Muhyi ad-Din Muzaffar Jang Hidayat

Muhyi ad-Din Muzaffar Jang Hidayat
Dupleix meeting the Subahdar of the Deccan, Muzaffar Jang.

Muhyi ad-Din Muzaffar Jang Hidayat (died February 13, 1751) was the ruler of Hyderabad briefly, from 1750 to his death in battle in 1751.



He was born to Nawab Talib Muhi ud-din Mutawassil Khan Bahadur (Naib Subedar of Bijapur) and his wife Sahibzadi Khair un-nisa Begum who was the daughter of Asaf Jah I. His official name was Nawab Hidayat Muhi ud-din Sa'adu'llah Khan Bahadur, Muzaffar Jang, Nawab Subadar of the Deccan.


Initially he was appointed to an Imperial mansab of 3,000 zat and 2,000 sowar and later promoted to 4,000 zat on his appointment to Bijapur. He was Subadar of Bijapur after the death of his father. Assumed the Viceroyalty of the Deccan on the death of his uncle, 16 December 1750. He installed at Pondicherry, where he granted territories and titles to Dupleix and the French, 31 December 1750. He was granted the titles of Muzaffar Jang and Sa'adu'llah Khan. He was invested with the Mahi-o-Maratib 3 April 1751.

The Nizam approached the French for help against the Marathas. French agreed to help. Accordingly, Nizam marched against the Marathas. However, the Nizam was defeated and had to pay 6 million rupees.


He was killed in battle at the Lakkireddipalli Pass, in the Rayachoti taluka, when the Nawab of Kurnool struck him in the head with a spear, 13 February 1751,


Muzaffar Jang had only one son named, Nawab Muhammad Sa'ad ud-din Khan Bahadur who was a minor at the death of his father in February 1751. He became Subedar of Bijapur in 1751. But died later from smallpox.

Positions held

Muhyi ad-Din Muzaffar Jang Hidayat
Asaf Jahi dynasty
Preceded by
Nasir Jang Mir Ahmad
Nizam of Hyderabad
16 December 175013 February 1751
Succeeded by
Asif ad-Dawlah Mir Ali Salabat Jang
Preceded by
Nawab Talib Muhi ud-din Mutawassil Khan Bahadur
Subedar of Bijapur
?–13 February 1751
Succeeded by
Nawab Muhammad Sa'ad ud-din Khan Bahadur

See also

External links

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