List of codices

List of codices

Notable codices are listed here. For the purposes of this compilation, as in philology, a "codex" refers to a manuscript book published from the late Antiquity period through the Middle Ages. More modern works that include "codex" as part of their name are not listed here. The following codices are usually named for their most famous resting-places, such as a city or library. Additionly, the majority of the books in both the list of manuscripts and list of illuminated manuscripts are codices.


*Aleppo Codex
*Codex Alexandrinus
*Codex Ambrosianus
*Codex Amiatinus
*Codex Argenteus
*Arnamagnæan Manuscript Collection
*Codex Astensis
*Codex Augiensis
*Auraicept na n-Éces
*Codex Aureus of Echternach
*Codex Aureus of Lorsch
*Codex Aureus of St. Emmeram
*Book of Ballymote
*Berlin Codex
*Codex Bezae
*Codex Boernerianus
*Codex Borbonicus
*Aztec codices#Boturini Codex [cite web |url= |title=The Last Pages of Codex Boturini|accessdate=2008-10-01 |last=Young |first=Karl|work= | |date=1999]
*Carmina Burana
*Codex Cairensis
*Codex Claromontanus
*Maya codices (Cortesianus Codex)
*Codex Cumanicus
*De arte venandi cum avibus
*Dresden Codex
*Codex Ebnerianus [cite web |url= |title=The Illustration of Codex Ebnerianus |accessdate=2008-10-01 |last=Meredith |first=Cecelia |coauthors= |date=1966 |work=Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Vol. 29 | |pages=pp. 419-424]
*Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus
*Exeter Book
*Codex Gigas
*Codex Grandior
*Codex Hierosolymitanus
*Hildegard of Bingen#Works
*Hypatian Codex
*In Lebor Ogaim
*Book of Kells
*Codex Koridethi
*Lebor Gabála Érenn
*Lebor na gCeart
*Codex Leicester
*Leningrad Codex
*Cologne Mani-Codex
*Maya codices#Madrid Codex
*Codex Manesse
*Matenadaran MS 7117
*Codex Mendoza
*Morgan Bible
*Nag Hammadi library
*Novgorod Codex
*Nowell Codex
*Nürnberger Handschrift GNM 3227a
*Paris Codex
*Peterborough Chronicle
*Codex Pisanus
*Codex Regius
*Codex Rehdigerianus
*Rohonc Codex
*Codex Runicus
*Codex Sangallensis 878
*Codex Sinaiticus
*Codex Suprasliensis
*Codex Tchacos
*Maya codices (Troano Codex)
*Codex Usserianus Primus
*Codex Vaticanus
*Codex Vigilanus
*Codex Vindobonensis 795
*Codex Vindobonensis B 11093
*Codex Wallerstein
*Chronicle of Henry of Livonia (Codex Zamoscianus)
*Codex Zouche-Nuttall

Notes and references

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