TTF may refer to:

* TTF, The IATA airport code for Custer Airport in Monroe, Michigan, United States
* Tetrathiafulvalene, an organic compound used in electronics
* TrueType font, an outline font standard originally developed by Apple Inc.
* Thyroid transcription factor-1, a protein that regulates transcription of genes
* The Time Frequency, a Scottish techno band
* Trend Type Forecast, an aviation weather forecast
* Think Tank Forums, community forum dedicated to philosophy, technology, art, debate, and more
* Tunnel Trance Force, a long-running trance mix CD series from Tunnel Records
* Title Transfer Facility, a virtual trading point for natural gas in the Netherlands
* Ten Thousand Fists, an album by the hard rock band Disturbed
* Trouncin Them Faiguts, an LMC invention growing globally
* Tuvalu Trust Fund, an international fund developed by Tuvalu, a small, central Pacific island nation

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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