- List of doo-wop musicians
This is a list of
doo-wop musician s.A
The 5 Sounds
*The Academics
*The Accents
*The Acorns
*The Ad Libs
*The Admirations
*The Aladdins
*The Alley Cats
*The Altairs
*The Angels
*The Aquatones
*The Arabians
*The Arcades
*The Ardells
*The Avons B
The Barons
*Barry & the Nacks a.k.a. Nicky & the Nacks
*Barry & the Tamerlanes
*The Bay Bops
*The Bell Tones
*The Belmonts
*The Bel-airs
*The Belvederes
*Ben little & The Four kings
*Billy Gallant & the Roulettes
*Billy Ward & the Dominoes
*The Blendtones
*The Blendairs
*The Blenders
*The Blue Jays
*The Blue Rays
*The Blue Sonnets
*The Bobbettes
*Bobby Woods & the Emeralds
*The Bonnevilles
*Bop Chords
*The Bosstones
*The Boulevards
*Butch & The Teardrops
*Barry Mann C
*The Cadets
*The Cadillacs
*The Cameos
*The Capitols
*The Capris
*Carlo & Group
*The Carmelettes
*The Carribeans
*The Carvettes
*The Casinos
*The Caslons
*The Castaleers
*The Cellos
*The Chances
*The Channels
*The Chantels
*The Chants
*Otis William and the charms
*The Charades
*The Charters
*The Charts
*The Chevrons
*The Checkers
*The Chiffons
*The Chimes
*The Chips
*The Chords
*The Classmates
*The Cleftones
*The Cliques
* [The Clovers]
*The Clusters ]
*The Coasters
*The Collegians
*The Colts
*The Comic Books
*The Confidential Four
*The Consorts
*The Contenders
*The Continentals
*The Contours
*The Counts
*The Corsairs
*The Cosmic Rays
*The Creations
*The Crescents a.k.a. Billy Wells & the Crescents
*The Crests
*The Criterions
*The Crowns
*The Crows
*The Crystals
*The Cubs
*The Cupids
*The cuff-links D
The Danleers
*Danny & the Juniors
*The Dawns
*The Deans
*The Debonaires
*The Dedications
*The Defenders
*The Del-Airs
*The Del Cades
*The Dee-cals
*The Delcardos
*The Del-Larks
*The Del-Rays
*The Del Shays
*The Dells
*The Dellwoods
*The Dell-Vikings
*The Delta Rhythm Boys
*The Deltones
*The Demilles
*The Derbys
*The Desires
*The Destinations
*The Devotions
*The Diablos (featuring Nolan Strong)
*The Diadems
*The Diamonds
*Danny & the Diamonds
*Danny Winchell
*Dante & the Evergreens
*The Daybreakers
*The Daybreakers
*Dickey Doyle & Group
*Dino & the Diplomats
*Donald and The vel-aires
*Don & Dee Dee
*Don & Juan
*Don Dell with the Up Starts
*Don Julian & the Meadowlarks
*Donnie & the Dreamers
*The Dories
*The Drifters
*The Dubs
*The Ducanes
*The Duprees
*The Dynamics E
The Echoes
*The Edsels
*The El Capris
*The El Dorados
*EL Domingos
*The El Reys
*The El Venos
*The Elegants
*The Elites
*The Embers (featuring Willie Saunders)
*The Emerald City Bandits
*The Enchanters
*The Enchantments
*The Enchords
*The Encords
*Ernie & the Del-Satins
*Ernie & The Halos
*The Escorts
*The Esquires
*The Excellents
*The Exciters
*The Explorers F
The Fabulous Four
*The Fabulous Valients
*The Falcons
*The Fantasys
*The Fascinators [http://doowopy.de/02page/F/eFascinators.html]
*The Fiestas
*The Fireflies [http://doowopy.de/02page/F/eFireflies.html]
*The Five Boroughs
*The Five Chanels
* [The Five Discs]
*The Five Dots ]
*The Five Fleets
*The Five Thrills
*The Five Keys
*The Five Kings
*The Five Playboys
*The Five Satins
*The Five Sharps
*The Five Stars
*The Flairs
*The Flamingos
*The Fleetwoods
*The Fortuneers
*The Four Cheers
*The Four Coquettes
*The Four-Evers
*The Four IMperials
*Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention
*Frankie & the Fashions
*Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers
*Frankie Rossi & the Dreams
*The Four Notes
*The Five Notes G
The Galaxys
*The Gales
*The Gallahads
*The Gary Gygaxes
*The Gaytunes
*The G-Clefs [http://doowopy.de/02page/G/eGClefs.html]
*Gene & Eunice
*Gene Chandler
*The Genies
*The Glenwoods
*The Globetrotters
*The Graduates
*The Gladiolas
*The Grand Prees
*Don Covay and The Goodtimers H
Hal & Bobbie
*The Halos
*Hank Ballard & the Midnighters
*The Harptones
*Harvey & the Moonglows
*The Heartbeats
*The Hi-Fives
*The Holidays [http://doowopy.de/02page/H/eHolidays.html]
*The Hollywood Flames
*The Hollywood Saxons
*The Hornets
*Huey Piano Smith & the Clowns I
The Impacts
*The Impalas
*The Impressions
*The Imperials
*The Innocents
*The Inspirations
*The Intimates
*The Invictors J
Jackie & the Starlites
*Jackie Rue & Group
*The Jacks
*The Jades
*The Jaguars
*James Brown & the Famous Flames
*Janelle Hawkins & the Dreamers
*The Jarmels
*Jay & the Deltas
*Jerry Butler & the Impressions
*Jerry Evans & the Off Keys
*The Jesters
*The Jets
*The Jewels
*Jim, Jeff & Jan
*Jimmie Pipkin & the Galahads
*Jimmy Allen & the Two Jays
*Jimmy J & the J's
*The Jive Five
*The Jivers
*The Jiving Juniors
*John Frusciante
*Johnnie & Joe
*Johnny Maestro & The Brooklyn Bridge
*Johnny & the Jokers
*The Jumpin' Tones K
The Kac-Ties
*The Kappas
*Kathy Young and the Innocents
*Kenny Loran & Group
*The Keystoners [http://doowopy.de/02page/K/eKeystoners.html]
*The Knockouts
*The Kodaks
*The Kool-gents L
La Chords
*The Ladders
*The Lanes
*The Larks [http://doowopy.de/02page/L/eLarks.html]
*The Larktones
*Larry & the Standards
*Larry Chance & the Earls
*The Latons
*The Lavenders
*The Legends
*Laverne Ray & the Raytones
*Lee Adrian with the Rochester Collegiates
*Lee Andrews & the Hearts
*Lenny Dean & the Rockin' Chairs
*Lewis Lymon & the Teenchords
*Lillian Leach & the Mellows [http://doowopy.de/02page/M/eMellows.html]
*Little Anthony & the Imperials
*Little Caesar & the Romans [http://doowopy.de/02page/R/eRomans.html]
*Little D & the Harlems
*Little Joe & the Trillers
*Little Joey & the Flips
*Little Tom & his Valentines
*Lonnie & the Carollons
*Lonnie Heard & Group
*Lou Martino & Group
*The Love Notes M
*The Majors
*Marc Cavell & the Class Mates
*The Marcels
*The Markels
*The Marvelows
*The Marvels
*Marvin & Johnny
*Marvin Nash & the Chevelles
*The Marx
*The Matadors - backup group for Jan & Dean
*Maureen Gray
*Maurice Williams
*The Mello-Kings
*The Mellodeers
*Mike & the Modifers
*The Metallics
*The Miracles
*The Modern Ink Spots
*The Mohawks
*The Monotones
*The Montereys
*The Moonglows
*The Mystics N
Napoleon Tyce & Group
*The Neons
*Nickie & the Nite Lites
*Nicky St. Clair & the Five Trojans
*Nino & the Ebb-Tides
*Norman Fox & the Robroys
*The Nutmegs [http://doowopy.de/02page/N/eNutmegs.html]O
*The Olympics
*The Orioles (featuring Sonny Till)
*The Orlons
*Otis Williams & the Charms P
Pam & the Valentinos
*The Paradons [http://doowopy.de/02page/P/eParadons.html]
*The Paragons
*The Parakeets
*The Paramonts
*The Paramounts
*The Parliaments
*The Penguins
*The Pentagons
*The Personalities
*Pete Antell & Group
*The Pharaohs
*The Platters
*The Preludes
*The Premiers
*The Pyramids Q
The Quarter Notes
*The Quartrells
*The Quinns
*The Quintones
*The Quotations R
The Radiants
*The Raiders
*The Raindrops
*Randy & the Rainbows
*The Rannels
*The Ravens
*Raymond Pope & the Love Tones
*The Reflectons
*The Reflections
*The Regents [http://doowopy.de/02page/R/eRegents.html]
*The Reminiscents
*The Reveres
*Richard Lanham & Group
*Richie & the Royals
*Richie Cordell & Group
*Rick & the Keens
*Rick & the Masters
*The Rivals
*The Rivieras
*The Rivingtons
*The Roamers
*The Rocketones
*Robert & Johnny
*The Robins
*Rochelle & the Candles
*Ronnie & the Hi-Lites
*Ronnie Height & Group
*The Roomates
*Rosie & The Originals [http://doowopy.de/02page/O/eOriginals.html]
*The Royal Jesters
*The Royal Jokers
*Ruben & the Jets
*Ruby & the Romantics *
Sandy & the Rocks
*The Scamps
*The Scarlets
*The Schoolboys
*The Sedates
*The Sensations
*The Serenaders
*The Sharps
*The Shells
*Shep and the Limelites
*The Shields
*Shirley & Lee
*The Showmen
*The Sierras
*The Silhouettes
*The Sinceres
*The Six Teens
*The Sixteens
*The Skyliners (featuring Jimmy Beaumont)
*The Softwinds
*The Solitaires
*The Spaniels
*The Spiedels
*The Spirals
*The Splendors
*The Standards
*The Stereos
*The Storytellers
*Steve Gibson & the Red Caps
*The Stratfords
*The Students
*The Supremes
*The Swans
*The Swinging Hearts T
The T-Birds
*The Team Mates
*The Teardrops
*The Techniques
*The Teen Tones
*The Temptations
*Tex & the Chex
*The Thrashers
*The Three Friends [http://doowopy.de/02page/T/eThreeFriends.html]
*Tico and the Triumphs
*The Timetones
*The Tokays
*The Tokens
*Tommy Burk & the Counts
*The Tonettes
*Tony & the Dynamics
*Tony Dell & Group
*The Tri-dells
*The Tremaines
*The Tri Tones
*The Trois Freres
*The Tuneweavers
*The Turbans
*The TurksU
*The Ultimates
*The Underbeats
*The Unique Echos
*The Unique Teens
*The Uptones V
The Valentines
*The Val-chords
*The Valiants
*The Valrays
*The Van Dykes
*The Velours
*The Veltones
*The Velvets
*The Velveteens
*The Victorians
*The Viscaynes
*The Visions
*The Visuals
*The Volumes
*The Vons
*Vernon Green & the Medallions
*Vince Howard & the Planets
*Vito & the Salutations
*The Voyagers W
The Willows
*The Wonders Y
*The Young Lions
*The Youngters
*The Youngtones Z
The Zodiacs
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