- List of Georgetown University faculty
__NOTOC__This is a list of notable Georgetown University faculty, including both current and past faculty at the
Washington, D.C. school. As of 2007,Georgetown University employs approximately nowrap|1,202 full-time and nowrap|451 part-time faculty members across its three campuses.cite web |url= http://explore.georgetown.edu/documents/?DocumentID=742&PageTemplateID=52 |title= Georgetown At A Glance |work= [http://communications.georgetown.edu/ Office of Communications] |publisher= Georgetown University |date= December 12, 2006 |accessdate= 2007-03-04] Many former politicians choose to teach at Georgetown, including U.S. Agency for International Development administratorAndrew Natsios , National Security AdvisorAnthony Lake , U.S. Senator and Senate Democratic LeaderTom Daschle , Under Secretary of Defense for PolicyDouglas Feith , and CIA directorGeorge Tenet . Politically, Georgetown's faculty members give more support to liberal candidates, and their donation patterns are consistent with those of other American university faculties. [cite news |url= http://www.thehoya.com/news/092104/news1.cfm |title= Faculty Funds Favor Kerry |first= Robert |last= Heberle |work=The Hoya |date= September 21, 2004 |accessdate= 2007-07-26] All of Georgetown University presidents have been faculty as well.A
Charles F. Abernathy
*As'ad AbuKhalil
*Madeleine Albright
*T. Alexander Aleinikoff
*Anwar Ibrahim
*Anthony Clark Arend
*José María Aznar B
Kenneth Baer
*Rachel Barr
*Hanna Batatu
*Paul Begala
*Jacques Berlinerblau
*Norman Birnbaum
*Henry Sherman Boutell
*Donna Brazile
*William J. Brennan, Jr.
*Rosa Brooks
*James R. Browning C
Victor Cha
*James R. Clapper
*David D. Cole
*Anthony Cordesman
*James Harry Covington
*Chester Crocker
* James CurleyD
Tom Daschle
*Samuel Dash
*Jules Davids
*John F. Davis
*Royden B. Davis
*Viet D. Dinh
*E. J. Dionne
* Thomas Donaldson
*Robert Drinan
*Eleanor Lansing Dulles
*Michael Eric Dyson E
Peter Edelman
*Pablo Eisenberg
*John Esposito F
Douglas J. Feith
*Benedict Joseph Flaget
*Roland Flint
*Edward D. Freis G
Robert Gallucci
*Ted Gayer
*Chester Gillis
*Alfonso Gomez-Lobo
*Lawrence O. Gostin
*Dmitry Grigorieff
*Dietrich Grönemeyer
*Thane Gustafson H
Horace Romano Harré
*Stephen Haseler
*John Haught
*Patrick Francis Healy
*Stephanie Herseth Sandlin
*H. Allen Holmes
*George R. Houston, Jr.
*Paul Hume I
John Ikenberry J
Seth Jones
*Christopher C. Joyner K
Jan Karski
*Neal Katyal
*Robert Katzmann
* Charles King
*Thomas M. King
*Jeane Kirkpatrick
*Henry Kissinger
*Aleksander Kwaśniewski L
Robert Lado
*Anthony Lake
*Mark Lance
* Charles Lane
*Walter Laqueur
*Richard J. Leon
*Robert Litwak
*Dennis P. Lockhart
*Catherine Lotrionte M
Jesse Mann
*Ambrose Maréchal
*Steven Marks
*Mari Matsuda
*Colette Mazzucelli
*Colman McCarthy
*David J. McCarthy, Jr.
*Louis E. McComas
*Richard A. McCormick
*Donald McHenry
*Paul McNally
*Naomi Mezey
*Jeffrey P. Minear
*Dale D. Murphy N
David Nalle
*Andrew Natsios
*Robert G. Neumann O
James J. O'Donnell
*Ibrahim Oweiss P
Arthur Peacocke
* Vladimir Petrov
*Paul R. Pillar
*Robert Pitofsky
*John Podesta
*Robert Pozen
*Karl H. Pribram R
Judith Richards Hope
*John G. Roberts
*Florence Roisman
*Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz
*Dennis Ross
*Claes G. Ryn *
Hans-Martin Sass
*Antonin Scalia
*James V. Schall
*Joseph E. Schmitz
* Michael Scott
*Yossi Shain
*Carlton R. Sickles
*Jean Edward Smith
*Frank M. Snowden, Jr.
*Peter Steinfels
*Charles Wardell Stiles T
Deborah Tannen
*Tarik Yousef
*George Tenet
*William J. Thaler
*Cyril Toumanoff
*Kathleen Kennedy Townsend
*Mark Tushnet V
Arturo Valenzuela
*Henry Babcock Veatch
*Joseph P. Vigorito W
Edmund A. Walsh
*Allen Weinstein
*John Wolff References
External links
* [http://experts.georgetown.edu/index.cfm?Action=List Full list of Georgetown University faculty experts]
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