Railway stations in Burundi
- Railway stations in Burundi
Railway stations in Burundi include:
Stations served
* Dar es Salam - ocean port
* Isaka - 'dry port' - rail to road transshipment.
* {border)
* Kigali, Rwanda
* Bujumbura, Burundi
* Tabora - junction
* Isaka - 'dry port' and proposed junction for line to Rwanda and Burundi
* Shinyanga
* Mwanza - inland port on Lake Victoria
See also
* Transport in Burundi
* Rail transport in Burundi
External links
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Railway stations in Rwanda — include: Maps Stations served Existing * Dar es Salam ocean port * Isaka dry port rail to road transshipment. * {border) * Kigali, Rwanda * Bujumbura, Burundi Proposed * Tabora junction * Isaka dry port and proposed junction for line to Rwanda… … Wikipedia
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