

Several Hindu scriptures are devoted to describe various unknown theories and facts in general, specific and logical aspects, as the precise scientific descriptions are not available. Circumstances are also defined and explored by these recorded scriptures to comprehend the cause or origin of their appearance (or emergence), including the consequences.

Bhagavad Gita is the most acceptable philosophical texts available in the history of mankind which defines circumstances as a universal phenomenon; and it is the tendency of (only) human mind to delineate as favorable or unfavorable else the circumstances reflect the continuous changes in the elements of the universe.



General (Veda)

"Physical appearances which provoke the 'object under effect' to react or respond". It is the unexceptional universal phenomenon of the existence to drive the nature. For living units, circumstances are also said to be the consequences of the deeds in general. It is a continuous process and leads to the fact-Circustances affect elements and elements affect circumstances.

Specific (Puranas)

"Circumstances are the delineated consequential effect of 'the time-element-energy'". It may also be defined as the time-element-energy phenomenon and leads to the fact- Elements emerge from circumstances and circustances emerge from elements. Moreover, according to puranas, delineation of circumstances is not possible as it is the ongoing phenomenon, however, the conscientiousness at certain incidents induced human mind to delineate in the way they are perceived which is further stored in the memory.

Logical (Bhagavad Gita)

"Organized ceaseless spontaneous 'irreversible and interminable' universal phenomenon affecting, involving and applicable to all the elements in the universe". According to the scripture, circumstances follow observable fact modify-appear-disappear. Further, circumstances drive elements and elements drive circumstances and therefore, the role of mind is insignificant to define or demarcate favorable and unfavorable (circumstances).

Materialization of circumstances needs three factors:

These three factors are the fundamental requirements for the circumstances to become apparent and provide the effect in the universe that may be major or minor depending on the quantitative involvement of the elements with energy, and the duration of the time.


Circumstances may be spontaneous (self-driven or natural) or contrived (unnatural) where planned situations are made may be for experimental or for any other reason (e.g, politics). Contrived or 'unnatural circumstances' are more or less similar to 'situations' unless the impact is at the universe level which is almost impossible. Further, circumstances emerge in an organized way at the level of the universe and most of the commotions in the universe are unknown, which gives the reason of its difficulty to acknowledge uncountable incidents.

See Also

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