Clodius — For other uses, see Clodius (disambiguation). Clodius is an alternate form of the Roman nomen Claudius, a patrician gens that was traditionally regarded as Sabine in origin. The alternation of o and au is characteristic of the Sabine dialect. The … Wikipedia
Olybrius (disambiguation) — Olybrius: Quintus Clodius Hermogenianus Olybrius, consul in 379 Anicius Hermogenianus Olybrius, consul in 395 Anicius Olybrius, Western Roman Emperor in 472 Anicius Olybrius (consul 491), consul in 491 Anicius Olybrius (consul 526), consul in 526 … Wikipedia
Aesop (disambiguation) — Aesop may refer to: *AESOP, an acronym for the Association of European Schools of Planning; * Aesop, a pseudonym of mathematician Jim Propp; * Aesop, author of Aesop s fables; * Aesop Rock, an American rapper; * Aesop ( ru. Эзоп), a mountain… … Wikipedia
Pompey — For other uses, see Pompey (disambiguation). Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus Roman statue of Pompey, at the Villa Arconati a Castellazzo di Bollate (Milan, Italy). It was brought there from Rome in 1627 by Galeazzo Arconati. Born September 29, 106 BC … Wikipedia
Cicero — For other uses, see Cicero (disambiguation). Marcus Tullius Cicero Marcus Cicero Born January 3, 106 BC Arpinum, Italy, Roman Republic Died December 7, 43 BC … Wikipedia
Gladiator — For other uses, see Gladiator (disambiguation). Part of the Zliten mosaic from Libya (Leptis Magna), about 2nd century CE. It shows (left to right) a thraex fighting a murmillo, a hoplomachus standing with another murmillo (who is signaling his… … Wikipedia
Lugdunum — This article is about the city in Gaul; for other uses of Lugdunum, see Lugdunum (disambiguation) Colonia Copia Claudia Augusta Lugdunum (modern: Lyon, France) was an important Roman city in Gaul. The city was founded in 43 BC by Lucius Munatius… … Wikipedia
Claudia — (Latin) Gender Female Other names Related names Claudius, Claude, Claudine, Claudiu Claudia is the female form of Claudius and may refer to … Wikipedia
SPQR series — For other uses, see SPQR (disambiguation). The SPQR series is a collection of detective stories by John Maddox Roberts set in the time of the Roman Republic. SPQR (the original title of the first book, until the sequels came out) is a Latin… … Wikipedia
Augustus — For other uses of Octavius, see Octavius (disambiguation). For other uses of Octavian, see Octavian (disambiguation). For other uses of Augustus, see Augustus (disambiguation) … Wikipedia