

transmediale is an annual festival for art and digital culture, held in Berlin, Germany. Originating as a video and film festival for contemporary art that started in 1988, transmediale has since 2008 been directed by Stephen Kovats. Previous directors were Micky Kwella (1988-2000) and Andreas Broeckmann (2001-2007) who introduced an interest in software art and re-established the festival as an important contributor to the European art scene. Festival titles have included 'Do it yourself!' (2001), 'Go Public!' (2002), 'Play Global!' (2003), 'Fly Utopia!' (2004), 'Basics' (2005), 'Reality Addicts' (2006), 'Unfinish!' (2007) and 'Conspire' (2008). The festival included large media art exhibitions in 2002, 2006 ('Smile Machines'), and 2008. From 2005-2012, transmediale is receiving a major grant from the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

The festival incorporates an award competition for art and media. The three categories: software, image and interaction were used in the years 2001-2004, since 2005 the competition has been run without such categories.

club transmediale, an evening program which explores outstanding international electronic and adventurous music, visual art and audiovisual performance is held parallel to the transmediale festival.

External links

* [ Transmediale] Official website
* [ The 20th transmediale offered interactive, low-tech and body art - an article of the Goethe-Institut]

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