- Raigmore Hospital
Infobox Hospital
Name = Raigmore Hospital
Org/Group =NHS Highland
Caption =
map_type =
latitude =
longitude =
Region = Inverness
State = Scotland
Country = UK
Coordinates =
HealthCare =NHS Scotland
Type = Acute General
Speciality =
Standards =
Emergency = Yes
Affiliation =University of Aberdeen University of Stirling
Beds = 577 http://www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk/Services/Pages/RaigmoreHospital.aspx]
Founded = 1941 (original site)
1970 (current development)
Closed =
Website = http://www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk/Services/Pages/RaigmoreHospital.aspx
Wiki-Links = |Raigmore Hospital in
Inverness is the main hospital in the [http://www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk/CHP/SEHighland/Pages/SEHighlandCHP.aspx South East Highland Community Health Partnership] area ofNHS Highland Health Board. It serves patients from its own and adjacent CHP areas as well as those from adjacent "Health Board" areas. It is also a teaching hospital in association with the Universities of Aberdeen and Stirling.History
Raigmore has been a hospital site since 1941. The single storey wartime wards continued to be used for a further three decades, until the construction of the present buildings. Amongst other medical services supplied during this period, the hospital provided the main maternity unit for the Highlands. In 1970 the first of a series of new buildings were opened, including an A&E department, radiology and radiotherapy, laboratory, out-patient services and a medical department. [ [http://www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk/Services/Pages/RaigmoreHospital.aspx Raigmore Hospital ] ]
The hospital has over the years taken over the provision of some or all of the services previously performed by older hospitals in Inverness including
Culduthel Hospital ( [http://www.datadictionaryadmin.scot.nhs.uk/isddd/10541.html closed 1989] ), Hilton Hospital ( [http://www.datadictionaryadmin.scot.nhs.uk/isddd/10541.html closed 1987] ),Craig Dunain Hospital ( [http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2003/12/18651/30301 closed 2001] ) and theRoyal Northern Infirmary ( [http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Health/NHS-Scotland/community-hospitals/examplesofpractice since 1999] aCommunity hospital ).Facilities
Hospital services
The hospital has a 32-bed Paediatric unit, where in-patient care in Medical Paediatrics; Oral Surgery, ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) unit and Child and Family Psychiatry are based. Raigmore also contains a 57-bed maternity unit; specialist services such as cystic fibrosis, cardiology and rheumatology and the Birnie Child Development Centre for children with learning difficulties and special needs.
Baby-friendly hospital
Raigmore Hospital has been granted baby friendly status, since November 2005 after a pivotal report. [ [http://www.babyfriendly.org.uk/items/item_detail.asp?item=201&nodeid= Raigmore Hospital accredited as Baby Friendly :: Baby Friendly News ] ]
Hospital developments
Wyvis Unit
Wyvis Unit is a recent development and refurbishment on the Raigmore Hospital site. The £600 million refurbishment project, now provides a new home for the re-located nurse-led pre-op assessment department and cardiac ultrasound service. The result has seen a decrease in the waiting time for a routine outpatient echocardiogram. [http://highlandlife.net/news__1/nhs_highland/official_opening_of_raigmore_hospital_wyvis_suit]
New day service unit
Pick Everard have been selected by NHS Highland to build a new day service unit extension onto the hospital site. Head consultant and architect, Keppie Design will assist in the mechanical and electrical engineering and building work side of the project.The new unit, to provide specialist renal and endoscopy departments, will be expected to open to patients, sometime in 2009. [http://www.buildingtalk.com/news/pie/pie140.html]
Maggie's Centre
A Maggie's Centre, known as Maggie's Highlands, can also be found on the Raigmore Hospital, being one of the few existing in Scotland. Maggie's Highlands was opened officially on 7th June 2005 by the Scottish Health Minister, Andy Kerr and Carol McGregor. The hospice was designed by Scottish architect, David Page of Page and nearby gardens by Maggie's husband, Charles Jenkins. [ [http://www.maggiescentres.org/maggies/maggiescentres/home/centres/highlands/introduction.html Maggie's : Maggie's Highlands ] ]
External links
* [http://www2.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk/Health%20Services/Hospitals/Raigmore/index.htm NHS Highland web page]
* [http://www.maggiescentres.org/maggiescentres/home/home.html Maggie's Centre-Home Page]
* [http://www.thehpc.org.uk/raigmore/index.asp Raigmore Hospital Patients' Council]
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