Gaston Eyskens

Gaston Eyskens

Gaston François Marie, Viscount Eyskens (1 April 1905 in Lier - 3 January 1988 in Leuven) was a Belgian economist, Christian Democratic politician of the CVP-PSC, and statesman.

He was prime minister of Belgium six times: once from 1949 to 1950, three times from 1958 to 1961 and twice from 1968 to 1973. Eyskens was confronted with major ideological and linguistic conflicts (the controversy over king Leopold III in 1950, the "School War" in 1958, the split of the University of Leuven in 1970). He oversaw the first steps towards the regionalization of Belgium (constitutional reform of 1970).

His son Mark Eyskens was Prime Minister from 6 April 1981 to 17 December 1981.

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