Chain (caste)

Chain (caste)

The Chain, sometimes also pronounced as Chai, are cultivating and fishing caste found in eastern Uttar Pradesh in India. They are a sub-group within the larger Kewat communinity of North India.[1]


The Chai according to some traditions, were a community of Vaishyas, who lost caste, when they took to fishing. Other traditions make them out to be a branch of the Bind caste, and the two communities intermarry, with suggests a common origin. They are now recognized as a sub-group within the Kewat community, and they intermarry with other Kewat clans such as the Banaphar and Dhivar.[1] The majority of the Chai are now cultivators, with a small number still employed as boatmen on the Ganges. They are Hindu, and have customs similar to other Kewat groups.[citation needed]

The Chai are found mainly in southern and eastern Uttar Pradesh, with concentrations in Mirzapur, Ghazipur, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Basti and Faizabad. They speak Awadhi, although most also understand Hindi.[citation needed]

See also

  • Kewat


  1. ^ a b Tribes and Castes of North Western Provinces and Oudh Volume by William Crook pages 167 to 169

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