
—  Settlement  —
Omitara is located in Namibia
Location in Namibia
Coordinates: 22°16′S 18°1′E / 22.267°S 18.017°E / -22.267; 18.017Coordinates: 22°16′S 18°1′E / 22.267°S 18.017°E / -22.267; 18.017
Country  Namibia
Region Omaheke Region
Time zone South African Standard Time (UTC+1)

Omitara is a settlement in the Steinhausen electoral constituency in the Omaheke Region of Namibia. Together with the adjacent village of Otjivero — the two places are often referred to as one — it has a population of approximately 1,200 as of October 2008. Otjivero and Omitara Railway Station are two contiguous TransNamib railway stops en route from Windhoek to Gobabis.

Basic Income Grant project

In 2008 and 2009, Omitara and Otjivero were the site of a basic income grant test project. Every person under the retirement age of 60 was given 100 Namibian dollars (Namibian pensioners get an independent allowance of 450N$ per month). The follow-up study, published in October 2008, reported that poverty-related crime, malnutrition rates among children and school drop outs had decreased since the inception of the project. The coalition advocating for a BIG in Namibia was led by labour and church organisations,[1][2] hoping for a nationwide implementation of this grant to alleviate the worst effects of poverty in the country.

After the last payment was scheduled for December 2009, a bridging allowance of 80 N$ per month was introduced in order not to "let residents slide back into the dehumanising levels of poverty that they experienced before".[3]


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