

The Indalo is a prehistoric magical symbol found in the cave of "Los Letreros" ("The Signboards") in Sierra de María-Los Vélez National Park in Vélez Blanco, Spain. It has been customary to paint the Indalo symbol on the front of houses and businesses to protect them from evil (similar to Kokopelli of the south-western USA) and is considered to be a god totem. [] The indalo has a Levantine origin and dates back to 2500 AC. The pictograph was named in memory of Saint Indaletius, and means "Indal eccius" (Messenger of the Gods) in the Ibero language.

Legend has it that the Indalo was a ghost that could hold and carry a rainbow in his hands (thus the arch over the head of the man). The Indalo has been adopted as the official symbol in the province of Almería, Spain. [] The Indalo symbol is used as a lucky charm in the Almeria region also. To carry the charm is only benficial if it has been presented as a gift to you.

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*es icon [ EL INDALO]

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