benefit year — noun : a one year period during which workers may collect unemployment insurance benefits … Useful english dictionary
Benefit of Clergy — • The exemption from the jurisdiction of the secular courts, which in England, in the Middle Ages, was accorded to clergymen Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Benefit of Clergy Benefit of Clergy … Catholic encyclopedia
benefit in kind — ˌbenefit in ˈkind noun benefits in kind PLURALFORM [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES something other than money, for example free meals or a company car, that an employer gives to a worker in addition to their normal pay: • All benefits in kind are now … Financial and business terms
Benefit season — A benefit season is a method of financially rewarding professional cricketers that is used by English county cricket teams to compensate long serving players. The system originated in the 19th century to help out professional cricketers who were… … Wikipedia
Benefit concert — A benefit concert or charity concert is a concert, show or gala featuring musicians, comedians, or other performers that is held for a charitable purpose, often directed at a specific and immediate humanitarian crisis. Such events raise both… … Wikipedia
benefit performance — ▪ theatre in theatre, originally a supplemental performance by an actor or actress, who kept all or part of the proceeds to compensate for insufficient salary. In modern times a benefit performance is given by an actor, entertainer, or… … Universalium
benefit — See security proceeds Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary * * * ▪ I. benefit ben‧e‧fit 1 [ˈbenfɪt] noun 1. [countable] a good effect or advantage that something has, for example a product or service: • We will focus our marketing message… … Financial and business terms
Benefit of clergy — In English law, the benefit of clergy (Law Latin Privilegium clericale) was originally a provision by which clergymen could claim that they were outside the jurisdiction of the secular courts and be tried instead in an ecclesiastical court under… … Wikipedia
Benefit society — A benefit society or mutual aid society is an organization or voluntary association formed to provide mutual aid, benefit or insurance for relief from sundry difficulties. Such organizations may be formally organized with charters and established … Wikipedia
Benefit Allocation Method — The benefit allocation method is a means of funding a pension plan where a single premium payment is made in order to fund a single unit of benefit for a specified period of time, typically one year (or other specifies unit of time) of recognized … Investment dictionary