

Infobox Saint
name= Saint Indaletius
death_date=1st century
feast_day= May 15
venerated_in= Roman Catholic Church

imagesize= 250px
death_place=Urci (Pechina)
titles= Martyr
patronage= Almería, Spain; diocese of Almería; Pechina

Saint Indaletius ( _es. San Indalecio) is venerated as the patron saint of Almería, Spain. Tradition makes him a Christian missionary of the 1st century, during the Apostolic Age. He evangelized the town of "Urci" (today Pechina), near the present-day city of Almería, and became its first bishop. He may have been martyed at Urci.

He is one of the group of Seven Apostolic Men ("siete varones apostólicos"), seven Christian clerics ordained in Rome by Saints Peter and Paul and sent to evangelize Spain. Besides Indaletius, this group includes Sts. Torquatus, Caecilius, Ctesiphon, Euphrasius, Hesychius, and Secundius ("Torcuato, Cecilio, Tesifonte, Eufrasio, Hesiquio y Segundo").


In 1084, emissaries of Sancho Ramírez, King of Aragon and Navarre translated Indaletius’ relics to San Juan de la Peña near Jaca against the will of the Christian communities in Seville and Urci. [Alberto Ferreiro, "The Visigoths: Studies in Culture and Society" (BRILL, 1999), 322-3.] Some of his relics still rest in an urn in the main altar of the cathedral of Jaca. []

Other relics associated with Indaletius are claimed to have been placed below the altar of the Cathedral of Almería and at the Conciliar Seminary of San Indalecio de Almería ("Seminario Conciliar de San Indalecio de Almería").


External links

* [ Patron Saints: Indaletius]
*de icon [ Indaletius von Urci]

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