

Infobox Fylke
name = Vestfold
idnumber = 07
capital = Tønsberg
governor = Mona Røkke
governor_date = 1989
governor_party = Høyre
mayor = Per-Eivind Johansen
mayor_date = 2007
mayor_party = Høyre
region = Østlandet
arearank = 18
area = 2224
arealand = 2147
areapercent = 0.71
population_as_of = 2008
populationrank = 10
population = 227,798
populationpercent = 4.78
populationdensity = 102
populationincrease = 8.7
gdp_as_of = 2001
gdprank = 10
gdppercent = 3.11
gdpcapita = 219,970
incomecapita = 148,300
language = Bokmål
demonym = Vestfolding

munwebpage =
Audio|Vestfold.ogg|Vestfold is a county in Norway, bordering Buskerud and Telemark. The county administration is in Tønsberg.Vestfold is located west of the Oslofjord, as the name indicates. It includes many smaller, but well-known towns in Norway, such as Larvik, Sandefjord, Tønsberg and Horten. The river Numedalslågen runs through the district. Many islands are located at the coast. Vestfold is mostly dominated by lowland and is among the best agricultural areas of Norway. Winters last about three months, while pleasant summer temperatures last from May to September, with a July average of 17°C ( [ Tønsberg climate] ).

Vestfold is known for shipping and sailing. Formerly a headquarters for whaling fleets, the coastal towns of Vestfold now engage in fishing and shipbuilding. Some lumbering is carried on in the interior. The district also includes some of the best farmland in Norway.

Vestfold is the only county in which all municipalities have declared Bokmål to be their official written form of the Norwegian language.


The family of Harald Fairhair, who was most likely the first king of the whole Norway, is said to have come from this area. At that time Vestfold, including Lier and Eiker, was a petty kingdom. Kings of Vestfold include:

* Erik Agnarsson
* Halfdan Hvitbeinn (part of Vestfold)
* Eystein Halfdansson
* Halfdan the Mild
* Gudrød the Hunter
* Halfdan the Black, together with his brother, Olaf Gudrødsson
* Ragnvald the Mountain-High, Cousin of Harold Fairhair
* Harald Fairhair
* Bjørn Farmann
* Olaf Haraldsson Geirstadalf, brother of Bjørn
* Harald Gudrødsson Grenske, 976-987

Kaupang, a town from the Viking Age is believed to be the first town in Norway, although Tønsberg is the oldest town in Norway still existing. By the 10th century the local kings had established themselves as the first dynasty to begin the unification of Norway.

The name

"Vestfold" is the old name of the region - revived in modern times. "Fold" was the old name of the Oslofjord, and the meaning of the name "Vestfold" is 'the region west of the Fold'.

Before 1919 the county was called "Jarlsberg og Larvik Amt". The amt was created in 1821, consisting of the two old counties of Jarlsberg and Larvik.

J. R. R. Tolkien also used "Westfold" as the name of a district in the fictional realm of Rohan, in his fantasy world of Middle-earth.


Vestfold County has a total of 14 municipalities:



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