroke College, Cambridge University, UK[21] from which he holds an MA in Natural Sciences and Maths.


  1. ^ Wolfram Alpha goes live, Channel 4 news.
  2. ^ 09:39am (2009-09-15). "BBC Radio 5, UK". BBC. Retrieved 2010-11-16. 
  3. ^ A computational knowledge engine for factual queries, The Hindu, India, 25 May 2009.
  4. ^ Can Wolfram Take on Google?, The Daily Telegraph, UK.
  5. ^ Wolfram promises new way to probe the web, The Independent, UK.
  6. ^ Wolfram Releases Mathematica Player 7, Inside HPC, 10 December 2008.
  7. ^ Wolfram Releases Mathematic Player Pro 7, Dr Dobbs Journal.
  8. ^ webMathematica Japanese Edition: Unique Product Brings Computation to the Web, Mathematica Journal, volume 8, issue 4.
  9. ^ The day that documentes and applications merged, Wolfram Research.
  10. ^ Interactive deployment, Wolfram Research.
  11. ^ Wolfram Alpha Createor plans to delete the PDF The Telegraph (UK)
  12. ^ We need to base maths lessons on computers, The Daily Telegraph, December 3, 2009.
  13. ^ Changing the world with technical computing, Scientific Computing World, August 2004.
  14. ^ Report of the invitation MEI seminars
  15. ^ Introducing the 'sat-nav' maths exam Channel 4 News, UK
  16. ^ WolframAlpha Online Search Engine Calculations The Guardian
  17. ^ I calculate therefore I am. Conrad Wolfram, TedX Brussels 2009
  18. ^ "Speakers at TEDxBurssels 2009". Retrieved 2010-11-16. 
  19. ^ Conrad Wolfram wants to reboot the maths curriculum, Wired Magazine 19 July 2010.
  20. ^ Advisory board, Kings College London, UK.
  21. ^ Wolfram giving away software in push into China, The News Gazette, 9 March 2008.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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