List of Acer species

List of Acer species

There are over 100 species in the genus "Acer".

pecies and common synonyms

* "Acer albopurpurascens" Hayata See "A. oblongum"
* "Acer acuminatum" Wall. ex D.Don
* "Acer aidzuense" Franch. [Sometimes considered a subspecies of "A. tataricum": "A. t". subsp. "aidzuense" (Franch.) De Jong]
* "Acer ambiguum" Dipp. See "A. mono"
* "Acer amplum" RehderBroad Maple [Sometimes treated as a subspecies of "A. longipes": "A. l". subsp. "amplum" (Rehder) De Jong.]
* "Acer argutum" Maxim.Deep-veined Maple
* "Acer barbatum" Michx. See "A. floridanum"
* "Acer barbinerve" Maxim.Bearded Maple
* "Acer buergerianum" Miq.Trident Maple
* "Acer caesium" Wall. ex BrandisHimalayan Maple
* "Acer calcaratum" Gagnep.
* "Acer campbellii" Hook.f. & Thomson ex HiernCampbell's Maple
* "Acer campestre" L.Field Maple
* "Acer capillipes" Maxim.Kyushu Maple
* "Acer cappadocicum" Gled.Cappadocian Maple
* "Acer carpinifolium" Siebold & Zucc.Hornbeam Maple
* "Acer caudatifolium" HayataKawakami Maple
* "Acer caudatum" Wall.Tail-leaf Maple
* "Acer ceriferum" Rehder
* "Acer chapaense" Gagnep.
* "Acer cinnamomifolium" Hayata See "A. coriaceifolium"
* "Acer circinatum" PurshVine Maple
* "Acer circumlobatum" Maxim. See "A. japonicum"
* "Acer cissifolium" (Siebold & Zucc.) KochVine-leaved Maple
* "Acer confertifolium" Merril & Metcalf
* "Acer cordatum" Pax
* "Acer coriaceifolium" Lév. - # Leatherleaf Maple
* "Acer crassum" Chu & Cheng
* "Acer crataegifolium" Siebold & Zucc.Hawthorn-leaved Maple
* "Acer creticum" L. See "A. orientale"
* "Acer davidii" Franch.David's Maple
* "Acer diabolicum" Blume ex KochHorned Maple
* "Acer discolor" Maxim. [Often treated as a synonym of "A. oblongum"]
* "Acer distylum" Siebold & Zucc.Lime-leaved Maple
* "Acer duplicatoserratum" Hayata
* "Acer elegantulum" Fang & Chiu
* "Acer erianthum" Schwer.
* "Acer erythranthum" Gagnep.
* "Acer eucalyptoides" Fang & Wu
* "Acer fabri" Hance - # Faber Maple
* "Acer fedschenkoanum" Krishtofovich See "A. pentapomicum"
* "Acer fengii" Murray [Possibly a synonym of either "A. kwangnanense" or "A. paxii"] - #
* "Acer fenzelianum" Hand.-Mazz.Fenzl's Maple
* "Acer flabellatum" Rehder [Often treated as a subspecies of "A. campbellii": "A. c". subsp. "flabellatum" (Rehder) E.Murray.]
* "Acer floridanum" (Chapm.) PaxFlorida Maple or Southern Sugar Maple [Whether this or "A. barbatum" is the proper name of this taxon is subject to contention, though Michaux's original material was a mix of "A. saccharum" and "A. rubrum". It is often treated as a subspecies of "A. saccharum": "A. s". subsp. "floridanum" (Chapm.) Desmarais.]
* "Acer forrestii" DielsForrest's Maple [Now sometimes considered a subspecies of "A. pectinatum": "A. p". subsp. "forrestii" (Diels) E.Murray.]
* "Acer franchetii" Pax [Now often considered a subspecies of "A. sterculiaceum": "A. s". subsp. "franchetii" (Pax) E.Murray.]
* "Acer garrettii" Craib
* "Acer ginnala" Maxim.Amur Maple [Sometimes considered a subspecies of "A. tataricum": "A. t". subsp. "ginnala" (Maxim.) Wesm.]
* "Acer giraldii" PaxGirald's Maple
* "Acer glabrum" Torr.Douglas Maple or Rocky Mountain Maple
* "Acer granatense" Boiss.Spanish Maple [Sometimes considered a subspecies of "A. opalus": "A. o". subsp. "hispanicus" (Pourret) E.Murray)]
* "Acer grandidentatum" Torr. & GrayBigtooth Maple or Canyon Maple [Sometimes treated as a subspecies of "A. saccharum": "A. s". subsp. "grandidentatum" (Torr. & Gray) Desmarais.]
* "Acer griseum" (Franch.) PaxPaperbark Maple
* "Acer grosseri" PaxGrosser's Maple [Now often considered a subspecies of "A. davidii": "A. d". subsp. "grosseri" (Pax) De Jong.]
* "Acer hainanense" Chun & Fang See "A. laevigatum"
* "Acer heldreichii" Orph. ex Boiss.Heldreich's Maple or Greek Maple
* "Acer henryi" PaxHenry's Maple [Sometimes treated as a subspecies of "A. cissifolium": "A. c". subsp. "henryi" (Pax) E.Murray.]
* "Acer hersii" Rehder See "A. grosseri"
* "Acer hyrcanum" Fisch. & MeyerBalkan Maple
* "Acer insulare" Makino [The relationship between this species and "A. caudatifolium" is not entirely clear.]
* "Acer japonicum" Thunb.Downy Japanese Maple
* "Acer kiukiangense" Hu & Cheng
* "Acer komarovii" Pojark. See "A. tschonoskii"
* "Acer kuomeii" Fang & Fang f.
* "Acer kweilinense" Fang & Fang f.
* "Acer laevigatum" Hu & Cheng – # Smoothbark Maple
* "Acer lampingense" Fang & Fang f.
* "Acer laurinum" Hassk. - #
* "Acer laxiflorum" Pax [Sometimes considered a subspecies of "A. pectinatum": "A. p". subsp. "laxiflorum" (Pax) E.Murray.]
* "Acer leipoense" Fang & Soong
* "Acer leucoderme" SmallChalk Maple [Often treated as a subspecies of "A. saccharum": "A. s". subsp. "leucoderme" (Small) Desmarais.]
* "Acer linganense" Fang & Chiu
* "Acer lobelii" Ten.Lobel's Maple [Sometimes treated as a subspecies of "A. platanoides": "A. p". subsp. "lobelii" (Ten.) Gams, or "A. cappadocicum": "A. c". subsp. "lobelii" (Ten.) De Jong.]
* "Acer longipes" Franch. ex Rehder
* "Acer lucidum" Metcalf
* "Acer macrophyllum" PurshOregon Maple or Bigleaf Maple
* "Acer mandshuricum" Maxim.Manchurian Maple
* "Acer mapienense" Fang
* "Acer maximowiczianum" Miq.Nikko Maple
* "Acer maximowiczii" PaxMaximowicz's Maple [Sometimes considered a subspecies of "A. pectinatum": "A. p". subsp. "maximowiczii" (Pax) E.Murray. Not to be confused with "A. maximowiczianum" Miq.]
* "Acer miaoshanicum" Fang
* "Acer miaotaiense‎" P.C.Tsoong [Sometimes considered a subspecies of "A. miyabei": "A. m". subsp. "miaotaiense‎" (P.C.Tsoong) E.Murray.]
* "Acer micranthum" Siebold & Zucc.
* "Acer miyabei" Maxim.Miyabe's Maple
* "Acer mono" Maxim.Mono Maple
* "Acer monspessulanum" L.Montpelier Maple
* "Acer montanum" Aiton See "A. spicatum" [The homonyms "A. montanum" Garsault and "A. montanum" Daléchamps ex Lam. are synonyms of "A. pseudoplatanus" and "A. opalus" respectively.]
* "Acer morifolium" Koidz.
* "Acer nayongense" Fang
* "Acer negundo" L.Box elder, Boxelder Maple or Manitoba Maple
* "Acer nikoense" Maxim. See "A. maximowiczianum"
* "Acer nigrum" Michx.f.Black Maple [Often treated as a subspecies of "A. saccharum": "A. s". subsp. "nigrum" (Michx.f.) Desmarais.]
* "Acer nipponicum" HaraNippon Maple
* "Acer oblongum" Wall. ex DC. - #
* "Acer obtusifolium" Sibthorp & Smith – # Syrian Maple
* "Acer olivaceum" Fang & Chiu
* "Acer oliverianum" PaxOliver's Maple [Sometimes treated as a subspecies of "A. campbellii": "A. c". subsp. "oliverianum" (Pax) E.Murray]
* "Acer opalus" MillerItalian Maple
* "Acer opulifolium" Villars See "A. opalus"
* "Acer orientale" L., "nomen ambiguum" [Linnaeus apparently intended to apply the name to "A. sempervirens", but later reused the name for "A. obtusifolium", though this is an invalid homonym. In 1995, the name neotypified to "A. sempervirens", ending the confusion (Turland 1995).]
* "Acer palmatum" Thunb.Japanese Maple
* "Acer pauciflorum" Fang
* "Acer paxii" Franch. - #
* "Acer pectinatum" Wall. ex Nicholson
* "Acer pensylvanicum" L.Striped Maple, Moosewood
* "Acer pentaphyllum" Diels
* "Acer pentapomicum" Stewart ex Brandis
* "Acer pictum" auct. non Thunb. See "A. mono" [Thunberg's "Acer pictum" is the basionym of "Kalopanax pictus", family Araliaceae.]
* "Acer pilosum" Maxim.
* "Acer platanoides" L.Norway Maple
* "Acer pseudoplatanus" L.Sycamore, Sycamore Maple
* "Acer pseudosieboldianum" (Pax) Komarov - Korean Maple
* "Acer pubescens" Franch. See "A. pentapomicum"
* "Acer pubipalmatum" Fang
* "Acer pycnanthum" K.Koch
* "Acer regelii" Pax See "A. pentapomicum"
* "Acer robustum" Pax
* "Acer rubescens" Hayata
* "Acer rubrum" L.Red Maple
* "Acer rufinerve" Siebold & Zucc.Redvein Maple
* "Acer saccharinum" L.Silver Maple
* "Acer saccharum" MarshallSugar Maple
* "Acer schneiderianum" Pax & Hoffman
* "Acer semenovii" Regel & Herder
* "Acer sempervirens" L. – # Cretan Maple
* "Acer serrulatum" Hayata See "A. oliverianum"
* "Acer shangszeense" Fang & Soong
* "Acer shihweii" Chun & Fang
* "Acer shirasawanum" Koidz.Shirasawa's Maple [Also "Fulmoon Maple", which is also used for "A.japonicum". This is made more complex by "A. japonicum" var. "microphyllum" being a synonym of "A. shirasawanum".]
* "Acer sichourense" Fang & Fang f.
* "Acer sieboldianum" Miq.Siebold's Maple
* "Acer sikkimense" Miq.
* "Acer sinense" PaxCampbell's Maple [Often treated as a subspecies of "A. campbellii": "A. c". subsp. "sinense" (Rehder) De Jong.]
* "Acer sino-oblongum" Metcalf
* "Acer sinopurpurascens" Cheng
* "Acer skutchii" RehderSkutch's Maple [Sometimes treated as a subspecies of "A. saccharum": "A. s". subsp. "skutchii" (Rehder) E.Murray.]
* "Acer spicatum" LamarckMountain Maple
* "Acer stachyophyllum" HiernBirch-leaved Maple
* "Acer sterculiaceum" Wall.
* "Acer sunyiense" Fang
* "Acer sutchuenense" Franch.
* "Acer sycopseoides" Chun
* "Acer syriacum" Boiss. & Gaillardot See "A. obtusifolium"
* "Acer taipuense" Fang
* "Acer tataricum" L.Tatar Maple
* "Acer tegmentosum" Maxim.
* "Acer tenellum" Pax
* "Acer tetramerum" Pax See "A. stachyophyllum"
* "Acer tibetense" Fang
* "Acer tonkinense" Lecompte
* "Acer trautvetteri" Medwed.Red-bud Maple or Trautvetter's Maple [Sometimes considered a subspecies of "A. heldreichii": "A. h". subsp. "trautvetteri" (Medwed.) E.Murray.]
* "Acer trilobatum" Lamb. See "A. monspessulanum"
* "Acer triflorum" KomarovThree-flowered Maple
* "Acer truncatum" BungeShandong Maple
* "Acer tschonoskii" Murray
* "Acer tutcheri" Duthie
* "Acer ukurunduense" Trautvetter & MeyerUkurundu Maple [Sometimes classified as a subspecies of "A. caudatum": "A. c". subsp. "ukurunduense" (Trautvetter & Meyer) E.Murray.]
* "Acer undulatum" Pojark.
* "Acer vanvolxemii" Masters See "A. velutinum"
* "Acer velutinum" Boiss.Velvet Maple
* "Acer villosum" Wall. See "A. sterculiaceum"
* "Acer wangchii" Fang
* "Acer wardii" W.W.Smith
* "Acer wilsonii" RehderWilson's Maple [Often treated as a subspecies of "A. campbellii": "A. c". subsp. "wilsonii" (Rehder) De Jong.]
* "Acer wuyuanense" Fang & Wu
* "Acer yangbiense" Chen & Yang
* "Acer yaoshanicum" Fang
* "Acer yinkunii" Fang
* "Acer yuii" Fang


*"Acer × bormuelleri" Borbas ("A. monspessulanum" × "A. campestre" or "A. opalus")
*"Acer × boscii" Spach ("A. monspessulanum" × "A. tataricum" or "A. pensylvanicum" × "A. tataricum", possibly "A. tataricum" × "A. campestre")
*"Acer × conspicuum" van Gelderen & Otterdoom ("A. davidii" × "A. pensylvanicum")
*"Acer × coriaceum" Bosc ex Tausch ("A. monspessulanum" × "A. opalus' ssp. "obtusatum")
*"Acer × dieckii" van Gelderen & Otterdoom See "A. platanoides" [van Gelderen (p. 245) concludes this is probably an aberrant "A. platanoides" closer to cultivar status.]
*"Acer × durrettii" Pax See "A. × coriaceum"
*"Acer × freemanii" Murray ("A. rubrum" × "A. saccharinum")
*"Acer × hillieri" Lancaster ("A. miyabei" × "A. cappadocicum" 'Aureum')
*"Acer × hybridum" Bosc See "A. pseudoplatanus"
*"Acer × martinii" Jordan ("A. monspessulanum" × "A. opalus")
*"Acer × pseudo-heldreichii" Fukarek & Celjo ("A. pseudoplatanus" × "A. heldreichii")
*"Acer × ramosum" Jordan ("A. monspessulanum" × "A. opalus")
*"Acer × rotundilobum" Schwer. See "A. × coriaceum"
*"Acer × schwerinii" Pax (uncertain, maybe "A. crataegifolium" × "A. rufinerve")
*"Acer × zoeschense" Pax ("A. campestre" × either "A. cappadocicum" or "A. lobelii") [The identity of the second parent is uncertain, with these two species cited by different authors.]


# Species with evergreen foliage are tagged #.



*cite book | last =Rushforth | first = Keith | title = Trees of Britain and Europe | year = 1999 | publisher = Collins | location = London | isbn= 0-00-220013-9
*cite journal | last=Turland| first=Nicholas J.| title=Neotypification of "Acer orientale" (Aceraceae)| year=1995| month=November| journal=Taxon| volume=44| issue=4| pages=597600| doi=10.2307/1223502
*cite web| last=Xu |first=Ting-zhi |coauthors=Chen Yousheng, Piet C. de Jong, Herman J. Oterdoom & Chin-Sung Chang |title=Aceraceae |work=Flora of China |accessdate=2008-05-28 |url=

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