Petr Hájek

Petr Hájek

Petr Hájek (* 6 February 1940, Prague) is a Czech scientist in the area of mathematical logic [ Český rozhlas in Czech] and a professor of mathematics. He worked in the Department of Computer Science at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and lectured at the Faculty of Mathematic and Physics at the Charles University in Prague, and at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering CVUT.

He studied at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague and at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. He specialized on set theory, arithmetic, later also on logic and artificial intelligence. He established the fundamentals of the fuzzy logic. Státní vyznamenání pro prof. RNDr. Petra Hájka, DrSc. , Odbor mediální komunikace Akademie věd cs icon] During the communist totality in the Czech republic he was ivolved in the battle against regime, and refused to cooperate with the State Security. Státní vyznamenání pro prof. RNDr. Petra Hájka, DrSc. , Odbor mediální komunikace Akademie věd cs icon] Following the velvet revolution he was appointed a senior lecturer (1993), and a professor (1997). From 1992 to 2000 he held the position of chairman of the Institute of Computer Science at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. From 1996 to 2003 he was also president of the Kurt Gödel Society. [ [ 1996 - 2003: Our Presidents, The Kurt Gödel Society] ] In 2006 he was awarded by the president of the Czech republic Václav Klaus the Medal for Merits in the area of sciences.

Related articles

*Fuzzy logic


External links

* [ Státní vyznamenání pro prof. RNDr. Petra Hájka, DrSc.] cs icon
* [ Hájek Petr, prof., RNDr., DrSc., Institute of Computer Science Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CV (in English)]
* [ Databases of the National Library of the Czech Republic (in English)]
* [ President bestowed state distinction, press release] cs icon
* [ Náš host: Matematik s hudebními sklony, 26-05-2007, Zdeněk Vališ,] český rozhlas, talk, text, and audio cs icon
* [ Slezka University in Opave] doctor honoris causa cs icon

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