Co-ordinated organisations

Co-ordinated organisations

The expression coordinated organizations refers to several European intergovernmental organizations that have a common system of remuneration and pension. They are independent but have a common method of adjusting their salary scales. They also have two common technical support sections based in Paris at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: the Inter-organisation Study Section on Salaries and Prices (IOS)[1] and the Joint Pension Administration Section (JPAS).[2]


List of coordinated organizations

The coordinated organizations were six until 31 March 2010, when the ten member countries of the Western European Union decided to terminate the WEU and transfer its competences to the European Union.

Linguistic rules of the coordinated organizations

Source: "Rapport d'Information déposé par la délégation de l'Assemblée Nationale pour l'Union Européenne sur la diversité linguistique", of Michel Herbillon, member of the French National Assembly.

Organization Official languages Recognized Working languages Most used language(s)
Council of Europe English, French English, French, German, Italian, Russian English
ECMWF[9] English, French, German English, French, German English
ESA[10] English, French English, French English
NATO English, French[Note 1] English, French English
OECD English, French English, French English
Western European Union[11] Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish English, French English

Other non-member institutions that observe similar rules

Around 25 "non-coordinated" international organisations, employing a total of 9000 employees, follow the co-ordinated scales or use them as a benchmark.

The following list is not exhaustive[12]:

CERN European Centre for Nuclear Research Meyrin (Canton of Geneva)
ECO European Communications Office (Cf. European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations) Copenhagen (Denmark)
ECS Energy Charter Secretariat (European Energy Charter) Brussels (Belgium)
EFTA European Free Trade Association Geneva (Switzerland)
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg (Germany)
EPO European Patent Office Munchen (Germany)
ESO European Southern Observatory Garching near Munich (Germany)
EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Darmstadt (Germany)
EUREKA E! Brussels (Belgium)
GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility Copenhagen (Denmark)
HCCH Hague Conference on Private International Law The Hague (Netherlands)
HFSPO Human Frontier Science Program Organization Strasbourg (France)
ICC (International Criminal Court) The Hague (Netherlands)
ITER Saint-Paul-les-Durance (France)
NASCO North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
OCCAR Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation Bonn (Germany)
OSPAR Oslo and Paris Commissions London
PCA Permanent Court of Arbitration The Hague (Netherlands)
SPC (Secretariat of the Pacific Community) Noumea
(Nouvelle-Caledonie, France)
UNIDROIT International Institute for the Unification of Private Law Rome (Italy)
WCO World Customs Organisation Brussels (Belgium)
WTO World Trade Organisation Geneva (Switzerland)
CEB (Council of Europe Development Bank) Paris (France)
OBS (European Audiovisual Observatory ) Strasbourg (France)
IEA (International Energy Agency) Paris (France)
NEA (Nuclear Energy Agency) Paris (France)

External links, notes and references

  1. ^ "Inter Organisations Section". Inter Organisations Section. OECD. Retrieved 30 March 2011. 
  2. ^ "Section of Pensions, technical organ of the coordinated organizations". Section of Pensions, technical organ of the coordinated organizations. OECD. Retrieved 30 March 2011. 
  3. ^ Official site of the CoE.
  4. ^ Official site of the ECMWF.
  5. ^ Official site of the European space agency.
  6. ^ Official site of the NATO.
  7. ^ Official site of the OECD.
  8. ^ Official site of the Western European Union.
  9. ^ "ECMWF employment rules". ECMWF employment rules. ECMWF. Retrieved 30 March 2011. 
  10. ^ "ESA employment rules". ESA employment rules. ESA. Retrieved 30 March 2011. 
  11. ^ Title X of the Charter of the Assembly and article 21 of Internal Rules
  12. ^ List of "non-coordinated international organisations.


  1. ^ according to article 9 of the North Atlantic Treaty: "English and French shall be the official languages for the entire North Atlantic Treaty Organization"; and to the North Atlantic Treaty Article 14: "(..) the English and French texts [of the Treaty] are equally authentic (...)"
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