Petrol stations in India

Petrol stations in India

India has approx 25000 Petrol stations. Almost 17000 Petrol Stations belongs to IOCL, 5000 each of BPCL and HPCL. IOCL has more nos of Petrol Stations than whole of Canada or UK. The Punjab state of India has approx 700 nos of Petrol Stations or Retail Outlets as discussed in official language. The state of Haryana has more tha 500 Petrol Stations alone. A lot of Auto LPG Stations and CNG stations have been planned due to high crude prices.

M/s Reliance Industries Ltd, M/s Essar Oil [Essar Retail] , M/s Shell India and M/s ONGC have also opened Petrol Stations in India. The Oil stations opened by M/s Reliance and M/s Essar Oil have been closed on date because of wide Price differential between the fuelcost at state run companies stations and the privately owned stations.

M/s Indraprastha Gas Limited has started exclusive CNG fuel stations in India particularly in Delhi, capital city of India. In recent years, state oil marketing companies have started rural petrol stations which are established in the interior villages,are meant to help the agriculturists and are constructed with minimum of investments. These stations sell Pesticides, seeds, Lanterns etc which are the specific requirements of the Farmers besides Petrol and Diesel.

The details of the Petrol Stations owned by various companies in different states of India are as given below:

See also








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